Linda L. Whitten: A Tribute

Linda L. Whitten

A tribute page for Linda L. Whitten, A Member of the SIME~GEN WELCOMMITTEE, cartoonist, fanzine contributor, who passed away in May, 2004 after a long battle with breast cancer. Pictured: Linda -- circa 1989.

Part of A Companion in Zeor
Remembrances, for inclusion, can be e-mailed to Karen MacLEOD
Additional posted tributes are linked through a table at the bottom of this page.

by Karen MacLeod

Jacqueline shared the following, when learning of Linda's passing: "Folks: Linda Whitten worked on Sime~Gen Welcommittee, and contributed some of the best humorous drawings to our 'zines. Her spirit will remain with us always."

TribbletTribblet During the past two or three years, I, Karen, often mailed items to Linda Whitten that made her life easier. Linda had suffered from breast cancer for some four years, which later spread throughout her body.

She never complained about her failing health, and was always giving the world a positive face. Linda delighted in the special care her caregiver provided -- he often did cat chores and other little individualized touches that a "home health aide" wouldn't consider part of their conventional duties. She praised this man every time we communicated.

Linda was also one who kept us all in contact. In 1989 she was the head of our Sime~Gen Welcommittee. She prepared many a newsletter that was snail mailed. Linda also helped see that CZ 9 was published, when we couldn't arrange for reasonable printing prices There was more to Linda's contributions than just her cartoons.

When our History pages were first put up on the web by Marge Robbins (Kaires now oversees them) there were photos posted of various FAITH DAY ceremonies which were held at the Darkover Grand Council in Maryland, Thanksgiving weekend.

Linda may have hidden her illness, her pain, and whatever else. Her face to the world was one of acceptance and she never let on how ill she really was of late. Linda's health was failing, both she and I knew it from her talking with me. 17 years of friendship -- sometimes you can "see" what someone won't say. She spoke of plans to move to Washington State in October, to be closer to her Mother. Whether that was just wistful thinking or not, I'll never know.

Some of Linda's cartoons are in A COMPANION IN ZEOR already, in #10, #13, #15 and #17.

The banner (below) was developed from the cartoons Linda created, found on this page. Linda also wrote "An Overview of Sime~Gen" in CZ #11. I'm planning to link this tribute to other pieces of Linda's work when I can.

The Unity Trilogy

Linda Whitten as I Remember Her
By William Long

Linda Whitten -- Linda, or Lin as she liked to her friends to call her She had many parts to her personalty. I think I saw a few of them.

The first time I met Linda, was through a different group of friends that were involved in Science fiction and Filking. She and I became friends over time. We found out that she and I had interests in common such as, Star Trek, and related television shows. We liked to talk, and did so with ease.

When the company Linda was employed by moved Linda out of the San Diego area, I went to visit her several times.

Linda helped me meet the people in Sime~Gen fandom such as, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Jean Lorrah, Karen MacLeod, as well as many others.

Linda was a very good friend, and I will miss her very much.


Additional Remembrances will be linked here


05/24/04 Author, Jean Lorrah   Jean's Thoughts...

06/24/04 Author, Jacqueline Lichtenberg   Linda Whitten -- Bold and Beautiful

06/28/04 Friends, Michael Edelson and Ann Redding No Goodbyes, Just Great Memories of Linda