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Where Sime and Gen Meet, Creativity Happens

This page presents connections to favorite fandoms shared by many Sime~Gen fans. We've reserved room in this /fandom/ section for websites made by fans of various authors, actors, novel series, TV shows, RPG's, etc..  If you wish to make a website here, please contact simegen@simegen.com.

If you know any links that belong on this page, send them to simegen@simegen.com.

Come see what Sime~Gen fandom has to offer at the: Sime~Gen Fandom site!

Fandom Is A Way Of Life

Fan Interests Our Residents Fan Activities
Fanfic Writing Mary Lou Mendum Fanfic based on Catherine Asaro's Skolian Empire Novels

Actors &

The National Fantasy Fan Federation, (N3F), was founded more than 50 years ago, when all types of imaginative literature - including science fiction - were called fantasy. The club's purpose is to bring together fans of every type and to provide a safe place where new fans can explore the diversity of fandom.

Books &


3 Major Star Trek: The Original Series fan universes and much more are posted for free reading in our Star Trek Section --

Kraith Collected
Kraith Collected is a series of all of the Classic  Trek alternate-universe stories by Jacqueline Lichtenberg and 50 other creators.

Star Trek Showcase created by Sharon Emily

Quartet Plus Two by Claire Gabriel



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