Nivet Simelan Vocabulary Sound Files
Spoken By Jacqueline Lichtenberg
From a list compiled by Jennifer Vesperman and Don Jaramillo, Webmaster at Rathorite Retreat,
ambient nager -- the current prevailing nageric field composed of the sum total of all individual fields contributing to it.
ambrov (eg Aisha ambrov Rior) -- pledged-to or oath-bound to strive to exemplify a particular virtue which is the Name of the Householding.
deproda selyn resistance - similar to electrical resistance
disjunct having been junct, but worked past it
disjunction crisis the point where a junct has to choose - in hard need - to take channel's transfer
distect a group which disagrees with the Modern T.'s ruling against renSime/Gen transfer
dynopter a unit of selyn. A measurement.
entran a painful condition channels endure if not working their secondary systems
Gypsy Conspiracy by F'delyor Apodrinyin
fanir a Donor with perfect nageric pitch, can link nearby Simes into their rhythm.
fosebine an analgesic
Frihill - Householding Frihill specializes in archeology, digging up Ancient Ruins, curating Museums
The following are grouped in the file gen.wav
Gen a human who generates selyn within their body
Gendealer a Sime who operates a Gen Pen
Genfarm a breeding place for Gens, within junct Sime territory
genrunner a Gen who sells other Gens to Raiders.
genslam a field manipulation trained Gens can do - willing their field quiet then loud
Hajene honorific for a channel (eg Hajene Madz)
Heil'ro - Halimer Grant of Mahogany Trinrose is a member of the Heil'ro or Gypsies, or Ghost People
Imokalee - Householding Imokalee
intil the desire for transfer - analogous to appetite
ivren a level of need
kerduvon extract from the mahogany trinrose//a drug which can alter selyn pathways
lorsh an expletive//one who abandons a friend in changeover
lortuen transfer dependancy between a male Sime and a female Gen
Martesa an image from the Tarinalar collection: Sime-Sime transfer
Menar sleep slows the basal selyn consumption rate
nager the selyn field around a Sime or Gen
Naztehr honorific for another member of the same household (eg Naztehr Hugh)
N'vet a term of respect between equals, eg N'vet Farris (used in First Channel) (in nivet.wav)
orhuen transfer dependancy where both partners are the same gender
out-Territory Gen territory//from Gen Territory
pilah a plant which appeared at the same time as the Sime~Gen mutation
porstan alcoholic beverage
prineridine an antispasmodic used to delay breakout
Rathor the School Hallimer Grant studied in
Reloc fever a Gen illness, causing a rash and fever, leading to death
renSime a Sime who isn't a channel
Rialite - The desert First Year Camp for channels and Donors usually run by Zeor channels is Rialite.
ronaplin selyn-conducting fluid, created by ronaplin glands at the base of the laterals
Sectuib head of a Household (Sime)
selur nager the field of a Gen who has the potential to be a Companion but is untrained //the meshing of a Sime's and Gen's field
selyn the biologic energy Simes and Gens require for survival and selyn nager
selyur the way in which a Companion or Donor locks fields with a Sime before transfer // the feel of a channel's field as it locks to a Companion or Donor
selyur nager the field of a Companion //a field with a tendancy to lock onto a Sime's fieldFor all these below: see Degrees of Shen: degshen.wav
shedoni an expletive//execution by attrition
shen an expletive//stopping transfer abruptly, before it is complete
shidoni -- The Degrees of Shen. including shuven.
shiltpron a musical instrument which vibrates on the nageric level as well as the audial
For Sime and Simelan see simesimelan.wav
Sime a human who requires selyn to live and does not produce it themselves
Simelan the language of Simes
slil the feeling gained from a First/First transfer.
slilbliss the feeling gained from a First/First transfer which goes VERY WELL!
Sosectu head of a Household (Gen)
Sosu honorific for a Donor (eg Sosu Den)
Tarinalar Collection a set of traditional Household images
Tecton committee of the heads of the Households
Thrino recognition password in the children's underground
torluen transfer dependancy between a male Gen and a female Sime
trautholo commitment to transfer
trin tea the drink made from the leaves of the trin bush, a relaxing drink
Tuib genderless term of respect - usually applied to landowners
vriamic node
yawal the white, sleeveless garment Gens are dressed in for the killroom
Zelerod's Doom the doom caused by too many Simes, not enough Gens, and Gens dying in transfer
Zeor, Householding Zeor, Sectuib in Zeor, Sectuib Apparent in Zeor
zlin to see by selyn fields. Simes only.
Mahogany Trinrose
Adenire ambrov Imokalee - Gen reporter from TTI Digen had spotted as a
Ercy Farris - Digen Farris's Daughter and Heir Apparent of Householding
Zeor. Prefers to be called Ercy Farris, using Aild when protocol required it.
Farris - Digen's older sister.
Ercy Farris
- Digen Farris's Daughter and Heir Apparent of Householding Zeor.
Mandrel - Halimer Grant's co-Dean at the College of Channels and
sub-Controller of Rialite under Digen.
Grant – Arrives at Rialite as co-Dean at the College of Channels and is to
work with Ercy.
Imokalee - Householding Imokalee
Imrahan ambrov Imil - wants to become a member of Householding Zeor.
Imrahan's nickname is
Joeslee Teel
- a Gypsy girl. The only survivor of her tribe.
Jolaine Farris ambrov Zeor - Cousin to Ercy's Uncle Sels
ambrov Zeor - Second Order channel. Sarton's daughter.
ambrov Zeor - TN-2, Second Order Donor and one of the vote counting
Farris - Digen's distant cousin.
Treldies -
Mayor of Wellway Township, Gartin Territory, near the Rialite school for
ambrov Zeor - Second Order channel. Sarton's wife.
Ongoing Characters
Digen Farris - longest serving
in Zeor
Ilyana Dumas
Klyd Farris Sectuib in Zeor
Del Rimon Farris -- First to serve as a Sectuib
Rimon Farris -- First Channel