Inspiration for our filk songs below came from the Simegen Listserve in late July and August 2002 Subj: Re: [Simegen-L] Romance Short Story Contest -Bridges Mag Date: 7/31/02 2:20:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Beverly Erlebacher Gee, all these contests. I wonder if I could write a romance story. I guess I could start like this: "Please save me from the Sime," the Wild Gen woman pleaded, her heart-shaped face framed by raven-black tresses. Her enormous violet eyes brimmed with tears. "Don't worry. Sectuib is a channel. He will never harm you. I am his Companion, Hrel," said the manly Gen with the cleft chin and steel blue eyes. "We will take you back to our Householding." "Is that like a Gen farm?" she asked, her voice, nager and bosom quivering with fear. Or maybe the trend these days is to more carnality? "Please save me from the Sime," the Wild Gen woman pleaded, her heart-shaped face framed by raven-black tresses. Her enormous violet eyes brimmed with tears as she ripped open her bodice revealing firm round ivory breasts tipped with rose-pink nipples. "I'll do anything for you." "Don't worry. Sectuib is a channel. He will never harm you. I am his Companion, Hrel," said the manly Gen with the cleft chin and steel blue eyes, as his face flushed with desire. He adjusted his clothes. "We will take you back to our Householding." "Is that like a Gen farm?" she asked, her voice, nager and creamy bosom quivering with fear. She lowered her eyes. "Would you... would you be... the... the..." Comments? Criticism? Do my talents lie elsewhere? (e.g. gecko breeding, systems programming, drywall taping) =============================== From: "Gene, Kaires, etc." Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 15:51:51 -0400 Beverly Erlebacher wrote in part: Gee, all these contests. I wonder if I could write a romance story. I guess I could start like this: "Please save me from the Sime," the Wild Gen woman pleaded, her heart-shaped face framed by raven-black tresses. Her enormous violet eyes brimmed with tears. ... Or maybe the trend these days is to more carnality? "Please save me from the Sime," the Wild Gen woman pleaded, her heart-shaped face framed by raven-black tresses. Her enormous violet eyes brimmed with tears as she ripped open her bodice revealing firm round ivory breasts tipped with rose-pink nipples. "I'll do anything for you." ... Kaires continued: Wow, what a talent! Hey, I want to read BOTH of them. Beverly replied: You really think you could stomach 1200 words of either of these? With or without geckos, systems programming or drywall? Kaires: Hemi-demi-semi seriously, though, this looks like something that would be useful in "Logan's Genfarm" (the new on-line zine we plan to perpetrate). A major purpose of this zine is to show the writing process in action. I think a segment on how a story changes depending on the intended audience would be a marvelous thing to put there. Well, if I can do it at about the speed I can type, so can anybody. Beverly elaborated: After transfer, they lay there satiated, watching the geckos hunt moths on the ceiling in the (canola oil) lamp light. "Sectuib," she murmured, "Who does the drywall taping at this Householding?" "Let's not talk about that now, my dear, there are more important things to consider," he said, trailing his tentacles over her flushed cheek. "Mmmmm," she moaned "Like what?" "How am I going to get Hrel to debug that device driver before I send him to Zeor for advanced training?" Clearly his heavy load of responsibility had returned to Sectuib's mind. ===================================== Subj: Re: [Simegen-L] Geckos in Literature (Was: Romance....) Date: 8/1/02 12:27:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Beverly Erlebacher “coyote” scripsit: Which play was that? I'd like to read it if I haven't already. I read "Lysistrata" and "The Frogs" many years ago in the Dudley Fitts translations, which were wonderful -- I could hardly stop laughing. John Cowan continues in a discussion with coyote: _The Clouds_, more or less as follows: DISCIPLE (of Sokrates) Not long ago a gecko caused him the loss of a sublime thought. STREPSIADES (the clod hero, who wants to learn how to win his lawsuits) In what way, please? DISCIPLE One night, when he was studying the course of the moon and its revolutions, and gazing open-mouthed at the heavens, a gecko crapped upon him from the top of the roof. STREPSIADES A gecko crapping on Sokrates! That's rich! The Fitts translations are funny as hell, but to my mind the Arrowsmith and Parker versions are even funnier. There's a reprint of _Clouds_, _Birds_, _Lysistrata_, and _Frogs_ by Arrowsmith, Parker, and Lattimore available now, ISBN 0452007178 in a single volume. Beverly continues: Let me point out that one doesn't have to be as authentically erudite as jcowan and coyote to impress erudite readers with one's apparent erudition. One could, for example, have Sectuib, Hrel and the Wild Gen Woman out in the courtyard of the Householding: Sectuib: Look at the sky. What do you see? WGWoman: Thousands of dots. Sectuib: We will go to the stars someday, Sime and Gen together. Hrel: There's nothing we can't accomplish once true Unity is achieved. WGWoman: What a sublime thought. Hrel: The Ancients walked on the moon... Sectuib: Yow! My eye! Hrel: Sectuib! What's wrong? Let me help you! WGWoman: Oh no! Oh no! Sectuib: One of those damn geckos crapped on me! Junct Gecko: F--- you! F--- you! If you're lucky, the reviewers will spot the literary allusions to Aristophanes as well as to HoZ. =============================== Zeor geckos sing this song, Junct you! Junct you! Crawling ceilings all night long, Junct you all today! CHORUS: Going to crawl all night, Going to sleep all day, I'll bet my selyn on the Farris Gen, They'll never make her obey. Oh, the long-haired Sime with the big black horse, Junct you! Junct you! They do two things, and one is rather coarse, Junct you all today! CHORUS Went to Keon with my nager caved in, Junct you! Junct you! Came back with a pocket full of copper and tin, Junct you all today! CHORUS Geckos are our naztehrhai, Junct you! Junct you! Their spots look like the starry sky, Junct you all today! -- John Cowan ----------------------------------- Rhymelan Simelan: the other day upon the stair i met a gen who wasn't there he wasn't there again today i think he's from householding shea higeldi pigeldi my sweet gen she has sex with a big qn you cannot persuade her however you try to come across for her nazhtehrhai round and round the rugged rock the ragged rensime ran hickory dickory dime the gen ran toward the sime she gave him shen ran back again hickory dickory dime dzak and yill ran up the hill to give her his donation he gave the slip to her transfer grip and she lost postreaction a sime of valzor town he had ten thousand gens he marched them up to the killroom door but dragged them back again didel didel distect my son yahn went to bed with retainers on one tentacle pinched and one half dead didel didel distect my son yahn mary had a little gen her nager white as snow and everywhere that mary went the gen was sure to go -- John Cowan ----------------------------------------------------------- There was an old channel who lived in a shoe Who served so many simes, she didn't know what to do. She gave them all transfer and put them in the Pens, From whence she had taken donations of Gens. Illy, Gilly, Pudding and Pie, Juncted a channel and made him cry. Where is the Gen who'd do such a thing? Gone to where the angels sing. Tall Jak Gathor Broke out in Rathor While baking an esoteric pie. Stuck in a tentacle and drew on a pentacle and said "What a good Sime am I" --Jan StClair ------------------------------------------------ PLASTIC ZEOR (Tune: “Plastic Jesus”) (words by Seanara Coyote) I don't care if my Ford's a le-mon Long as I have my plastic Rimon Riding on the dashboard of my car I ain't worried about the ride Long as I have my Hugh and Klyd Riding on the dashboard of my car Chorus: Plastic Zeor, Plastic Zeor Riding on the dashboard of my car Through all trials and tribulations We will travel every nation Me and Plastic Zeor will go far. I don't care if it's snow and icin' Long as I got magnetic Digen Riding on the dashboard of my car I feel I'm protected amply I've got the whole shenned Farris family Riding on the dashboard of my car Chorus Besides, I paid a lot of lettuce For this genuine Tecton fetish Riding on the dashboard of my car Then a voice said: “Stupid peon, They're wholesale at Householding Keon Wholesale for the dashboard of your car.” Chorus |
Companion in Zeor is Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Sime~Gen Inc.
The Sime~Gen universe was created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg and is owned by Sime~Gen Inc. This story and its setting may not be reused without explicit permission of the Corporation. Email:
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