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Workshop:Query Letter Example
Karen MacLeod

Karen MacLeod is a freelance editor, and Editorial Consultant for  

An actual letter (all addresses fictional) used with permission of the author, Elizabeth Caldwell. The manuscript she names is real, and was "going the rounds" to find a publisher for it. I worked extensively with Elizabeth on the synopsis of "Sacred Honor" before she (or should I say, "we") decided it was ready for marketing.

The synopsis of "Sacred Honor" is also used with permission.

Elizabeth Caldwell
25 xxxxx Road
City, State 11111
(555) 555-5555

     August 19, 2002

Ms.YYYYY, Editorial Manager
Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
P.O. Box zzzzzzz
City, State 11111

Dear Ms. YYYY:

What happens if an American Tory in 1776 travels to the future, 2276, steals a key political document, goes back in time to 1774 and hands it over to England's commander in charge of the American colonies? An alternate world, or does the world remain the same?

"Sacred Honor" is an historical science fiction novel with a word count of 72,660.

My previous credits include one non-fiction book, "Teenagers! A Bewildered Parent's Guide," published in 1996, which sold three to five thousand copies. Unfortunately, book sales quickly decreased when Silvercat Publications' book distributor, Atrium, declared bankruptcy and failed to honor its contracts.

I have also donated four science fiction short stories: "Joys of Spring"; "Mask, A Modern Fairy Tale"; "Lottery"; and "Lady in the Lamp" for charity at Sime~Gen, Inc., owned by Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah.

My pen name is Lillian Caldwell. The first three chapters, query letter, synopsis/outline are disposable copy. I hope that you find "Sacred Honor" intriguing enough to consider publishing by your firm. I look forward to hearing from you.


Elizabeth Caldwell





HOMEWORK: Practice creating your own Query Letters.  

Read the other lessons by Karen MacLeod.  


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