is ST:ToSfan fiction involving a telepathic bonding
between Kirk and Spock that is not "/". Start
This material is of interest to writing students of the
WorldCrafters Guild , to Star Trek fans,
folklorists, literary historians and researchers.
Kraith stories and articles are
posted here. In other Kraith related news develops: the appearance of Kraith and Jacqueline Lichtenberg in the docudrama filmTrekkies
Ronald D. Moore,
producer of Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, writer on the TV series Roswell
and other favorites, has
commented on Kraith and Jacqueline Lichtenberg's other work.
These are the first published stories in the Kraith Universe, collected
from a broad scattering of very early Star Trek
fanzines. Keep
in mind that Kraith is Alternate Universe Star Trek.
Literary analysts claim that the real hero of these Kraith stories is Vulcan
itself. Jacqueline Lichtenberg sees it as the story of Spock's life and the impact that
friendship with Kirk had on Spock and thus the history of the
Federation. Had they not bridged that species gap in a telepathic
bonding, the Klingons
would have won.
Kraith Collected Volume Two
This volume contains an entire novel by Jacqueline Lichtenberg in the Kraith
Universe. This is a good introduction to the Kraith universe for
those not familiar with ST:ToS.
Over time about 50 writers and artists contributed to the Kraith
saga. Click here
to discover how many Collected volumes have been posted so
far. You can now read all of volume 3 free online.
Kraith Collected Volume Four
You can now read all of Volume Four free online here.
Each of these cover illustrations is a genuine Kraith. It has the
mystical property of binding large groups of Vulcans into a telepathic
unity for a time, provided it is used by a specially talented and trained
Vulcan telepath.
Kraith Collected Volume Five
Alternate Universe Kraith.
Kraith is an alternate universe to aired Star Trek. These stories
are in alternate Kraith universes. Confused? Don't worry --
just read here
and enjoy.
Kraith Collected Volume Six
Additional Kraith stories that
appeared in various fanzines collected plus a more complete Kraith
Chronology, organizing the stories into their internal chronological
sequence. Index is here.
Read free now.
Kraith originated and introduced many terms
into ST fanfic that have become widespread. Find which of your
favorites are Jacqueline Lichtenberg originals. Detailed
Get Kraith and Jean Lorrah's NTM fanzines on paper:
Image manipulations from the scanned tif files to the
presented jpg and gif files done by Eric Berlin. To get his price
list, email ecjb122369 @ (without the spaces of
KC Vol. 1, html work done by Eric Foss.
All KC volumes scanned, OCR'd and first-proofed by Ronnie Bob
Whitaker, then proofed and readied for html presentation by Karen