Watch our Territorial News blog, or our Facebook Group for updates.
We hope to launch a new letter column to include discussions of the material presented in CZ and any other topics relevant to o Sime~Gen fandom. But in order for this to work, our readers must write! Please send correspondence to A Companion in Zeor. 6/28/2018 Black And White by R. K. Hageman 9/22/14 The Box poetry by Laurie Pollack1/12/09 The Farris Factor Part SIX -- Doreen DaBinett
Submission Guidelines | Fanzine Agreement | -- Issues in Paper: Fanzine Order Form | |
Welcome to the online home of A Companion in Zeor, a Sime~Gen fanzine first published in 1978 by Karen MacLeod.
First, if you're not familiar with the Sime~Gen universe, please read An Overview of Sime~Gen by Linda L. Whitten. Visit Sime~Gen Welcommittee and read What is Sime~Gen -- or read a Sime~Gen novel, House of Zeor, the first novel published in the Sime~Gen Universe, which was a Doubleday Hardcover in 1974. Now part of Sime~Gen: THE UNITY TRILOGY re-released in 2003.
There are now twelve books in the Sime~Gen Series, and more are planned. All of them are available in several formats and can be ordered through
If you are familiar with the Sime~Gen universe, you'll probably enjoy Leigh Kimmel's Chronology of the Sime~Gen Universe a lot! If you haven't read all of the novels, you should know that the chronology spoils a few of the endings. It doesn't really have a choice, when you think about it... but you can also read the official chronology.
First Companion by Anne Pinzow |
Streetwalking with Jacqueline Lichtenberg by Pat Gribben |
An Interview with Jacqueline Lichtenberg by Michael J. Tartaglio |
Part One of A Legend of the Distect Isles by Jean Airey |
The Refurbished Character by Jacqueline Lichtenberg -- article on writing characterization. |
artwork by Michael J. Tartaglio |
Part Two of A Legend of the Distect Isles by Jean Airey |
03/05/01 - Dinner with Jacqueline Lichtenberg - focusing on how cover art is chosen for novels. |
06/07/08 - A Communication from the Householding Board of Governors - focusing on how colors are chosen for Householding members' garments. |
Lord of the North (third in the Distect Isles series) by Jean Airey |
Partners (see Icy Nager) by Andrea Alton |
A Choice Gen by Mary Lou Mendum OCR'd for you by Ronnie Bob Whitaker. |
Dunbren by Andrea Alton OCR'd for you by Ronnie Bob Whitaker. |
A Tale of Trinroses by Mary Lou Mendum OCR'd for you by Ronnie Bob Whitaker |
artwork by Linda L. Whitten and Donell Meadows |
Be Not Afraid by Marge Robbins also appears in the Householding Chanel section of |
Tentacles of Doom by Jean Airey |
06/22/05 The "Somerset News" Articles From COMPANION IN ZEOR #10 |
artwork by Donell Meadows |
An Overview of the Sime~Gen Universe by Linda L. Whitten |
An Interview with Jacqueline Lichtenberg by William Long -- Focusing on the fictional "Church of the Purity." |
Shining Star (see Householding Chanel) by Marge Robbins |
Step After Step by Marge Robbins |
CZ #12 is also available on paper. The order form for all paper issues |
How Many ??s Does It Take To Change A Selyn Lamp? by Edward Bornstein with Kaas Baichtal |
Belling The Cat (see Icy Nager) by Andrea Alton |
Sime Theater (from Virtual Selyn) edited by Joanne Schechter |
The Old Killroom by Jenn Vesperman |
Chronology of the Sime~Gen Universe by Leigh Kimmel |
A Companion's Heart (see "Alissa and Tannon", below) by Cheryl Wolverton |
The Mystery of the Malachite Mouse (in the "Eskalie and Tallin" series) by Mary Lou Mendum |
E-Selyn: Words from the Web --Compiled by Katherine X. Rylien Featuring Zhag and Tonyo |
CZ #13 is now available on paper. The order form for all paper issues |
artwork by Jenn Vesperman, Linda Whitten, and LadyEliza |
My Big Sister Has Tentacles by Jenn Vesperman |
Alarms of Struggle And Flight (which some people have called a "S~G X-Files story") by John Cowan |
The Creeping Need by Zoe Farris |
Channel's Life Expectancy Chart by Jacqueline Lichtenberg |
The Dilemma of the Doubtful Document (in the "Eskalie and Tallin" series) by Mary Lou Mendum |
A New Beginning Part I (256K) by D. Dabinett |
A New Beginning Part II (289K) by D. Dabinett |
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Chat with Jean Lorrah, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, and Anne Phyllis Pinzow from WorldCon, (ChiCon 2000) over Labor Day. | |||||||||
A New Beginning, Part III: Grasp The Nettle
by D. Dabinett.
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A New
Beginning, Part IV: To Thine Own Self Be True by D. Dabinett.
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Poetry by Jocelyn Stewart |
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A New Beginning, Part V:
Nothing Ventured--Nothing Gained by D. DaBinett
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The Tribblets Collection - cartoons by Linda Whitten | ||||||||
Vocation: Heat, Wind, Ice & Rain by Katherine X. Rylien
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Convention Costume Photo Page by Nova | ||||||||
Sime 101 by Nova | ||||||||
Retrospectives Hightlights of simegen-L discussions from previous years |
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A New Beginning, Part VI:
Journey to a Wild Place by D. DaBinett
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Update provided by Kerwin L. Schaefer, aka Kerry Lindemann-Schaefer, author of the Frevven stories. | ||||||||||||||
BLOOD TAINT by Katherine X. Rylien | ||||||||||||||
Sime~Gen Filk Songs and Rhymes by various authors |
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A New Beginning, Part VII:
Friends and Enemies by D. DaBinett
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More Tribblets by Linda Whitten | ||||||||||||||
Wild Speculations by Ronnie Bob Whitaker |
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Test of Courage by Mary Lou Mendum (chapters 1-6)
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A Mother's Choice by Winged Wolf | |||||||
Whatever Happened to Shen the Tecton? compiled by Ronnie Bob Whitaker |
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Test of Courage by Mary Lou Mendum (chapters 7-12)
Test of Courage by Mary Lou Mendum (chapters 13-19) |
Alienation vs. Intimacy in the Sime~Gen Universe by M. Alexis Pakulak |
A tribute to Shirley Maiewski, long time head of the STAR TREK WELCOMMITTEE. |
Issue #21 is closed. Please view our Awards From MediaWest Con 25. |
A Companion's Duty by M. Alexis Pakulak -- NOTE:This novel contains tasteful but explicit gay sex scenes that are not pornographic, but integral to the plot. |
Part 8 of A New Beginning: A Matter of Necessity by D. DaBinett |
A tribute to Linda L. Whitten, Member of the SIME~GEN WELCOMMITTEE, cartoonist, fanzine contributor. |
Artwork: BLESSING OR CURSE by Kip Grimes |
Sime~Gen Poetry in Free Verse: HOW FAR MUST I GO? by William Long |
E-Selyn: Words from the Web --Compiled by Kaires Tevesu. Featuring a discussion on First Channel, and other S~G novels |
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Issue #22 is closed for submissions. Please read the contribution guidelines first, and then send submissions to Karen MacLeod. | ||||||||||||||
A tribute to Jay Schiff friend of Sime~Gen and A COMPANION IN ZEOR. | ||||||||||||||
A FORK IN THE PATH by M. Alexis Pakulak -- Artwork by Kip Grimes | ||||||||||||||
E-Selyn - Words from the Web 'Slash' Fiction - In Search of a Definition Compiled by: Kaíres Tévesu | ||||||||||||||
MediaWest Convention Report, May 2005 Compiled by: Kaíres Tévesu | ||||||||||||||
A Sime~Gen Parable ... and TIGERS and BEARS by: Greer Watson | ||||||||||||||
A NEW BEGINNING by Doreen DaBinett -- PART NINE THE SANDS OF TIME | ||||||||||||||
A NEW BEGINNING by Doreen DaBinett -- PART NINE Doreen's thoughts, as discussed during the editorial process. | ||||||||||||||
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Issue #25 is open for submissions. Please read the contribution guidelines first, and then send submissions to Karen MacLeod. |
The Box. --- Poetry by Laurie Pollack |
Black And White --- R. K. Hageman |
A Companion's Heart, a wonderful short novel by Cheryl Wolverton, is part of the same series as her previous stories, What Must I Do? and Dream Chaser. It's probably a good idea to read those two stories first.
We also have an excerpt from the September 1976 Ambrov Zeor #2, The Hows of Zero by Susann Kohinoor and Paula Smith. This story is... you'll just have to read it, I can't explain it. :)
Please, read and enjoy! If you have any questions or comments about this website, please contact Karen MacLeod.
The online versions of issues #1 through #11 were scanned and OCRd from the typewritten and photocopied paper 'zine and then reformatted for the web.
Our senior editor is Karen MacLeod. Ronnie Bob Whitaker did all of the hard work of scanning, OCRing, and correcting the text. The original "two... as one" CZ logo was drawn by Donell Meadows, scanned by Kaas Baichtal, and the Zeor Blue image was colored and cleaned up by Eric Berlin. Mike Giroux HTML-ed the text. He also prepared the HTML for our online issue #12. Katherine Rylien, 2001-2002 Associate Editor and Webmaster for CZ, designed the current "look" jointly with Karen MacLeod.
The Sime~Gen universe was created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg. None of the S~G stories on this site or their setting may be reused without her explicit permission. See our copyright notice for more details.
Fanzines depend on fans for their existence. Please give us feedback if you like or don't like the materials online. Use this handy form, or e-mail us.
The contribution guidelines will help you understand what we're looking for if you've got a story to write. We accept alternate universe Sime~Gen, main-universe Sime~Gen (see the official chronology), stories, artwork, poetry, recipes, jokes, "Feghoots," spoofs, sendups, and "non-fiction" articles purportedly written by Tecton Authorities and their opponents. We may also publish interesting LoCs (Letters of Comment) on stories posted here.
If you'd like to order paper copies of CZ, an order form is available. Ambrov Zeor also has an order form online. If you'd like to volunteer to start an online Sime~Gen fanzine of your own, email with a concept and editorial policy. If accepted, space will be provided on inside Rimon's Library and publicity links will be deployed over the domain. We are also open to other suggestions for fan-based activities.
All Sime~Gen fiction copyrights owned by Sime~Gen Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reposted elsewhere, though you may link to these files on
This Page Was Last Updated on 09/23/14 |
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paper copies of CZ And use your Paypals account to pay. Click above to pay or to sign up today. You will need a Master or Visa credit card plus a checking account for full service from paypal. |
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