Celebrating the signing of the new and reprint contract for Sime~Gen with Meisha Merlin(tm) Publishing Inc.

AUGUST 30, 2002    --- click image for full sized image


28-sgfans-at-signing.jpg (151046 bytes) Sime~Gen fans gathered in the Con Jose Dealers Room to watch the signing of the contract with Meisha Merlin.  


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Viewer's left to right --

Karen MacLeod, Jean Lorrah, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Salomon Lichtenberg



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Jean Lorrah, Mary Lou Mendum, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Salomon Lichtenberg


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Karen MacLeod, Jean Lorrah, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Salomon Lichtenberg


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Jean Lorrah, Mary Lou Mendum, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Salomon Lichtenberg

31-simegen-party-cake.jpg (115178 bytes)After dinner, there was a Sime~Gen Room party with a cake provided by Cherri Munoz and friends.

zeorspread.jpg (44768 bytes) Sime~Gen fans have produced many craft items, from the sterling silver Starred Crosses to this hand crafted quilt with the Zeor symbol on it. 

sime-gen_brooch_gold.jpg (140829 bytes) We now have the professionally produced trademark Starred Cross in several sizes and designs.  To check availability for purchase click here.   

karen-table.jpg (77101 bytes) In the 1980's Sime~Gen fans sold Sime~Gen fanzines at many conventions.  Here are Karen MacLeod and Katie Filipowicz at the Sime~Gen table at Darkover. 

You are viewing these photos in the /fandom/ section of simegen.com, a central resource for readers and writers with  many departments. 

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