3 novels have been completed in the Boxmaster Universe and are on the
You may learn of the premise and read free chapters
online. Subscribe to Lifeforce-L newsletter to be notified when these
novels are scheduled for publication.
Daniel R. Kerns
Two novels under the Daniel R. Kerns byline have remained
Alien Master
-- a draft text is posted in The Lichtenberg Files
as part of the Free Textbook program of the WorldCrafters Guild.
You will find other unsold partials by Lichtenberg posted
-- this novel is complete and never published.
Two novels have been published in mass market paperback under the
Daniel R. Kerns byline, Hero and Border Dispute. Rights are
available for reprint.
Audiobook Editions
Many of the Sime~Gen® Novels are now in audible.com renditions,
along with some of my other universe novels.
Others are in preparation.
For updates and to ask any questions connect with us on the
SimeGen Group on
The lead volume in what was planned to be a complete series on the Tarot is
still available.
Four more volumes in the series are in final edit for
e-book, Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.
Trek Lives! by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Sondra Marshak and Joan
This historically important book went 8 printings from Bantam and was printed
in England too.
I'd like to see it made available as an e-book.
Meanwhile, both House of
Zeor, which was a key piece of research for Star Trek Lives! and Jacqueline
Lichtenberg's Kraith
Universe of Star Trek fanzine stories, are available
Two feature film script projects on the market,
1. One connected to Sime~Gen.
2. The other an original tv series premise co-authored with the famous
astrologer, Noel Tyl.
Several more are in development. Descriptions at
Slanted Concept.