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Table of Contents

Jean's Websites Professional Sites Fannish Sites
Interview with Jean
Jean Lorrah, Author
Essays on Writing
The Sime~Gen Universe
and Star Trek
From Eroica, With Love
100 Top Led Zeppelin Moments
Savage Empire
Led Zeppelin
and J.R.R. Tolkein

Links to Other Websites:

Lois Wickstrom's plays, children's stories, and lots of neat stuff.
Nessie's Grotto--a resource site on the Loch Ness Monster run by Jean and Lois Wickstrom.
Kiss of Death/Kiss of Life: The Vampire/Incubus/Succubus/Sime Archetype
Worldcrafters Guild: a free writing school on the WorldWideWeb
Sime~Gen and Jacqueline Lichtenberg

"I don't think happiness is a permanent state. It's some kind of
treaty you make with your circumstances at the time."--Robert Plant

© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Jean Lorrah

Welcome Sime~Gen Fans, Savage Empire Fans, Star Trek Fans, SF Fans, Eroica Fans, and Led Zeppelin, Page/Plant, or Plant/Krauss Fans