Sime~Gen New Year Chats
Online Logs of Sime~Gen™ Inc. Annual Meetings Each Year, on New Year's day if possible, Sime~Gen fans and domain staffers gather in an online chatroom to discuss events of the previous year, and vote on who should receive our various achievement the Digen Farris Meritorious Service Award and the Risa Tigue Gen (and Sime) Re-Use Award. The annual preferred stock awards are also announced at these meetings. Meeting logs are posted for the benefit of those who couldn't attend: 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 2015 | 2016 | This is part of the history of this domain. See also the Sime~Gen Awards pages.Annual Meeting - 2016The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2016.
Annual Meeting - 2015The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2015.
Annual Meeting - 2014The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2014.Annual Meeting - 2013The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2013.Annual Meeting - 2012The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2012.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the informal chat going on next door:Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: President's Report | Stock Awards Keon Salesmanship Award | Harris Emstead Award Referenced URLs Annual Meeting - 2011The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2011.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the informal chat going on next door:Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: President's Report | Stock Awards Annual Meeting - 2010The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2010.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the informal chat going on next door: Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: President's Report | CEO's Report Annual Meeting - 2009The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2009.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the informal chat going on next door: Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: President's Report | Reviews Department Report SimeCenter Report | Convention Reports System Administrator's Report | Stock Awards Annual Meeting - 2008The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2008.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the informal chat going on next door: Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: System Administrator's Report | Reviews Department Report SimeCenter Report | Stock Awards Annual Meeting - 2007The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2007.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the informal chat going on next door: Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: Reviews Department Report | Domain Technical Report SimeCenter Report | Stock Awards Annual Meeting - 2006The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2006.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the chat going on next door: Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: President's Report | SimeCenter Report | Reviews Department Report You can see the various awards we give, and who received them each year, by visiting our Awards pages. Quick, one-liner summaries of the awards are on this year's Chat page. Annual Meeting - 2005The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on January 2nd, 2005.Some special items are embedded within the edited IRC log of this year's Business Meeting, including: ReviewsDepartmentReport | SystemAdministrator'sReport | SimeCenterReport | PreferredStockAwards Annual Meeting - 2004The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2004.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the chat going on next door: Meeting | Chat Some special items available this year: Projects | CEO Report | Stock Awards | Photos You can see the various awards we give, and who received them each year, by visiting our Awards pages. Annual Meeting - 2003The Annual Meeting of Sime~Gen Inc. was held on New Years Day 2003.The IRC logs are posted, for both the business meeting and the chat going on next door: Meeting | Chat Even if you aren't interested in the chat logs, take a look at the Awards pages, to see the various awards we give, and who received them each year. Millennial chat New Years 2002Formal Business Meeting & ChatroomMillennial chat New Years 2001Formal Business Meeting & Chatroom If you don't have time to read the logs, you may just view the AWARDSThe second (or actual ) start of the 21st century with the year 2001 has proven to be a major landmark for Sime~Gen Inc. In the first week in January 2001 our hit-rate topped 80,000/week for the first time and we're being read from all over the world. Here are some statistics. Millennial chat New Years 2000The start of the 21st century is an exciting time here at We are moving forward at an ever increasing pace. At this year's meeting in addition to giving traditional awards to some deserving people, Jean and JL made a couple of very exciting announcements about the future of Simegen. Read all about it in the logs of our meeting. Business meeting | Informal ChatIf you don't have time to read the logs, you may just view the AWARDS New Years Chat 1999Would you like to know how the Sime~Gen Awards went for 1998? Perhaps see who was gossiping about what? Hear about Sime~Gen Inc and how the Movie and the republishing of books is going? The meeting was huge with everyone who could be there attending enthusiastically. Awards were given to keen and hard working fans. Old business and New business was discussed. If you have a few hours to spare, have a read of the entire log! |