Sime~Gen Awards

Silver Yoyo | Golden Yoyo | Digen Farris Award

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The Golden Yo-Yo Awards

Several Golden Yo-Yo's have been awarded by the Sime~Gen fanzine

Ambrov Zeor over the years.

The following people won Golden Yo-Yo awards in 2000: Marge Robbins and patric Michael for "persistence in the face of repeated failures or strange occurances!"

The following people won Golden Yo-Yo awards in 1997:

Captain Button for creation and distribution of the flyers for WorldCon, and for bringing the tee shirts

Kaas Baichtal for producing the Sime~Gen tee shirts and the Awards Shelf web site.

Somebody won at least one Golden Yo-Yo in 1996;

if anybody remembers who this was, and for what, please write.

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Check out the Digen Farris Awards