Lord of the North
by Jean Airey
This story was first published in
Companion in Zeor #7, senior editor Karen Litman. This online version was retyped and then reformatted for the web. Retyped by Karen Litman, converted to HTML by Mike Giroux
The Sime~Gen universe was created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg. This story or its setting may not be reused without her explicit permission. This story copyright © 1979,1997 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg. All rights reserved.
And so it was that when King Erhart died, that there was great unrest in the land. For it was known of the great love that he bore his Queen, the Lady Zina. And there were those who wondered that she had been given no rights over their son, but that all had been left to his brother, Rykard, Lord of the North. And it was said by many and believed by more that this Lord Rykard had more to do with the King's sudden death (for none had expected it, he being young and full of health) and the rending of the son from the mother that might be told in open council. And Lord Rykard came down from the North with a large army to take possession of the boy-king and claim the power of the Regency. And there were those who knew Lord Rykard well, and whispered out that it would be in his favor if the boy established Gen, that he might not claim the throne as Sime. For it was unchangable law that Sime should rule, while the head of the Council was Gen. And Lord Rykard brought with him his wife, the Lady Anne, who would have espoused staying home had she been given the choice. And it is said that he caused his camp to be set upon by his own men disguised as thieves. And in the battle, flung her on their swords. For certain it is that he cared for none but himself, and that to him had King Erhart left the power of the kingdom. And the Queen was filled with fear that her son was to be in the hands of such a one.
Companion in Zeor #7Last modified on 30 June 97 at 1950