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Read a Good Story, Do a Good Deed banner

If you support the Read a Good Story, Do a Good Deed Concept, and would like to place our banner on your website with a link back to us, we'll be happy to place your name and link on this page.  To copy the banner, right click on it and choose the Save As option with the left mouse button.  The code for the link is 

<a href = "http://www.simegen.com/simecenter/"> <img src = "DoGood.jpg"></a>

After you place the banner on your website, write charities@simegen.com to tell us your name and URL so we can add you to this page.

Celia Ann Leaman http://www.seaside.net/~paradise
Nessie's Grotto http://www.lochness-monster.com
Jean Lorrah http://www.jeanlorrah.com
Donation Junction http://www.donationjunction.com/
wwwdirectory.net http://wwwdirectory.net/in.php?ID=1829
The Most Daring Dreams http://www.cpinternet.com/~jeeniec
Joyce and Jim Lavene http://www.joyceandjimlavene.com/links.html
Megan Powell www.m3ip.org/~mhpm