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Sime~Gen(tm) Inc.

WorldCrafters Guild(tm)

Where Sime and Gen Meet, Creativity Happens

     Greg Anderson's Impromptu Homework 

Online Course
"Editing The Novel"

Given By

Editor and Publisher

Bonnee Pierson                    bonneebw.gif (71006 bytes)


Silke Juppenlatz

reserve your place in this course.

Come to Class every Sunday, 3PM Eastern Time (USA)

This is a slushpile reader's evaluation form.  

Slushpile editors: This editing form is to be used for each MS submitted

Slushpile editors: This editing form is to be used for each MS submitted. The senior editor requires 40 partials per week and this form will be used to vet that number. Tally the scores and submit the 40 highest scored partials to the senior editor. Thank you.

Editing Form

Section I



-5 to +5



Clean typing?


Format of the ms?


Section II



-5 to +5


Is there a beginning, middle and end?


Is the setting appropriate?


Is there suspense?


Does the suspense line coincide with the conflict-line?


Is there conflict?


Is the plot, conflict, and suspense connected?


Is foreshadowing used effectively?


Is the POV usage appropriate to the genre?


Section II




-5 to +5


Do the characters jump off the page? I.E. emotion


Are they people you want to know?


Do the characters talk with each other or at each other?


Do you care about them?





-5 to +5


Do you get to the end of the story and wonder what happened to the hero/heroine?


Are there holes?


Is the information given to the reader when the reader needs it or is it dumped by the author when the author wants to reveal it?


Is each step carefully planned?


Are there too many subplots (confusion) or not enough (stagnant)?


Is every loose end tied up?


When you reach the end of a chapter, do you feel like something has occurred?


Is the main character moving forward or are they stagnant?





-5 to +5


Does the action continue to build or does it waiver?


Are there info dumps?


Does it stop dead when you reach that horrid "sagging middle syndrome"?





-5 to +5


Does the author have a distinctive voice?


Do you get a sense of the kind of book this is? Is it a western? Is it a SF?





-5 to +5

Do you wonder whose story this is?


Does it jump from character to character or is it consistent in whose story is being told?





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