Index to the Borderlands scenario

Part  1: Stranded in Gumgeeville
Part  2: A Sec Pair at the Ford
Part  3: The Next Month at the Ford
Part  4: Hajene Marvin's Big Adventure
Part  5: The Repercussions
Part  6: Spring Fever
Part  7: Strangers in Strange Lands
Part  8: Changeovers and Consequences
Part  9: Travel Broadens
Part 10: Tracking the Wild Gen
Part 11: Stalking the Wild Gen
Part 12: Taming the Wild Gen
Part 13: General-Class Donors
Part 14: Technical-Class Donors
Part 15: Healing Old Wounds, Finding New Hope
Part 16: How the Other Half Lives
Part 17: Preparing for Disaster
Part 18: Disaster Strikes
Part 19: A Walk in the Woods
Part 20: Healing the World
Part 21: Physicians Across Borders
Part 22: Plans and Promises
Part 23: Dancing Around The Problem
Part 24: The Future According to Marvin
Part 25: Fall of a Senator
Part 26: Mr. Ambassador
Part 27: Going to Nivet
Part 28: Fantasies and Realities
Part 29: Rundles in the Jungle
Part 30: The Rising Generation
Part 31: Till Death Do Us Part
Part 32: On the Run
Part 33: What's Yours Is Mine
Part 34: Compromising Situations

Dramatis Personae (List of Characters)

Part 1: Stranded in Gumgeeville

Episode  1:  Arrival in Gumgeeville
Hajene Seruffin and Sosu Gerrhonot find themselves stranded in the Gen town of Gumgeeville, and take refuge in the Mullins house.

Episode  2:  That evening

Jed Mullins finds his house full of bo(a)rders and discovers an easy way to make a living.

Episode  3:  The next afternoon

Jed uses his talents as raconteur to describe his encounter with Seruffin to his friend Gegg and Henree the bartender at the Gumgeeville saloon.

Episode  4:  Later that afternoon

Jed and Gerrhonot return from the saloon to find that Seruffin has made a serious mistake in their absence. Jed's talents are put to the test as he confronts Seruffin and comforts and persuades his wife.

Episode  5:  That evening

Jed has a man-to-boys talk with his sons about courage, economics and other issues. Ma gives her version of the events of the afternoon. Undeterred, Bart resolves to do his duty to the family and finds the experience much different than he expected.

Episode  6:  The next afternoon

Gerrhonot rescues Magit from the cellar of the saloon. Jed and Ma undergo a profound change of heart.

Episode  7:  The same afternoon

Seruffin braves the dangerous streets of Gumgeeville alone to rescue Gerrhonot and Magit from the restless natives around the saloon. Bart and Vrian discuss donation, manliness, courage and changeover in the barn.

Episode  8:  Later that afternoon

Bart and Vrian discuss changeover and donation with Gerrhonot and Seruffin over trin at the kitchen table. The implications of adulthood strike Bart with unexpected force. Vrian gets the news he most desperately longed to hear.

Episode  9:  Later yet that afternoon

Seruffin and Gerrhonot bring Magit through a very difficult changeover.

Episode 10:  Even later that afternoon

Bart and Vrian discuss Simes, changeover and donation. Vrian grills Gerrhonot about how to give transfer without being killed. Seruffin and Bart discuss channels and Donors, and Seruffin gives Bart a first lesson in the Donor's craft.

Episode 11:  That afternoon and evening

Ma visits Virla to bring her up to date. The two women return to the Mullins home where Virla discusses matters with Seruffin.

Episode 12:  That evening

Jed is discussing local events and Sime-Gen relations with Henree and Gegg at the saloon when Vrian comes in to deliver his news and fetch his father. Jed and Vrian have a prolonged, heartwarming and frustrating man-to-man talk in cold, dark streets of Gumgeeville.

Episode 13:  Later that evening

Gerrhonot strives to protect his channel in the mob of nervous but mostly non-hostile Wild Gens in the Mullins kitchen. Seruffin takes a first donation from a Wild Gen with a strange nager. A mother and child reunion sparks theological speculation. A lot of lousy stew is eaten, by Sime and Gen alike.

Episode 14:  The next afternoon

In the Gumgeeville saloon, Gegg hatches a theory of occult Sime seductiveness. Gerrhonot answers questions about Simes, Gens, life in-T and how channels work, and explains a bit more than he intended to.

Episode 15:  The following day

Seruffin and Gerrhonot encounter Gegg and his two children Mik and Sanda in the streets of Gumgeeville. Mik confides his worst fears to Seruffin.

Part 2: A Sec Pair At The Ford

Episode  1:  Meanwhile, at Hannard's Ford

Controller Bibi and Nattin receive a letter from Hajene Seruffin.

Episode  2:  Arrival at Hannard's Ford

Seruffin, Gerrhonot and Magit arrive in Hannard's Ford and meet Nattin, Bibi and Sosu Cristal.

Episode  3:  Very early the next morning

Seruffin and Bibi get acquainted and discuss people and events in Gumgeeville.

Episode  4:  Early that morning

Seruffin and Cristal take a donation from Uncle Tony, who also offers them his frank opinions.

Episode  5:  Noon

Lia, who wants to visit a cousin in-T, meets her first live Sime. Bibi finds Seruffin's sec nager overwhelmingly attractive.

Episode  6:  That afternoon

Seruffin and Cristal take Flip's donation. Seruffin tries to improve Cristal's attitude.

Episode  7:  That evening

Seruffin and Bibi discuss past and present over an intimate meal.

Episode  8:  The same evening

Gerrhonot, Nattin and Cristal sample the classic cuisine of a Gen dairying region at the restaurant in town.

Episode  9:  Later that evening

Bibi accomplishes her goal with the aid of some elderberry cordial.

Episode 10:  The next day

A church lady delivers some goodies and mail for Seruffin, Bibi and Magit. Magit demonstrates her new fluency in Simelan.

Part 3: The Next Month At The Ford

Episode  1:  Some time later

Layna ambrov Dar arrives at the Ford to do her graduate field work in cultural anthropology and is confused by the behavior of the anagrammatical natives. She and Estragen perform a mutual rescue.

Episode  2:  Early the next morning

Layna alarms Gitl and Estragen with her Dar antics and learns about the origins of the Ford Sime Center. Bibi tries to impart to Layna an understanding of the worldview of Gens in a land without channels.

Episode  3:  A few days later

Virla visits Magit at the Ford Sime Center, further confusing Layna about out-T Gen beliefs.

Episode  4:  Another early morning

Vrian Mullins makes a surreptitious visit to the Ford Sime Center and his quest to prove his fearless manliness lands him in a therapeutic situation.

Episode  5:  Later that day

Depressed by need, Bibi has a discussion with Nattin about Layna's projected Gumgeeville research, her own difficulties as a member of two very different cultures, her relationship with Seruffin and the possibly dangerous implications of Vrian's visit.

Episode  6:  Not long after, in Gumgeeville

Vrian and Bart discuss career choices, family economics, Vrian's recent experience at the Ford Sime Center and the relationship between Donor and channel, while teaching goat kids to drink milk from a bucket.

Episode  7:  Meanwhile, back at the Ford

Magit experiences a frighteningly dangerous turnover, and Bibi and Cristal have a heart-to-heart talk followed by an even more intense and intimate nager-to-nager interaction.

Episode  8:  A few days later

Gegg heroically braves the occult power of Simes to lure Gens into their clutches by visiting the Ford Sime Center to discuss Mik's risky future with Bibi.

Episode  9:  A few days later yet

Jed and Gegg are discussing Mik, Bibi and the trip to the Ford when Layna arrives at the saloon. Concerned by the effect her culture-boundedness is having on Gegg, Jed invites her home for punitive exposure to out-T material culture in the form of Ma's cooking.

Episode 10:  About the same time

Jess brings her nervous friends to the Ford Sime Center to be checked for establishment with a surprising result.

Episode 11:  Later that afternoon

Jess's friend Callie shows remarkable courage and is amply rewarded.

Episode 12:  Two days later

Hajene Marvin the Mule makes his stop at the Ford Sime Center. Bibi brings him up to date on events and gets some advice.

Episode 13:  About the same time

Flora, wife of the owner of Gumgeeville's defunct pulp mill visits Virla and an intense theological debate ensues.

Episode 14:  A few days later

Sal's mother tries to push her feelings of sorrow, fear and betrayal onto the redoubtable Miz Brown, who has no difficulty in coping.

Episode 15:  About the same time

Mik confides his anxiety and despair at his changeover premonitions to Bart, who desperately wishes he could do something for his friend.

Episode 16:  The following week

Jed, Bart, Vrian, Gegg, Mik and Virla travel the rough road to the Ford, each in a different emotional state. Virla donates and then Bibi tries to persuade Mik to take responsibility for saving his own life.

Episode 17:  Later that morning

Last in line, Vrian proves his manliness and lack of cowardice by making his first real donation, without permanently damaging the channel.

Episode 18:  That afternoon

The Mullins boys interrogate Cristal over a good meal.

Episode 19:  Later that afternoon

Vrian feels much better about his experience as donor after comparing notes with Estragen. At least he doesn't have squiggliphobia!

Part 4: Hajene Marvin's Big Adventure

Episode  1:  A few days later

Seruffin and Gerrhonot meet Hajene Marvin and his Donor Eugen in the Sime car of a train.

Episode  2:  Later that day

Seruffin and Gerrhonot arrive at the Hannard's Ford Sime Center, to Bibi's delight. The channels discuss recent events and Estragen consents to let Seruffin take her donation after being confronted with a solid phalanx of encouraging smiles.

Episode  3:  Just after

Seruffin exerts charm and skill to treat Estragen's squiggliphobia with mixed results.

Episode  4:  A few days later

Marvin and Eugen have a child in changeover thrust upon them as they travel out-T. Marvin takes decisive action in difficult circumstances, and Eugen is dubious.

Episode  5:  Shortly after

With his secondary system empty, Marvin makes increasingly desperate moves to obtain selyn to serve Fridda in First Transfer. Sanda meets a really dreamy guy, and gets to kiss him with Bart's assistance. Marvin's dreams come true, as nightmares.

Episode  6:  The same afternoon

Sanda tells two of her best friends about her exciting adventure and makes them promise not to tell anybody else.

Episode  7:  The following morning

Sent by Bibi, Seruffin confronts Marvin in his cell and makes him acknowledge the potentially disastrous consequences of his actions.

Episode  8:  Later that morning

Gegg also confronts Marvin in his cell, outraged that the Sime took advantage of his young daughter.

Episode  9:  That afternoon

Seruffin gives Bart another lesson in the Donor's art. Bart is confirmed in his vocation and tells Seruffin about what happened the previous day.

Episode 10:  Later that afternoon

Confined to her room, Sanda tries to persuade her brother to save himself. Gegg tries futilely to convince Sanda of the folly of her actions. Toria Gegg intervenes and we see the entire Gegg menage in full cry, in four-part disharmony. Problems are resolved by Seruffin's diplomatic and channeling skills. It may not be 'Father Knows Best' but it could well be 'Leave It To Sanda'.

Episode 11:  Even later that afternoon

Seruffin examines Fridda's injuries and the two have a long talk.

Episode 12:  That evening

Safe at the Ford Sime Center, Fridda discovers her civil status and inquires about her future opportunities in a discussion with Marvin and Nattin.

Episode 13:  After midnight

Bibi and Seruffin have a... discussion... under the blooming lilacs in the Sime Center garden.

Episode 14:  Very early morning

Bibi consoles Marvin and tries to teach him how to do a reverse shunt. Marvin tries to teach Bibi how to play nageric catch.

Part 5: The Repercussions

Episode  1:  Two days later

Cristal and Bibi discuss the Gegg family, but are interrupted when Gegg arrives with Toria and Mik. Toria offers to donate, leaving Gegg and Mik in the waiting room, where Gegg tells Uncle Tony about his harrowing experiences in the army.

Episode  2:  Concurrently and after

Toria donates, with surprising results. Gegg panics. Bibi examines Mik and discusses the situation with him. Toria and Gegg have a confrontation and the resolution leaves them both feeling worse.

Episode  3:  The next day

Nattin, Bibi and Cristal discuss what to do about Gegg's Simephobia, and about out-T Gens who become Donors later in life. Bibi continues the topic of Donors controlling Simes as she discusses giving First Transfer to channels with Cristal. A demo follows the tutorial.

Episode  4:  Not long after

Fridda's uncle, Senator Tsibola, summons Gerrhonot to his office for a first-hand report on what happened to his niece. Afterwards, Gerrhonot returns to Seruffin, who is in hard need.

Episode  5:  The following day

In New Washington, Seruffin takes the donation of Tomaz, a smelter worker from the Cordvain Valley, sent by his colleagues to find out how to get a Sime Center for their area.

Episode  6:  Some days later

Senator Tsibola visits Fridda in Hannard's Ford.

Episode  7:  About the same day

Marvin describes his adventures to some colleagues in-T and demonstrates Marvin Power.

Episode  8:  A few days later

Marvin teaches a class of new Simes as Jiri's substitute.

Episode  9:  The next week

Senator Tsibola and Fridda's father, Professor Fennik, have a long talk over old brandy.

Episode 10:  The same week

Cristal and Bibi talk to Gegg about Simes, Gens and Donor talent.

Episode 11:  The next week

Virla and her new convert Zinnia discuss God's will with regard to Simes and Gens with Aster, who is interested but unsure.

Episode 12:  About the same time

Henree, Jed and Gegg discuss current events and Gegg reveals his past.

Episode 13:  A few days later

Marvin gives Bart another lesson in the Donor's art.

Episode 14:  Not long after

Zinnia consults with Bibi about her mother-in-law's roomatiz.

Part 6: Spring Fever

Episode  1:  Later that month

Sanda and Toria visit the Hannard's Ford Sime Center. Seruffin, in hard need, takes Toria's unusual donation.

Episode  2:  Early next morning

Seruffin, joyful after transfer, and Bibi, deeper in need, bring each other up to date on events since he last visited.

Episode  3:  The following day

Cristal dutifully and with considerable embarrassment suggests Seruffin perform certain services for Bibi's health and happiness. Meanwhile, Nattin encourages Bibi to get out of her office and enjoy Seruffin's presence while she can. Their discussion devolves into an argument about in-T, out-T and Householding cultures and attitudes.

Episode  4:  Immediately after

Bibi and Seruffin discuss birds, political science, their own First Transfers, issues of power and control within and between the larities with special reference to Cristal, turning secret vices into assets with special reference to Gerrhonot, current status and future of the Householdings, and in-T marital patterns with regard to larity while snuggling on the porch swing.

Episode  5:  The next day

Seruffin discusses the ethics of nageric control with Cristal and Gerrhonot.

Episode  6:  The following week

Bibi meets Antrew, a spiritual descendant of Danny Dunn, after an instrument package lands in the Sime Center garden.

Episode  7:  Some days later

Mik confides in Bibi about new evidence of his physical maturity, and a kitten provokes what may be evidence of Weird Gumgeeville Mutantness from him.

Episode  8:  Later that week

Bibi has a pleasant conversation with Melly, a spiritual descendant of Danny Dunn's girlfriend.

Episode  9:  Another day

Vrian is working at the Gegg farm and Sanda makes him some lemonade. Vrian pontificates to conceal his discomfort with changes since Seruffin's visit, to Sanda's disgust. Nonetheless, the two engage in a prototype of flirtation.

Part 7: Strangers in Strange Lands

Episode  1:  Some time later

On the train, Marvin exchanges songs and stories with Ziggar, an in-T folksinger.

Episode  2:  Not long after

In-T on rotation, Cristal meets Hajene Dillip to whom he has been assigned on an emergency basis.

Episode  3:  The next day

Cristal serves Dillip in transfer, demonstrating that the ability to zlin does not necessarily enhance communication.

Episode  4:  Immediately after

Cristal meets Afrit, who is also very post without a partner, and the two Donors help each other out.

Warning: Some people may regard this episode as distastefully pornographic, while for others it's just earthy humor. Nothing essential to the continuity of the ongoing story happens, so if you don't like this sort of thing, feel free to skip it.

Episode  5:  About the same time

Senator Tsibola and Professor Fennik have another post-prandial discussion of Fridda, current events in the Cordvain Valley, and Fennik's potential plans.

Episode  6:  A few days later

Cristal entertains friends at a restaurant and realizes how his own attitudes have changed after living out-T.

Episode  7:  The following week

Fennik finds himself surprisingly amenable to an excursion to an in-T academic conference with one of his graduate students as an excuse.

Episode  8:  Not long after

Senator Tsibola and Professor Fennik go to the Nivet Embassy to obtain a donation waiver for Fennik's in-T visit. Fennik's talk with Seruffin about Fridda makes him feel much better, despite the ensuing event.

Episode  9:  Some time later

Cristal returns to Hannard's Ford. He and Bibi discuss what he did with, or to, Dillip. Nattin discovers that Fridda's father may be attending the conference Nattin is helping organize and the mechanics of this academic ritual are discussed.

Episode 10:  A few days later

The mystery of "turbulent selyn" is resolved as Bibi and Seruffin determine just what Cristal did to freak out Dillip.

Episode 11:  The following week

Fennik tries to talk his colleague Delekar into taking his lectures while he's away. Pistareen interrupts and lets the cat out of the bag about the location of the conference. Fennik demonstrates his skill at verbal evasion on the matter of donation.

Episode 12:  About the same time

Marvin does a routine download at the Frederickton Sime Center.

Episode 13:  The next week

Ziggar meets Pistareen in a New Washington park and the two musicians jam with voice, bagpipes, spoons and nager.

Episode 14:  Concurrently and after

Seruffin and Gerrhonot take a stroll in the park and experience a command performance.

Episode 15:  Later that month

Gerrhonot meets Pigasso in the park and invites him to the Sime Center to learn to draw anatomically correct tentacles.

Episode 16:  Immediately after

In the Sime Center cafeteria, Gerrhonot, Norbom, Rellow and Vee pose for Pigasso's preliminary sketches for a mural of the Battle of Shen.

Episode 17:  Some time later

Fennik has another discussion with Seruffin and discovers that his library research for his visit in-T has not left him as well prepared as he thought.

Part 8: Changeovers and Consequences

Episode  1:  Early afternoon
Jed takes on the heroic or foolhardy task of getting Ukoh, a boy in changeover, to the Ford, with Layna's advice and assistance. He tells her about the history of his family.

Episode  2:  Late afternoon

Jed finds the consequences of his and Layna's decisions to be not quite as bad as they might have been.

Episode  3:  Early evening

Jed, Layna and Ukoh arrive at the Sime Center and find the staff busy with another changeover.

Episode  4:  Later that evening

Gegg arrives at the Sime Center in hopes of seeing his son for the last time.

Episode  5:  Just after

Gegg again shows great courage in a difficult meeting with Mik.

Episode  6:  Earlier that day

Gerrhonot and Seruffin receive a telegram from Nattin, describing the potentially very serious situation at the Ford Sime Center. Seruffin finds a way to escape his stalled negotiations and come to the rescue, hopefully in time.

Episode  7:  That night

Bibi, Cristal and Nattin discuss the events of the day and their implications for the current situation.

Episode  8:  Very early the next morning

On the dark veranda, Gegg fights to remain calm and manly while Bibi's need evokes a frightening reaction from his Donor's talent. The two discuss Mik's long-range future, Bibi's short term one, and Gegg's own possibilities.

Episode  9:  Early that morning

Toria and Sanda prepare for a train trip to the Ford. Sanda invites her friend Bernia to come along, since the two think Bernia is in an early stage of changeover.

Episode 10:  Later that morning

In hard need, with no suitable Donor in prospect, Bibi convinces Nervana that donation is more like giving than receiving charity, deals with a hostile and boorish teenager, hears terrible news from Vannil, and just barely averts a tragedy.

Episode 11:  Early afternoon

Bernia, Sanda and Toria arrive at the Ford. Bernia's efforts to find a channel are frustrated until she takes action on her own. When she finds out she's really safe instead, she reverts to her comfortable former beliefs about the nature of Simes, and lets Bibi and Cristal know what she thinks of Ukoh's theological state.

Episode 12:  Not long after

Toria and Sanda visit Mik. Toria and Gegg achieve a reconciliation over the non-dead body of their son, and make a remarkable decision.

Episode 13:  Evening, two days later

Cristal and Nattin discuss the ongoing crisis with Bibi, who's holding herself together mainly by force of will.

Episode 14:  The following morning

Bart confides to Nattin his intense frustration at his inability to help Bibi when his Donor talent is responding so strongly to her desperate need. The two discuss Sime-Gen relations out-T in the early days of Unity, and in the Householdings.

Episode 15:  That afternoon

Marvin performs a card trick to amuse Eugen on the train. They arrive at the Sime Center and Marvin does his best to comfort Bibi.

Episode 16:  Later that afternoon

Seruffin and Gerrhonot ride to Bibi's rescue in a cloud of tropes with a hearty literary allusion. Bibi finds channel's transfer much more than adequate to her needs.

Episode 17:  About the same time

Toria discusses her plans for the Gegg family to move in-T temporarily with Ma Mullins.

Episode 18:  A little later

Marvin chats with Layna and works on her headache.

Episode 19:  Concurrently

Eugen and Gerrhonot exchange shop talk about their different careers. Eugen reveals why he disappeared while searching for selyn for Fridda's changeover, and Gerrhonot explains how Seruffin is like his grandpa.

Episode 20:  Nearly dawn

Seruffin and Bibi engage in pillow talk, tech talk and plans for the future.

Episode 21:  The following afternoon

Mari, a young Gen from Gumgeeville, comes to the Sime Center and gives an unusual donation.

Episode 22:  Very late that night

Klim and Deena, two children on a dare, attempt to raid the Sime Center for evidence that they did so, and encounter Marvin.

Episode 23:  That afternoon

Jilvanna, the Donor who was supposed to serve Mik in changeover, finally arrives, and turns out to be someone quite surprising.

Episode 24:  That evening

Mari returns with all her belongings and is examined by Seruffin.

Episode 25:  Some days later

Reverend Kallan and Nergal go to Henree's saloon, discussing Ukoh's fate. Jed and Layna return from the Ford and also enter the saloon. Theology is discussed and argued, several kinds of drink are drunk, and Ralf's past is revealed.

Part 9: Travel Broadens

Episode  1:  Some days later

Fennik, Farfel, Janeen and Pistareen enjoy Nivet cuisine at the Ancient Lit conference banquet.

Episode  2:  The following day

Fennik and Nattin discuss Fridda after Nattin's panel discussion, and Nattin offers Fennik a few suggestions on how to control one's nager. Meanwhile, Janeen engages in a public display of interlarital amity.

Episode  3:  The same day

Hajene Darrel, who is to be Bibi's replacement while she's in Capital, arrives at the Sime Center. The two channels get acquainted and Bibi briefs Darrel about the job.

Episode  4:  The same day

Fridda, worried about her upcoming meeting with her father, has a conversation with Trisha, another new Sime, that lifts both their spirits.

Episode  5:  Some days later

Huipil comes to Hannard's Ford to see Bibi and flees when his plans are ruined by Darrel's presence.

Episode  6:  About the same time

Seruffin and Bibi meet Hajene D'zoll Farris ambrov Sat'htine after his talk at the conference in Capital. D'zoll agrees to take on Gegg's case and invites the two channels to dinner.

Episode  7:  That evening

D'zoll discusses Gegg's case with Seruffin and Bibi at a gourmet restaurant.

Episode  8:  The next day

Gerrhonot runs into Verg ambrov Imil, his roommate at Donor training school, in a trin shop. The two discuss Gerrhonot's experiences out-T.

Episode  9:  A few days later

Seruffin and Bibi chat with Hiram Farris, Sectuib in Sat'htine, at the historical museum. Hiram is surprised to hear what D'zoll has promised.

Episode 10:  The next day

Marvin meets Darrel at the Hannard's Ford Sime Center. Darrel takes Uncle Tony's donation, demonstrating once again that zlinning can be more deceiving than enlightening.

Episode 11:  That evening

Sectuib Hiram Farris and his First Companion Lusinka Farris call D'zoll Farris, accompanied by his Companion Shorsh Farris, on the carpet for making commitments for the House without consultation.

Episode 12:  The next morning

D'zoll and Shorsh call on Sosu Roger, an elderly out-T born Gen to discuss Gegg's case with someone who knows about Wild Gen taming from both sides of the holding cell bars.

Episode 13:  Later that day

Shorsh discusses D'zoll with Hiram and Lusinka.

Episode 14:  About the same time

Magit chats with Kayar, a young in-T Sime, in his mother's trin shop.

Episode 15:  About the same time

Darrel and Cristal take Mari's second donation, with not-so-unexpected results.

Episode 16:  About the same time

Senator Tsibola calls a meeting to discuss developments in the Cordvain Valley with several of his relatives and fellow major shareholders including Craig, Markius and Jon Fennik.

Episode 17:  Later that day

Craig threatens Fennik with blackmail. Tsibola intervenes. After Craig leaves, Tsibola discusses Fennik's trip in-T with him, and warns him again about Seruffin's deviousness.

Episode 18:  Some time later

Marvin joins Bibi on the train, heading back out-T.

Episode 19:  That evening

Bibi returns home and Cristal and Darrel update her on events in her absence.

Episode 20:  Some days later

Fennik encounters Seruffin and Gerrhonot and during his talk with the channel makes some distressing self-discoveries.

Episode 21:  Later

Barrysboy Fox returns to the Hannard's Ford Sime Center to donate.

Episode 22:  Some days later

Cristal and Bart exchange jokes and engage in some Donor training.

Part 10: Tracking the Wild Gen

Episode  1:  Much later

D'zoll and Shorsh ride the train heading out-T and get a first taste of tightly controlled Simephobia.

Episode  2:  About the same time

Craig enters Nivet at an obscure border station and meets Hajene Pansy.

Episode  3:  The following day

D'zoll and Shorsh assemble the module in Gegg's barn. They meet Petunia and then, more dramatically, Gegg.

Episode  4:  Some days later

Craig visits Householding Zalmos to improve his cover and further his inquiries, but is overcome by demonic Sime powers.

Episode  5:  About the same time

D'zoll and Shorsh chat about local culture and their experiences so far in Gumgeeville with Nattin and his potential student Bomor at the Hannard's Ford Sime Center.

Episode  6:  A few days later

Tsibola and Fennik confront Craig about his behavior and objectives in Nivet.

Episode  7:  About the same time

Mari's father Bill comes to the Hannard's Ford Sime Center with an infected horse bite and a grabby nager like his daughter's. Nattin finds himself faking it as a Donor.

Episode  8:  Later that week

Gegg and D'zoll chop wood.

Episode  9:  That afternoon

D'zoll and Shorsh visit the Gumgeeville saloon.

Episode 10:  That evening

Shorsh visits the Geggs in their home, and offers sleeping pills.

Episode 11:  The following morning

Shorsh and Gegg shop at Miz Mertell's general store.

Episode 12:  Just after

Bill tries to encourage Gegg about phobia treatment.

Episode 13:  Meanwhile

Bart and Vrian visit D'zoll, and are joined by a couple of itinerant agricultural laborers.

Episode 14:  Some days later

Gegg's therapy session is interrupted by a garter snake.

Episode 15:  Immediately after

Gegg describes the snake incident to Toria. Sanda overhears and goes to get the straight dope.

Episode 16:  Some days later

Shorsh reports to Hiram's emissary Hajene Hrandl at the Ford.

Part 11: Stalking the Wild Gen

Episode  1:  About the same time

Trisha, Fridda, Sazerac and other new Simes discuss their vocational aptitude test results. Fridda announces her plans, Sazerac decides to protest his assignment, and a proposal is made.

Episode  2:  Not long after

D'zoll fixes Bill's arm and takes his donation. They discuss Mari's prospects, and D'zoll comes up with a plan.

Episode  3:  About the same time

Sazerac demands an explanation for the injunction from Controller Pietra but gets something else instead.

Episode  4:  The following week

Marvin and his Donor Ammenia discuss the haute cuisine of train stations, and Marvin reunites with his old friend Fridda.

Episode  5:  That evening

Fennik invites Tsibola to dinner, and is coerced into consulting Seruffin about General Metals' inability to hire Simes.

Episode  6:  The next day

Underway to Gen Territory, Marvin tries to explain to Ammenia how out-T society works, and the Gen view of Unity. The channel/Donor team enter into a conspiracy.

Episode  7:  A few days later

D'zoll and Shorsh model a transfer grip for Gegg, and D'zoll gives Gegg the bad news and the good news.

Episode  8:  Not long after

Shorsh points out the advantages of donation to a couple of young men at the Gumgeeville saloon. Ralf, now on the wagon, puts in his oar as well.

Episode  9:  A few days later

Shorsh is confronted by the fathers of the donors he recruited. Views on donating and religion are exchanged, leaving both sides feeling superior.

Episode 10:  About the same time

Seruffin and Gerrhonot visit Fennik at his home. Fennik fulfills his promise to Tsibola. Fennik and Seruffin exchange life histories and toasts over excellent brandy.

Episode 11:  The following week

Craig preaches his new gospel to the Gumgeevillians, who are more than a little skeptical about it -- and him.

Episode 12:  Not long after

D'zoll decides that it's time for him to take Gegg's donation. Gegg and Shorsh disagree, but are overruled.

Part 12: Taming the Wild Gen

Episode  1:  Immediately after, and the next morning

Gegg's insomnia leads to back pain, and his best Manly Stoicism isn't enough to prevent D'zoll from doing something about it.

Episode  2:  The next day

Hiram tells World Controller Jaklin about his search for a few really promising, young Donor candidates. Somehow, he ends up agreeing to take on the notorious rogue Donor Nick Reckage, instead.

Episode  3:  That night

Hiram plies Seruffin with elderberry wine in hopes of getting the lowdown on Gumgeeville, Hannard's Ford, and Nick Reckage. He discovers that ignorance was bliss.

Episode  4:  The following day

D'zoll and Shorsh take high tea with Virla and Zinnia. D'zoll proves more adept at Gen theological hair splitting than he was at firewood splitting.

Episode  5:  A few days later

D'zoll and Shorsh meet Hiram and Lusinka at the Hannard's Ford Sime Center for a briefing. Is the common room large enough for four Farris noses?

Episode  6:  The next day

Hiram travels to Gumgeeville to meet Gegg, and is forced to abandon his plans to upgrade to accommodations farther from the pig sty.

Episode  7:  That evening

Hiram confirms that one of Toria's twins is a channel, and the other has Donor potential. For some reason, Toria and Gegg aren't as happy with the news as he expected.

Episode  8:  The following morning

Shorsh and Hiram explain the Householding tradition that guests owe absolute obedience to the Sectuib, and give Gegg a chance to practice.

Episode  9:  The same day

It's autumn in Hannard's Ford, not spring, but Uncle Tony is a full-time matchmaker. Is that why he suggests that D'zoll visit Violet the ice cream lady, and bring home Bibi's favorite flavor?

Episode 10:  A few days later

After his failure in Gumgeeville, Craig moves his evangelical efforts to Hannard's Ford, where he discusses the theological aspects of Truth with Marvin.

Episode 11:  The next day

Trisha meets Gerrhonot in a park in Capital. He is very surprised when she describes him as "fatherly".

Episode 12:  That evening

Back in Hannard's Ford, and thoroughly deodorized, Hiram and Shorsh join D'zoll and Lusinka in a favorite Farris pastime: planning their patients' lives for them.

Episode 13:  The following afternoon

The Geggs join the crowd at the Hannard's Ford Sime Center, in preparation for their journey in-Territory, and Gegg discovers to his dismay that it is possible to donate more often than once a month.

Part 13: General-Class Donors

Episode  1:  A few days later

Sanda has been at Sat'htine less than a day, and already she's found a willing audience in Struger, a young Gen who thinks life in boring old Gumgeeville sounds exciting. Could it be True Love?

Episode  2:  The same day

Seruffin and Gerrhonot go fishing for Senator Iksburn at a charity event, and get a nibble from Senator Pollovic, instead. Will it help the waterfowl?

Episode  3:  Earlier that day

Struger repeats Sanda's stories of life among the Wild Gens to his friends Leglow and Perrin over lunch. They don't believe a word of it, of course.

Episode  4:  A few days later

Senator Pollovic's polling numbers are down. His chief of staff Quispel, aided by fashion designer Rinaldi, devises a Plan, but Pollovic is less than delighted.

Episode  5:  The following week

Tsibola confronts Pollovic with the consensus of an informal, bipartisan committee on Senatorial deportment, that donating in public is Conduct Unbecoming the Dignity of the Senate. Pollovic really didn't want to hear that.

Episode  6:  Later that week

Seruffin, back from a trip to Nivet Territory, learns why he shouldn't have left the arrangements for Pollovic's donation to the Senator's staff. Gerrhonot's confidence in his channel is comforting, but is it justified?

Episode  7:  The next day

Unity veteran Pistachio seeks out Bibi's Sime Center to get an unbiased view of the town as a possible retirement venue. He discovers the joys of donating under civilized conditions.

Episode  8:  The following morning

Seruffin and Gerrhonot meet Pollovic for a brief rehearsal. Pollovic discovers that there are important differences between lateral tentacles and fresh-cooked pasta.

Episode  9:  About the same time

Pistachio meets Professor Nattin in the park, and finds himself being interrogated about his experiences during the Unity War.

Episode 10:  Noon that day

It's a media feeding frenzy in the rotunda of the Gen Senate Building, as Pollovic tries to show off his Simephilia, Rinaldi exhibits his spring line of yawals, and Gerrhonot tries to protect his channel from everyone.

Episode 11:  Later that day

The Moonbean Cafe in New Washington is a haven for artistic talent: Pigasso is painting a mural, Pistareen is waiting to play bagpipes at the open mike, and PPling the poet is making the espresso. Fortunately, the critics are out to lunch elsewhere.

Episode 12:  The following morning

The day after his very public donation, Senator Pollovic starts his damage control efforts by giving an interview to the in-Territory reporter, Triangusul.

Episode 13:  A few days later

Senator Tsibola discusses dignity, donating, and diplomacy with Professor Fennik. It might be the excellent brandy, but Professor Fennik appears to be getting soft on Simes.

Episode 14:  The next day

Craig asks Virla for theological guidance, and hears two unsettling things.

Part 14: Technical-Class Donors

Note: Part 14 takes place concurrently with Part 13.

Episode  1:  One afternoon

Former rogue Donor Nick Reckage goes slumming on his way to Sat'htine. Ziggar the folk singer wants to discuss old times, while Arnya the bartender prefers discussing new times.

Episode  2:  The next day

Bart joins Marvin and Ammenia for an educational tour of Gen Territory. All three put their cards on the table.

Episode  3:  About the same time

Pigasso tries to get his art to penetrate the military mind, with limited success.

Episode  4:  A few days later

Marvin, Ammenia and Bart meet a sick puppy on the train, and dispense advice for dealing with schoolyard bullies.

Episode  5:  About the same time

D'zoll discovers that two top Donors is one too many, when he finds himself caught between a rogue and a hard case.

Episode  6:  That evening

Ammenia discovers the paradoxes of out-Territory: wrench toast, hot chilly, sour Kraut, and a friendly tax collector.

Episode  7:  A few days later

Nick prunes trees by night, and D'zoll and Shorsh try to understand why.

Episode  8:  The next day

Marvin and Bart take a walk in the Three Sisters, and are hauled in by the local police for mopery.

Episode  9:  The following week

Zoubin's friends help him with a paper on Sime symbolism while consuming large quantities of caffeine in the Moonbean Cafe.

Episode 10:  A few days later

Marvin zlins a changeover two cars ahead on the train, and sends Bart on a daring rescue mission.

Episode 11:  About the same time

Hiram puts Nick through his paces, and the two agree to give each other the benefit of the doubt.

Episode 12:  A few hours later

Ammenia discovers an unexpected complication taking care of Clint's changeover, leaving Bart and Marvin to give Flint the bad news.

Episode 13:  That evening

Nick picks raspberries with Toria, while demonstrating the flirting techniques he learned at Naros.

Episode 14:  Later that evening

Bibi makes a Controller's choice between giving Flint her own Donor -- or Marvin's.

Episode 15:  The next day

Leglow and Struger paint a shed as they discuss life, girls, and cultural differences.

Episode 16:  The following morning

Bibi helps Marvin come to terms with losing his Donor, and Marvin helps Bibi milk a cowhand.

Episode 17:  Later that morning

The Sat'htine Companions are concerned that Nick is too good to be true. For some strange reason, that possibility doesn't seem to bother the channels.

Episode 18:  Around noon

Bibi is startled and gratified when Sosu Robur ambrov Teiu (and ex machina) comes calling.

Episode 19:  Early that morning

Magit and Kayar have been unable to find the jobs of their dreams, but fortunately, the second-best thing in life is free.

Episode 20:  Shortly after noon

Robur meets Flint and gains a transfer assignment.

Episode 21:  Later that afternoon

Shorsh explains to Nick that D'zoll is a healthy, normal, reasonable channel, even in transfer. Unfortunately, Nick has no experience working with normal channels.

Episode 22:  About the same time

Flint changes over and discovers that being Sime doesn't make philosophy any easier.

Episode 23:  A few days later

Shorsh and Lusinka offer unsolicited advice to D'zoll about his upcoming transfer with Nick.

Episode 24:  The next day

Clint and Flint debate the proper roles for Simes and Gens, with occasional commentary from Marvin and Ammenia.

Episode 25:  The same day

Mik takes a study break at channel school, and his friend Nenuphar demonstrates just how much they both have to learn.

Episode 26:  A few days later

Nick and D'zoll share transfer, and D'zoll decides he could easily develop a taste for the exotic.

Part 15: Healing Old Wounds, Finding New Hope

Episode  1:  About a week earlier

Young Ricard seeks career counseling in Henree's saloon. Henree doesn't think much of Jed's suggestion that the boy marry Virla.

Episode  2:  The next day

Hiram and Shorsh attempt to explain to Gegg why Gens don't do heavy labor in-Territory. Gegg has difficulty with the concept, despite being a poster child for it.

Episode  3:  Some days later

Seruffin arrives at Hannard's Ford for a visit, and offers Bibi a chance at a vacation getaway in New Washington.

Episode  4:  The same day

Hiram and Shorsh just want to spend their break sipping tea and watching the rain. But why are the children kidnapping all the potted plants?

Episode  5:  That evening

Bart has tea with Seruffin on the veranda of the Hannard's Ford Sime Center, and gets an introduction to in-Territory social dynamics.

Episode  6:  One afternoon

Nick and Shorsh dissect the past, present, and future of the Tecton over a picnic lunch and some vin extremely ordinaire.

Episode  7:  The same week

Professor Nattin and Driver visit the remote village of the Submissionists, where they provide Elder Maycom with a challenge and a promise.

Episode  8:  About the same time

Sanda is bursting with ideas to improve life in Gumgeeville. Unfortunately, she's also bursting in on Lusinka's break time to share them.

Episode  9:  The following day

Professor Nattin returns home from his trip to the Submissionist village, and shares his findings with Bibi.

Episode 10:  That evening

Nick decides to spend his free evening alone in the kitchen making taffy, which causes D'zoll to miss the Ethics Committee meeting, and Shorsh to summon Hajene Rimona for a medical emergency.

Episode 11:  The same evening

Professor Fennik's excellent brandy and the political difficulties of his rival Pollovic have put Senator Tsibola in a very good mood. Is that why he seems to be softening his position on Fridda?

Episode 12:  A few days later

Mik's channel class is visiting Sat'htine, so D'zoll, Hiram, and Shorsh have made careful plans to allow him to meet safely with his father. Unfortunately, no one's bothered to brief Gegg.

Episode 13:  The same day

Senator Pollovic treats an award-winning schoolteacher constituent to lunch, and learns about some innovative ways to provide clandestine education.

Episode 14:  Later that day

D'zoll and Shorsh celebrate Gegg's victory, and start plotting to teach him about the concept of leisure time.

Part 16: How the Other Half lives

Episode  1:  One afternoon

Aspiring drummer tPOW is having a slow day behind the counter at the Moonbean Cafe, until big tips arrive in the persons of Seruffin, Bibi, Gerrhonot, and Professor Fennik.

Episode  2:  About the same time

Gegg demonstrates his subsistence farming skills by doing an improvised repair that sort of fixes Sat'htine's maize sheller. RenSime Kerilau is much impressed with the results, if not the methods.

Episode  3:  About the same time

At a secret meeting of the Hannard's Ford Ladies' Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society, a charity quilt is designed, and Bibi and Seruffin's future is plotted.

Episode  4:  About the same time

Nick learns some new techniques from the elderly Hajene Rimona, and she give him her opinion that his ability to catalyze utter chaos isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Episode  5:  A week or so later

Cristal tells Bibi about his new jogging partner, a retired surgical nurse named Virginia.

Episode  6:  About the same time

Zeth, chief partner of the GeoZlin mining consultant company, has lunch with Buslee ambrov Dar, who is just back from the Cordvain Valley.

Episode  7:  A few days later

Virginia goes jogging with Cristal, whom she thinks is a very nice young man, even if he says a lot of strange things.

Episode  8:  About the same time

Quincy the stationmaster falls off a ladder, and Marvin, Bart, and Ammenia are drafted to help him.

Episode  9:  A few days later

Virginia slips while jogging and lands in a mud puddle, and Cristal brings her to the Sime Center to dry off.

Episode 10:  Later that day

Nick takes time off from leading the children of Sat'htine in a fine snowball fight to deliver a gift to Rimona.

Episode 11:  A few days later

Virginia, Cristal and Bibi discuss handicrafts. Cristal is skeptical about the merits of sewing up a torn scalp, while Virginia is intrigued at the idea of Sime knitting.

Episode 12:  About the same time

Retired disjunct channel and geological entrepreneur Zeth, of GeoZlin, makes an interesting acquaintance in a trin shop.

Episode 13:  A few days later

The life of a mule may be a transient one, but Marvin finds Hannard's Ford a worthwhile stop.

Episode 14:  That evening

Janeen travels in-Territory to visit Feffer, where her skill at identifying Genlan regional accents gives Fridda some bad moments.

Episode 15:  Shortly afterward

The quilt in Bibi's office suffers various indignities in the course of a practical joke Marvin and Bibi are playing on Eugen.

Episode 16:  The next morning

Toria Gegg has a obstetrical checkup with Rimona, and makes a date with Nick.

Episode 17:  The following week

Rona, the 12-year-old granddaughter of Hannard's Ford's doctor, comes knocking on Virginia's door late at night with some alarming symptoms.

Episode 18:  Immediately afterwards

Virginia takes Rona to the Sime Center for a definitive diagnosis, but Cristal is unable to provide it.

Episode 19:  Shortly afterwards

Dr. Tavis, Hannard's Ford's only Gen physician, arrives at the Sime Center in pursuit of his granddaughter and his substitute nurse.

Episode 20:  The following day

Zeth, of GeoZlin Consultants, discusses the pros and cons of Simes attempting to travel and work out-Territory with Seruffin.

Episode 21:  The day after

Virginia gets sympathy from an old friend after Dr. Tavis fires her.

Episode 22:  About the same time

Craig preaches a sermon in front of the Gen Senate building, to a mixed audience reaction.

Episode 23:  Some days later

Cristal suggests an alternative source of income for Virginia, who is skeptical.

Episode 24:  About the same time

Gegg decides to tack down a few loose shingles on the guest house roof. For some reason, the Sat'htine renSimes find this alarming.

Episode 25:  Shortly after

Cristal tries to demonstrate that donation is harmless, and triggers an unexpected response in Virginia.

Part 17: Preparing for Disaster

Episode  1:  One morning

Lusinka and Rimona conspire to throw some... interesting challenges at the Sat'htine disaster response team during their annual winter games.

Episode  2:  A few days later

Cristal sends Gerrhonot to Virginia with his apologies for missing their exercise session, and she questions him about his Donor's vocation.

Episode  3:  The same day

Ukoh's letter to the Mullins family sparks a theological debate in Henree's saloon.

Episode  4:  The next day

Lawyer Vested gives Dr. Tavis advice on his legal rights.

Episode  5:  That evening

Zeth and Marvin discover that they have some surprising things in common.

Episode  6:  A few days later

Two Church Ladies interrogate Cristal about Seruffin's intentions towards Bibi, with mixed results.

Episode  7:  The next day

Hajene Katsura Farris ambrov Sat'htine meets a notorious Rogue Donor while checking over disaster-preparedness supplies in a warehouse.

Episode  8:  Later that day

Katsura catches up with her cousin D'zoll.

Episode  9:  The following week

The Flints have come to Hannard's Ford for a family shopping spree. So why are they each so eager to sneak off by themselves?

Episode 10:  A few days later

Nick and D'zoll discuss Kat, disaster preparation, and clandestine procurement of pharmaceuticals.

Episode 11:  Late that night

Katsura is busy supervising the loading of supplies for the winter disaster exercises when Hiram calls her aside for a briefing.

Episode 12:  Early the next morning

En route to the disaster games, the team is diverted to a real disaster. Unfortunately, some critical supplies were themselves diverted before they left Sat'htine.

Episode 13:  Later that day

Several members of the HF community attempt to brief Seruffin on roses, quilts, shotguns, and honorable behavior.

Episode 14:  Later that day

Mik Gegg and his friend Nenuphar form a Grand Conspiracy of Selyn Workers to solve the Problems of the Universe (or maybe just the Tecton).

Part 18: Disaster Strikes

Episode  1:  One morning

The Sat'htine Disaster Team arrives at the devastated Cottonwood City, and are met by ambivalent locals.

Episode  2:  Later that morning

While trying to find military headquarters. Nick and Kat meet a looter and rescue a man from his cellar

Episode  3:  Shortly afterwards

Kat makes the mistake of zlinning a tent full of burn victims, and her collapse causes a stir among the Gen nurses.

Episode  4:  Not long after that

Dr. Mendels gets an interesting, if alarming, offer of help from Nick and Kat as he makes the rounds of the burn tent.

Episode  5:  That afternoon

Norrin discusses his future with Nick over bean soup.

Episode  6:  That evening

Dr. Mendels catches Kat alone in the railcar, much to her distress.

Episode  7:  The next morning

The Sat'htine field hospital gets its first client

Episode  8:  Immediately afterward

Dr. Mendels comes to a good decision at a very bad time.

Episode  9:  That afternoon

Kat and Nick assess Dr. Mendel's problem cases, some of whom are more easily helped than others.

Episode 10:  That evening

Kat and Nick agree in principle not to demand too much of themselves, then attempt to come up with a comprehensive, integrated disaster-management plan for the entire city.

Episode 11:  A few days later

Ezeekel tries to explain to Sefni why he is picketing the Sat'htine encampment; Norrin listens in.

Episode 12:  That evening

Kat's Iron Farris act is no more convincing to Nick than Nick's Super Donor act is to her.

Episode 13:  The next day

Dr. Tavis discusses some of his concerns about the Sat'htine disaster team with Dr. Mendels.

Episode 14:  The same afternoon

Pedro Nott arrives in Cottonwood City, and starts taking notes on the mishandling of the disaster.

Episode 15:  Just afterwards

Kat suffers some distress when Dr. Mendels goes after her Donor to donate -- with a needle.

Episode 16:  The next day

Senator Pollovic and his entourage arrive in Cottonwood City to survey the disaster.

Episode 17:  Late that evening

Nick spends an evening off gambling with the locals, but Kat disapproves of the stakes.

Episode 18:  A few days later

Senator Pollovic meets Katsura and Nick during a tour of the Gen medical facilities.

Episode 19:  The following week

Katsura and Nick are returning to Sat'htine, until Sosu Pedro shows up with a little surprise.

Part 19: A Walk in the Woods

Episode  1:  That afternoon

Katsura loudly states her objections to the conditions of Nick's imprisonment to Pedro, Pylor, and Controller Muslin, to no avail.

Episode  2:  Late the night

Young Hrill takes a late-night trip to the barn in search of her teddy bear and adventure, but never dreams that the two bums she finds there are desperate fugitives.

Episode  3:  A few days later

The news that Nick and Kat are fugitives finally reaches Sat'htine, and Hiram is not amused.

Episode  4:  About the same time

Nick and Kat meet a young Sime in the forest, who is almost as lost as they are.

Episode  5:  About the same time

Pollovic finds himself embroiled in scandal when Triangusul comes calling for an explanation of an incriminating photo.

Episode  6:  That evening

Pinecone, Nick and Kat tell bedtime stories in the quinzhee.

Episode  7:  The following day

Pollovic seeks answers about the fugitives from Seruffin and Gerrhonot.

Episode  8:  The same day

Pistachio visits Miz Rose Brown, who promptly organizes his retirement for him.

Episode  9:  A few days later

World Controller Jaklin asks Controller Firlith for an explanation.

Episode 10:  The following morning

Jardyce drops in on Kat and Pinecone while Nick is buying supplies in town.

Episode 11:  Later that day

Nick volunteers to join a rescue party for Jardyce.

Episode 12:  About the same time

Jardyce, Kat, and Pinecone discuss the care and feeding of Simes and Gens.

Episode 13:  About the same time

Seruffin and Pollovic discuss damage control.

Episode 14:  Shortly afterwards

Buckets, Trempage and Nick compare Sime-management strategies as they track Jardyce.

Episode 15:  Later that day

Trempage boldly rescues Jardyce from captivity. Our heroes retreat and Nick and Katsura share transfer.

Episode 16:  Even later that day

Jardyce tells his story in the village saloon, and is rewarded with two hot rums.

Episode 17:  Earlier that day

Gitl and Bibi discuss possible reasons behind an apparent shortage of eggs and flour.

Episode 18:  That evening

Nick, Katsura and Pinecone drink trin and plan for the future.

Part 20: Healing the World

Episode  1:  One morning

Our fugitive trio arrive at the outskirts of Gumgeeville, and Nick scouts the town in search of Sime-friendly accommodations.

Episode  2:  About the same time

Norrin's disjunction camp counselor tells the young junct some unpleasant facts of life.

Episode  3:  A little later

Nick and the Simes accept Virla's offer of hospitality. Virla learns about entran, and Pinecone learns about floors.

Episode  4:  About the same time

At the Gumgeeville train station, Henree and Reverend Kallan discuss Simes and moral corruption.

Episode  5:  That afternoon

Belle and her grandfather, Henree, discuss growing up, and choices.

Episode  6:  About the same time

At the Moonbean Cafe in New Washington, students Athanasia, Yustin, and Zoubin discuss early classes, architecture, winter break, economics, and scone design.

Episode  7:  A little later

Virla questions Nick and Kat about in-Territory life, and Belle questions them about her future.

Episode  8:  A few days later

Yanal and Nesta try to persuade a scruffy but charming drifter to try donating, but Bibi informs them that they are too late.

Episode  9:  Later that day

Belle visits her Aunt Virla to be checked for changeover, and meets a very peculiar young Sime.

Episode 10:  That evening

Chaos reigns in Sat'htine's conference room as Hiram, Lusinka, D'zoll, and Shorsh discuss Nick's telegram.

Episode 11:  A few days later

Dr. Tavis's substitute faces accusations of malpractice from two unhappy customers.

Episode 12:  That afternoon

Belle's mother learns from the neighbors that her daughter needs curbing and her soup needs garlic.

Episode 13:  About the same time

At disjunction camp, Norrin struggles to find something he can be sincere about.

Episode 14:  The next day

Nick is delighted when Kat finally gets a customer: a baby with coughing sickness.

Episode 15:  The next day

Marvin and Pinecone meet a snake-oil salesman on their way to Nivet.

Episode 16:  A few days later

Nick sleeps in, and wakes up with a lopsided nager and a fever.

Episode 17:  That afternoon

Robur ambrov Teiu discusses the Submissionists with his Sectuib.

Episode 18:  That afternoon

Dr. Tavis takes an extreme measure to investigate the allegations of malpractice against Dr. Barden.

Episode 19:  The next day

Dr. Tavis gives Dr. Barden a short and brutal course in medical ethics.

Episode 20:  That afternoon

Katsura gives Belle the good news and the bad news.

Episode 21:   Later that afternoon

A family that complains together stops migraines together.

Episode 22:  The same afternoon

Mik visits Bart at Donor school, and they discuss the past and the future.

Episode 23:  That evening

Nick and Kat negotiate solutions to chapped tentacles and cold nights.

Episode 24:  The same evening

Dr. Barden comes to the Sime Center seeking absolution, and Seruffin makes an unexpected discovery.

Episode 25:  The next day

Kat receives a visit from Seruffin, and discovers that "it seemed like a good idea at the time" makes a poor excuse.

Part 21: Physicians Across Borders

Episode  1:  One afternoon

Controller Phyven makes some last-minute adjustments to the transfer schedule, but his efforts aren't appreciated.

Episode  2:  The same afternoon

Cristal issues a set-down to a drunkard, and the drunkard's mule returns the favor.

Episode  3:  Just afterwards

Cristal meets the cutting edge of out-T medical technology and a donor gets upset.

Episode  4:  About the same time

Katsura finds her newly-assigned Donor well trained, well intentioned, well matched, and, well, ...bland.

Episode  5:  Shortly afterwards

Medical opinions abound in Dr. Tavis's surgery, and Virginia gets a job offer.

Episode  6:  About the same time

Tsibola hires Hajene Crynwyr to assist in penetrating his nephew Craig's delusions.

Episode  7:  About the same time

Squanell suffers the perils of exposure to a rogue Donor, including involuntary consumption of lunch and an accidental upgrade to his rating.

Episode  8:  That evening

The members of the Sat'htine women's sewing circle have solutions to many problems, but strangely enough the Gegg women aren't happy with the answers.

Episode  9:  The next day

Cristal is determined to get well quickly, and Bibi and Virginia are equally determined that he won't hurry his recovery.

Episode 10:  The same day

Crynwyr and his colleagues discuss Cheeses and Pens over porstan.

Episode 11:  The same day

Bart assists a pair of Simelan-deficient out-Territory tourists

Episode 12:  The next day

Virginia asks a visiting in-Territory Gen for help in understanding Simes, with results disconcerting to both.

Episode 13:  The next day

Bibi meets a Gen with an unusual profession.

Episode 14:  The same day

Seruffin makes plans that are potentially embarrassing to both parties in the Gen Senate.

Episode 15:  The same day

Hrayna and Nattin compare traditional and modern techniques for dealing with recalcitrant nondonors.

Episode 16:  A few days later

Senator Pollovic's houseguests arrive, and are welcomed with a surprising refreshment.

Episode 17:  The same day

D'zoll receives a letter by Diplomatic Pouch, and Gegg wears out the carpet in front of the birthing room.

Episode 18:  The same day

Hrayna's efforts to educate Virginia continue, with bewilderment the primary effect.

Episode 19:  About the same time

D'zoll presents Seruffin's letter to his Sectuib, and starts planning an abstract.

Episode 20:  A few days later

Nick is mistaken for a day laborer when he drops by the Moonbean Cafe.

Episode 21:  Later that evening

Bibi and Cristal manage a good transfer, despite Virginia's assistance.

Episode 22:  A few days later

D'zoll and Dr. Tavis talk shop, to the visceral distress of both, and discuss opportunities for bilingual publication of Cristal's case.

Episode 23:  Late that night

PPling learns the difference between Art and Reality, and decides the latter is inferior.

Episode 24:  About the same time

D'zoll's Sat'htine healing skills shine during the night shift at the Hannard's Ford Sime Center, taking on owies and a kitten with a limp.

Episode 25:  Early next morning

Kat and Nick explain the facts to a new Sime.

Part 22: Plans and Promises

Episode  1:  One evening

Senators Pollovic and Tsibola discuss the proper degree of association with Simes in the hallway, and Triangusul zlins some very interesting reactions.

Episode  2:  One afternoon

Pollovic finds his guests repotting the roses in his conservatory, and Fulberg comes to a surprising decision.

Episode  3:  The next day

D'zoll and Shorsh arrive in New Washington, and Kat and Nick use all their technical nageric expertise to feed the new arrivals coffee and scones.

Episode  4:  The next day

Pollovic discovers Katsura in the library, and takes the opportunity to get some questions answered.

Episode  5:  The same afternoon

Senator Tsibola hires a new channel, and Craig gains an insight.

Episode  6:  That evening

An unexpected guest arrives just in time for Senator Pollovic's dinner party.

Episode  7:  Later that evening

The arthritic Eulalia tries to recruit her son's house guest as an assistant, although there is some confusion as to exactly what sort of assistance is required.

Episode  8:  A few days later

Eulalia crosses party lines and enlists her old friend Bernice Tsibola to help find a wife for her son.

Episode  9:  That evening

Fennik comforts his brother-in-law with an excellent brandy when dealing with Simes gets too frustrating.

Episode 10:  The next morning

Eulalia explains the benefits of marriage to her son, who remains unconvinced.

Episode 11:  That afternoon

Hiram proves himself just as prone to accept dangerous Wild Killer Gen cases as D'zoll.

Episode 12:  Later that afternoon

Nick finds himself with multiple tempting job offers: ranking Companion in Sat'htine or second assistant undergardener for Eulalia Pollovic.

Episode 13:  The next day

Sosu Kibets takes time off from knock-knock jokes to give Lusinka her opinion of the Giant Killer Gen from the Lost Lagoon.

Episode 14:  Later that day

D'zoll outlines the benefits of outbreeding for Nick, a generation too late.

Episode 15:  The next day

Senator Pollovic recruits Seruffin to help foil his mother's plans.

Episode 16:  A few days later

Katsura misunderstands Eulalia's request for help, again.

Episode 17:  Later that day

D'zoll consults Nick about upper-class Gen motivations, under the mistaken impression that Nick understands them.

Episode 18:  The next day

Tsibola accidentally hands Craig the key to the Senatorial executive washroom, and a few others as well.

Episode 19:  A few days later

D'zoll and Shorsh view the Gen Senate in action, with Quispel's assistance.

Episode 20:  Later that day

Shorsh follows Gen tradition by learning confidential information in the Senate men's room, and Tecton tradition by immediately telling the two closest channels.

Episode 21:  A few days later

Nick finally decides to discard his hated Tecton uniform, permanently.

Part 23: Dancing Around The Problem

Episode  1:  One evening

Young Nesta Brown solicits advice for the lovelorn from an old maid.

Episode  2:  The next morning

The dancing begins early as Pollovic and his mother maneuver for control of the guest list.

Episode  3:  Later that morning

Lusinka and Rimona plot how best to use Nick's assets for the benefit of Sat'htine.

Episode  4:  The following day

A horrified Pedro, sent to Hannard's Ford to investigate Cristal's accident, debates an indignant Dr. Tavis over newfangled experimental treatments and their application to critical Tecton personnel.

Episode  5:  That evening

Kat and Nick tell Pollovic that they are no longer in hiding, and get recruited to help screen candidates for the office of Mrs. Pollovic.

Episode  6:  A few days later

Marvin visits an obscure Householding with an interesting history.

Episode  7:  At the ball

Kat, Nick, and Eulalia assess the candidates according to their various criteria, with mixed results.

Episode  8:  At the ball

Gerrhonot explains to Eulalia why Nick refused to become her gardener, and she takes out her frustration on her hapless son.

Episode  9:  At the ball

Crynwyr buttonholes Tsibola with a get-rich-quick scheme, and the Senator's wife complains to Seruffin.

Episode 10:  At the ball

Senator Pollovic finds a few good prospects among his candidates and his mother's.

Episode 11:  At the ball

Tsibola overhears Crynwyr discussing his extracurricular activities with Seruffin, and loses it.

Episode 12:  At the ball

Palma Doyle learns some shocking secrets, and Pollovic makes a precipitous decision.

Episode 13:  The morning after

The ambrov Sat'htine bid farewell to Senator Pollovic and catch the early morning train, with the assistance of large amounts of caffeine.

Episode 14:  Later that week

Bart visits Gegg at Sat'htine, and they talk about the past and future.

Episode 15:  The next day

D'zoll issues a Certificate of Donorworthiness to a Giant Killer Gen.

Episode 16:  Another evening

Dr. Tavis and Bibi search for analogies understandable to both, with mixed success.

Episode 17:  Some days later

D'zoll discovers that he has a one-trauma Mule on his tentacles.

Episode 18:  About the same time

Craig gets his act together and takes it on the road.

Episode 19:  The next week

Lusinka advises D'zoll on how to fob off a knotty problem on another Householding over a glass of vin extremely ordinaire.

Episode 20:  A few days later

Gegg is very glad to return to Gumgeeville and his normal life, and doubly glad for real beer.

Episode 21:  The same day

D'zoll discusses Farrises, Tigues, and melons with Delia.

Episode 22:  The same day

Marvin and Bibi catch up on each others' lives over gingerbread.

Part 24: The Future According to Marvin

Episode  1:  One day

Marvin and Ammenia amuse themselves during a long train ride by speculating about the far future. The story begins as young Sime-to-be Syrus is less than enthusiastic about his first day in a Gen school.

Episode  2:  The next day

Maryanne soldiers through an unusual welcome wagon visit, despite being mistaken for a woodpecker.

Episode  3:  That evening

Rozedda explores the welcome basket while Alafry and Syrus clean the supper dishes.

Episode  4:  One morning

Rozedda assesses the quality control problems at the Widget Works.

Episode  5:  One lunchtime

Over a shared lunch at school, Syrus warms to his role as Official Explainer of Things Sime.

Episode  6:  One evening

The rumors are flying at the bowling alley among employees of the Widget Works.

Episode  7:  One afternoon

Alafry gives Marion the Librarian a sneak peek of a controversial forthcoming children's book.

Episode  8:  One afternoon

Hrathna discovers that some things never change: her gender is just as much of a barrier to her engineering aspirations out-Territory as her larity was in-Territory.

Episode  9:  Another day

Ammenia tells Marvin she's not in the mood for another story, and their players discuss the value of plotting.

Part 25: Fall of a Senator

Episode  1:  Some days later

The esteemed Heads of Householdings Sat'htine, Frihill, and Dar meet to network on pertinent issues. Because a Sectuib would never indulge in shameless gossip. Right?

Episode  2:  The same day

Eulalia is winning her high-level negotiations with Pametta's mother Palma, until Palma's own mother arrives as reinforcements.

Episode  3:  Later that day

Hiram and Rimona rally the resources of Sat'htine behind the conference by encouraging Nick to mingle, there being a sufficient supply of carpet shampoo to clean up after the drooling guests.

Episode  4:  That evening

Bernice doesn't suffer fools gladly, which is why her errant husband finds himself telling his troubles to his brother-in-law, instead.

Episode  5:  The next day

Sectuib Daisetz tests Nick's skills in his own fashion.

Episode  6:  Some days later

Kat broaches the subject of upgrading with Nick, and Hiram declines to play poker.

Episode  7:  The following evening

Senator Tsibola collapses with heart trouble at a charity benefit, but unfortunately medical help is close by.

Episode  8:  Later that evening

Triangusul and his naztehr Rahdnar discuss appropriate responses to Senator Tsibola's dilemma.

Episode  9:  Some days later

Hiram evaluates Katsura's aptitude for some Sectuibly tasks.

Episode 10:  Some days later

Everybody has a strong opinion on Senator Tsibola's future.

Episode 11:  Flashback: The previous fall

Three drunken smugglers discuss women, cows, and bugs.

Episode 12:  Some days later

Inspired by Death By Chocolate Cake, the rumor mill has Seruffin raising the dead and Senator Tsibola headed for a new career across the border.

Episode 13:  About the same time

Dr. Tavis advises a patient on the relative medical risks of asking the Sime Center for information on changeover versus crawling around on a roof during a rainstorm.

Episode 14:  Some days later

Senator Tsibola explains the problem with Sime chivalry.

Episode 15:  About the same time

Jordy braves the Sime Center and gets complex answers to his simple questions.

Episode 16:  Some days later

Seruffin briefs World Controller Jaklin on the latest rumors, and their implications for Unity.

Episode 17:  The next day

Young changeover victim Kaali Brown makes a daring escape to the Sime Center, despite the best efforts of his mother.

Episode 18:  The same day

Senator Pollovic, hiding from the press in Cottonwood City, meets a strangely advanced delegation from the boonies.

Episode 19:  The next day

Pametta discusses her fiance with some friends.

Episode 20:  The same day

Nick and Rimona discuss the past, present, and future of the Householdings.

Part 26: Mr. Ambassador

Episode  1:  Some days later

Senator Rundle has an unusual suggestion regarding the invalid Tsibola's future.

Episode  2:  The following day

The Tsibolas devise a plan to restore Ruthven's power in the Senate by offering to leave it.

Episode  3:  Later that day

Jacind confides some shocking news to her best friend Pametta.

Episode  4:  Some days later

Ambassador-candidate Burgess's Big Picture gets in the way of Pollovic's Idealized Cameo.

Episode  5:  Later that week

Layna ambrov Dar foils a Dastardly Deed, rescues a Maiden In Distress, and recovers a Stolen Artifact while taking a morning jog through the park.

Episode  6:  The next day

Layna and PPling discuss poetry and transfer in the Moonbean Cafe.

Episode  7:  Later that day

Layna embellishes her wardrobe while searching for more Stolen Artifacts.

Episode  8:  The following day

Pollovic decides to follow his dream, just to make sure it isn't a nightmare.

Episode  9:  A few days later

Pollovic makes the acquaintance of a possible bodyguard for Pametta.

Episode 10:  Later that week

Pametta and her fiance exchange confidences in private, so the tabloid reporters miss some choice items.

Episode 11:  The same day

Ismeln and Sosu Tscheka discuss ways to comply with the letter, if not the spirit, of the border laws.

Episode 12:  A few days later

Sanda may have matured in-Territory, but she still dreams big.

Episode 13:  The same day

Rimona offers her professional opinion on the scariness of a pretend ghost.

Episode 14:  A few days later

Jacind learns a hard lesson, and Senator Burgess learns a harder one.

Episode 15:  A few days later

Senator Tsibola gets the lay of the Ambassadorial land, and he's not sure he likes it.

Episode 16:  About the same time

Hiram sends Nick and Kat off on another strange journey, this time to Civilization.

Episode 17:  A few days later

Tsibola finds himself between the proverbial skillet and combustion.

Episode 18:  About the same time

A living personification of the legendary Creeping Pain visits the Elk Mountain Sime Center, mounted on a bull named Fluffy.

Episode 19:  The following week

Pollovic concedes to Tsibola, dealing a loss to both Senators.

Episode 20:  A few weeks later

Nick and Kat get some deep background on the Tsibolas from Triangusul.

Episode 21:  A few weeks later

Triangusul investigates some black sheep on the Tsibola family tree.

Part 27: Going to Nivet

Episode  1:  About the same time

Ricard asks Gegg whether it is possible to travel while leaving one's pitchfork behind.

Episode  2:  A few days later

Jed and Maree Mullins receive an unexpected invitation.

Episode  3:  The next day

Fridda Fennik learns that she will soon have family living close by.

Episode  4:  The following week

Ma Mullins takes refuge in her kitchen while visiting the Hannard's Ford Sime Center.

Episode  5:  The same day

Bart does a clinic rotation with an unconventional channel and demonstrates his expertise in matters of fashion.

Episode  6:  The following week

Kat meets her new responsibility, Ambassador Tsibola, whose heart is as frail as his head is hard.

Episode  7:  A few days later

Bart discovers how complicated an essentially simple matter can become as he tries to make arrangements for his parents to see him graduate.

Episode  8:  Several weeks later

Bernice Tsibola decides to make a gesture of solidarity with her husband.

Episode  9:  The next day

Hajene Tirlan and Sosu Rabbet go looking for something out of the ordinary among the travelers coming into Valzor and find it.

Episode 10:  The next day

Cardiac specialist Hajene Calyna tries to research her newest patient.

Episode 11:  The next day

Bart discusses socks, farming, and the future with his mother.

Episode 12:  The same day

Tsibola discovers that his colleague Rundle has prepared an ambush, but some of his staff aren't happy with his clever plan to escape it.

Episode 13:  The same day

Hajene Gikku tries hard to conduct a tour that will interest farmers and non-farmers, with mixed success.

Episode 14:  Later that day

Tsibola's plan to avoid having witnesses to his donation is only partially successful.

Episode 15:  The next day

Hajene Talagra describes the graduation ceremony to Ma Mullins in hopes of predicting her reaction.

Episode 16:  The same day

Nick and Kat rescue a becalmed boat using a stick, a carrot, and a piece of string.

Episode 17:  The same day

Ma and Jed Mullins discuss the necessity of expanding their homestead and the relative merits of corn, hogs, turkeys, chickens, goats, and selyn as cash crops.

Episode 18:  The next day

Bernice Tsibola catches her husband napping over his briefings but still considers him preferable to a swine breeder.

Episode 19:  The same day

Jed finds Bart's graduation ceremony interesting, but Ma continues to fret.

Part 28: Fantasies and Realities

Episode  1:  One morning

Senator Tsibola meets someone unexpected while taking an early morning walk in the park.

Episode  2:  The next day

Nick closes a deal with Householding Nysek after sampling their excellent brandy, but what is Sectuib Lanard really after?

Episode  3:  A few days later

Dr. Tavis stops by the Hannard's Ford Sime Center to make a request of Bibi.

Episode  4:  The next day

Ma Mullins no longer has to play the poor relation when her sister comes to visit.

Episode  5:  That evening

Kat is concerned when she discovers Nick has been moonlighting.

Episode  6:  The next day

Bibi and Cristal are introduced to the mysteries of out-Territory medical practice, including figs-for-service and workman's comp forms.

Episode  7:  The same day

Hajene Calyna provides an authentic Gen-style birthday celebration for her patient the Ambassador. The restaurant doesn't quite burn down, despite the hand grenades in the baked apple.

Episode  8:  The next day

Nick admits to Kat that in some instances, Tecton officials might be part of the solution instead of the problem.

Episode  9:  That night

Bibi dreams of innocent children armed with sticks of dynamite.

Episode 10:  The next morning

Two tabloid reporters catch Tsibola on camera being very friendly with a young woman not his wife.

Episode 11:  A few days later

Lanard's search for a Companion is a classic chicken-or-egg dilemma, until Roger suggests raising ducks instead.

Episode 12:  The same day

Seruffin is in disagreement with his abused laterals as to whether the long trip back to Nivet is a Good Thing.

Episode 13:  The next day

Gegg's distant cousin Widger comes by to inspect his new acquisition.

Episode 14:  The same day

Bernice Tsibola meets a brainwashed turncoat during a tour of an historic home.

Episode 15:  The next day

Ralf's much-abused constitution isn't up to donating, but Bibi is in no danger of entran.

Episode 16:  The same day

Sectuib Daisetz decides that Nick is too highly ranked and the culprits responsible must do penance.

Episode 17:  The same day

Lanard is heartbroken when Nick the Rogue fails to live up to his unsavory reputation.

Episode 18:  Later that day

Dr. Tavis is called in to the Sime Center for a consultation.

Episode 19:  The same day

Ricard is having trouble making the mental jump from obeying his father to obeying his wife.

Episode 20:  The same day

Nick prepares out-Territory delicacies for his channel: pitsa washed down with a glass of Crljenak kastelanski.

Episode 21:  The next day

Ralf questions Gerrhonot and Dolmada about what transfer is really like.

Episode 22:  A few days later

Sylma and Sedel stalk a toolshed and discover some ooze while reporting for a security consultation at the New Washington Embassy in Capital.

Episode 23:  The same day

Roger is not pleased at how Lanard treated his naztehr.

Part 29: Rundles in the Jungle

Episode  1:  Not long after

Senator Rundle corners Seruffin and learns that truth is more boring than fiction.

Episode  2:  The same day

Saag Doyle and Randayl (formerly Clarence Rundle) reflect on the unexpected challenges of adult life.

Episode  3:  The next day

Randayl is asked by a colleague to translate an interesting article in an out-Territory magazine.

Episode  4:  The following week

Rundle learns that his Great Expectations are soon to be realized.

Episode  5:  A few days later

Rundle's Great Expectations are not quite as great as expected.

Episode  6:  The next day

Rundle loses a confrontation with Seruffin, to the distress of both.

Episode  7:  A few days later

Randayl gets good news and bad news from a lawyer.

Episode  8:  The next day

Randayl discovers fortune-hunters travel faster than fortunes.

Episode  9:  The next day

Rundle learns how difficult it can be to locate a stranger in a strange land.

Episode 10:  Immediately afterward

Senator Tsibola launches an investigation into his embassy's latest visitor.

Episode 11:  At the same time

Randayl asserts sec on his father and wins grudging respect.

Episode 12:  That evening

Randayl plots to make some changes in his once and future family.

Episode 13:  The next day

Randayl explores his family heritage of threats, intimidation, and blackmail.

Part 30: The Rising Generation

Episode  1:  One evening

Kayar is stupefied by the heat, but Magit's news wakes him up.

Episode  2:  Some days later

Senator Rundle is forced to seek assistance from an unwelcome source.

Episode  3:  The following week

The Rundle daughters meet their new tutor.

Episode  4:  The next day

Virla tells her father some news that's bigger than pickles.

Episode  5:  The same day

Sosu Roger is haunted by the Ghost of Rogers Past.

Episode  6:  The following week

Adrian Templeton visits a long-lost relative.

Episode  7:  The next day

Adrian has big plans, but they lack detail.

Episode  8:  Later that day

Adrian discovers that out-Territory economic theory doesn't necessarily apply to a Householding.

Episode  9:  The next day

Dzerzhanski and Tscheka compare the relative dangers of large herbivores and small carnivores.

Episode 10:  The same day

Seruffin learns that not all Wild Gens present unusual difficulties. Some present routine difficulties.

Episode 11:  The same day

Nick and Kat fight crime and shop for spare farm machinery parts, not necessarily in that order.

Episode 12:  The next day

Humfrey the customs agent is doing a brisk business in peanuts until a hawk intervenes.

Episode 13:  Later that day

Ismeln has a proposition for Hycinth, very unofficially.

Episode 14:  A few days later

World Controller Jaklin samples the talents of a Rogue Donor.

Episode 15:  Not long after

Lanard has made some changes in her life. Opinion is mixed as to whether this is a Good Thing.

Part 31: Till Death Do Us Part

Episode  1:  Some weeks later

Senator Pollovic's special wedding present for his bride arrives from Sime Territory, only somewhat damaged in transit.

Episode  2:  The next day

Spurred by wedding fever, bridesmaids Lilah and Genavive flirt with a foreign gentleman in the garden.

Episode  3:  At the wedding reception

At the reception, Churri sets out to impress her friends with her newfound knowledge of things Sime. Her mother is not amused.

Episode  4:  Just after

Thanks to a missing sign, Saag has a surprising encounter with his father.

Episode  5:  A liitle later

Ruanna Rundle demands some explanations that her husband would rather not provide.

Episode  6:  Some hours later

On their return home, the newlywed couple ambush a changeover victim.

Episode  7:  Just after

Bethida makes the mistake of asking two strangers for help, and finds herself in danger of becoming a dime-novel Heroine.

Episode  8:  About the same time

Pametta demonstrates previously unsuspected talents for strong speech and horse theft.

Episode  9:  Shortly after

Dobbin drops his load off at the Sime Center.

Episode 10:  Not long after

Seruffin being busy, Crynwyr is left to greet the next group of casualties to reach the Sime Center.

Episode 11:  Just after

Our Heroine explores the Stronghold of the Villain, finds a Hero In Distress, and learns that which she would rather not have known.

Episode 12:  About the same time

Back at the wrecked coach, Pametta is left to deal with Dobbin's owner.

Episode 13:  Not long after

The newlyweds are reunited, somewhat the worse for wear.

Episode 14:  A little later

Sime Center Security Guard Orfton discovers the hard way that his education in gun safety has been neglected.

Episode 15:  Shortly after

Ressell and the injured Pollovic agree that they must go, but exactly where is unclear.

Episode 16:  The following morning

Eulalia brings news and a platter to the Doyles.

Episode 17:  A few days later

Pametta's future being settled to her satisfaction (except for her delayed honeymoon trip), she decides to settle her friends' futures, too.

Episode 18:  The following day

Pollovic seeks medical attention for his ribs and gets a prescription for a good cry.

Episode 19:  A few days later

The Pollovics discuss whether or not to use a screwdriver.

Episode 20:  The next week

Bethida confesses to Eulalia that the real world is more complicated than a dime store novel.

Part 32: On the Run

Episode  1:  One morning

Hiram tries to bribe his way out of some legal troubles.

Episode  2:  A few days later

Coal mine king Coleman is furious when his efforts to write a new verse for his least favorite song go awry.

Episode  3:  Some days later

Moose the bounty hunter discovers that his latest assignment is no walk in the park.

Episode  4:  The same day

A couple of immigrants seeking an asylum arrive at Hajene Pansy's border crossing station.

Episode  5:  About the same time

Lawyer Rotnbair gives his unfortunate client a short course on the Nivet legal system.

Episode  6:  Immediately after

Young Sosu Allenvy finds himself bewildered by out-Territory traditions such as panic attacks and domestic violence.

Episode  7:  Later that day

Janitor Towpin finds inspiration for his Giant Killer Gen role-playing character while Moose tries to figure out whether his horse is north, south, east, or wet.

Episode  8:  Earlier that day

Zilfred the border guard copes with three violent Wild Gens and one tame one who can't seem to figure out how to assist him.

Episode  9:  That evening

Lometh welcomes two new guests at her inn and immediately decides to find them husbands.

Episode 10:  About the same time

Genavive travels across the border to stay with her twin sister Simone and study engineering.

Episode 11:  Later that evening

Dilena and Portia clear the inn's dining area, with a little help from Luanna.

Episode 12:  A few days later

Moose's testimony gives Judge Drred a startling new perspective on the kidnapping attempt.

Episode 13:  The same day

Cristal's command of idiomatic Genlan has improved, but not quite enough.

Episode 14:  The same day

Saag and Randayl discuss the challenges of having families.

Episode 15:  The same day

Portia's first donation results in some surprising news.

Episode 16:  Immediately afterward

Portia shares her news with her family. Dilena is delighted; Luanna is not.

Episode 17:  That night

Bethida tries to persuade her husband that their son isn't quite dead.

Episode 18:  The following day

Ambassador Tsibola tries to make time for a nap. Really.

Episode 19:  Immediately afterward

Visits from Adrian Templeton's mother and Mr. Coleman's lawyer prompt Ambassador Tsibola to take a nap.

Episode 20:  The same day

Jaklin quizzes Nick about Distect influence out-Territory over a cup of Violet Voluptuousness.

Episode 21:  A few days later

Gerrhonot tells Seruffin that they're being sent to a small, remote Gen mining town which is either a Distect outpost or filled with hostile Wild Gens. Or both.

Episode 22:  That evening

Fennik and Tsibola discuss the changes to their lives.

Episode 23:  The next day

Pollovic's unhappy constituents discuss how to bring him into line.

Part 33: What's Yours Is Mine

Episode  1:  One morning

Seruffin and Gerrhonot arrive at Coleman's mine and are confronted by a very determined juvenile bounty hunter.

Episode  2:  The same morning

Henree directs the stranded Pollovics to First Order accommodations.

Episode  3:  Later that day

Seruffin explains to an injured miner that his training didn't include soul-damaging.

Episode  4:  Later that day

Nick gives young Nettel a lesson in practical botany.

Episode  5:  Later that day

Gegg and Pollovic discuss maritime safety while cleaning the pigpen.

Episode  6:  Later that day

Coleman's willingness to restart the Unity War worries Seruffin and Gerrhonot.

Episode  7:  The same day

Tsibola advises his niece Fridda to combine her future plans for indulging in nostalgia and marketing gadgets.

Episode  8:  The following morning

Pollovic asks Gegg for advice, and finds it less than reassuring.

Episode  9:  Later that morning

On the train once more, Pollovic finds himself unable to change the subject.

Episode 10:  That evening

The Grainger family drop by Seruffin's cabin for a visit.

Episode 11:  A few nights later

The local Distect pair views Seruffin's presence as a business opportunity.

Episode 12:  The next day

Randayl is not as free from his father's influence as he'd prefer, but that doesn't stop him from appreciating a particularly fetching part of the landscape.

Episode 13:  About the same time

Pollovic's border-crossing plans run into a small snag in the form of an overly enthusiastic and very young channel.

Episode 14:  A few days later

While Gerrhonot is out looking for the Distect, the Distect comes looking for Seruffin.

Episode 15:  About the same time

Randayl has a perfect scheme to scandalize his family.

Episode 16:  That evening and the following morning

Seruffin enters into negotiations to get the Distect pair to come in from the bush.

Episode 17:  A few days later

Seruffin convinces two miners that his presence is an asset, not a liability.

Episode 18:  A few days later

Hiram and Lusinka debate the pros and cons of a training opportunity for Nick.

Episode 19:  A few days later

Nick gets an offer he can't refuse, much as he would like to.

Episode 20:  The same day

Bart sends a package to his mother, inciting fabric envy in a nosy neighbor.

Episode 21:  A few days later

Nick's penchant for lost causes is in conflict with his newfound managerial perspective.

Episode 22:  The next day

Kleandjurk ambrov Dar offers to assist the company police chief with keeping order, especially among overly amorous company goons.

Episode 23:  A few days later

Coleman asks his father-in-law for help, and is advised to get religion.

Part 34: Compromising Situations

Episode  1:  One morning

Craig arrives at the coal mine in Coleman's absence, but finds the middle management unusually hospitable.

Episode  2:  Just afterward

Royben, approaching his transfer date, is charmed by the First Order accommodations at the coal mine.

Episode  3:  The same day

Pollovic visits Tsibola at the Embassy, where they discover that while their views on Simes have altered, they are no closer to an agreement on the issue than before.

Episode  4:  The following day

Coleman comes home mid-revival, and is not pleased with what he finds in his living room.

Episode  5:  The same day

Roger spends a too-warm afternoon helping evaluate the brandies in Nysek's cellar.

Episode  6:  The following day

Union rep Roper's meeting with Nick is complicated by hero worship, unadulterated by the petty dictates of reality.

Episode  7:  Just afterward

Nick and Kat discuss the urgency of getting Coleman to the bargaining table, both for the miners and for the entran-tormented channels.

Episode  8:  The same day

Ambassador Tsibola meets with a very young trade delegate about some very old brandy.

Episode  9:  The next day

Craig decides to indulge his curiosity about a living legend before leaving town.

Episode 10:  A few days later

Coleman is strong-armed into horse trading with a rogue, and makes a profit in spite of himself.

Episode 11:  The next day

Roger takes advantage of being semi-retired to drop by Householding Rurid, where he visits a distant Templeton relative and offers unsolicited advice.

Episode 12:  One noon

Katsura introduces Spartacus to channel's transfer.

Episode 13:  A few days later

Ell is hard at work, collecting selyn and gossip from one of the House Gens.

Episode 14:  The same day

Saag locates some missing people for his boss the Ambassador.

Episode 15:  A few days later

The baggage car is full as the train leaves Coleman's mine for the Nivet border, its occupants battling the twin dangers of boredom and motion sickness.

Episode 16:  The same day

Tsibola receives Dilena's missive, and asks his wife and the resident cultural consultant to translate it from woman into English.

Episode 17:  The next day

Gerrhonot's supply run is complicated by a cloudburst and a conspiracy theorist who doesn't want to be confused by facts.

Episode 18:  A few days later

Hiram debriefs Nick and collects a forfeit from D'zoll.

Episode 19:  The following week

Portia's husband seeks information about his wife's whereabouts, much to Crynwyr's confusion.

Episode 20:  The same day

Coleman seeks out a friend in the export business for advice on recruiting a personal lie detector.

Episode 21:  The same day

Portia and Dilena celebrate an increased donation payment at the Tilted Stein.

Episode 22:  The following day

Portia and Dilena suffer through the noon after the afternoon before.

Episode 23:  A few days later

Coleman tells his skeptical father-in-law about his plans for the future.

Episode 24:  One morning

Saag takes his sister and new brother-in-law on a tour of an historic house, which turns out to be a little too historically accurate for Pollovic.

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