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Sime~Gen(tm) Inc.

WorldCrafters Guild (TM)

Where Sime and Gen Meet, Creativity Happens

Catalogue of Courses

To enroll in any class you must have signed and snailmailed us your Student Agreement as part of Registering for the WorldCrafters Guild. There are no fees to Register in the Guild or to Enroll in classes.

See the Student Handbook for how to function on our virtual campus, how to find our classrooms, and how to use our own private IRC server --
our classes do not expose you to propositions by strangers. 

Study our First Course - The Essence of Story





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Sime~Gen Copyright by Sime~Gen Inc.


This Page Was Last Updated   04/11/02 12:46 PM EST (USA)

Sime~Gen Inc. and simegen.com operations and activities are not directed at pre-teens.  Our writing school curriculum is designed for high school graduates. Everyone is welcome to read everything on this site.  However, to fill out forms, including but not limited to subscribing to newsletters or listservs or building a website here, you must be 13  years old or you MUST obtain permission from your parent or legal guardian to do so and they must provide S~G Inc. with verifiable parental consent as required by the FCC.
To do business here--including but not limited to reviewing books or operating a sales page from your website--you must be 18 years of age or you MUST obtain permission from your  parents or legal guardian to do so and they must provide S~G Inc. with verifiable parental consent as required by the FCC.

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