CZ Submission Guidelines
by Karen L. MacLeod, Editor
Thank you for your inquiry about my fanzine, A Companion in Zeor. This Writer's Guideline was originally created for the print fanzine, but only technical matters have changed with the transfer to the web. These instructions are for digital submissions. Material considered for publication in A Companion in Zeor must be based on writings and universes created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg and/or Jean Lorrah. Our readership is composed of individuals interested in the writings of these authors. The Website dedicated to A Companion in Zeor is at Other websites dedicated to the writings of Jacqueline and Jean may be found linked from . You may also be interested in the Sime~Gen wiki,
Submissions of short stories or poetry and art are preferred. If a long piece is accepted, we can serialize it. Our zine contains diverse material, so I usually don't make up an issue consisting of just one piece. I will work with contributors who ask for help in developing stories. Be prepared to have your submission edited, and to go through a re-writing process. All work which I consider for publication WILL and MUST be read by Jacqueline and Jean for their final approval before publication. A Copyright Release form must be signed by the contributing author and a representative of Sime~Gen Inc. before a work is published. This release assigns the copyright to Sime~Gen Inc. The Corporation holds the copyright to all of the fanzines. Look for the fanzine fiction posting agreement at
Material should be typed in standard manuscript form. Send submissions as e-mail attachments to . If you are not sure how to do that, please inquire before you send the file. I am able to handle Word Perfect, Open Office, or OLD Microsoft Word (.doc or .rtf) files at this time. Contributors are welcome to supply art with the piece, or I can attempt to find the right artist for your story or poem. Art submissions should be electronic files only. Please scan at a minimum of 180dpi and no smaller than 600 pixels on the shortest side so that they can be resized. Look for the fanzine artwork posting agreement at Submissions accepted for A Companion in Zeor will be posted to the latest issue in development on the website. Stories with explicit violence or sexual content will be prefaced with a notice of adult content.
I will be happy to answer questions, and work out individual problems with each contributor, consulting with Jacqueline or Jean if necessary.
Cross-universe stories are welcome, but one of the crosses must be with one of the universes created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg or Jean Lorrah. For example, Jean Lorrah wrote four Star Trek novels, but did not create that universe; thus a story including her Trek characters would still have to be crossed with Sime~Gen, Savage Empire, or one of the other universes to be included in A Companion in Zeor. As a general rule of thumb, permissions for use need not be arranged for media universes with widespread fan fiction already in existence, but if you are working in an author's print-only universe we require that you obtain that author's permission to do so. For example, even if you used the characters from one of Jacqueline's or Jean's Darkover stories in a crossover, you would have to obtain permission from the Marion Zimmer Bradley estate to do so, as Darkover is a print-only universe created by an author other than Jacqueline or Jean. Such permissions are your responsibility. While Sime~Gen Inc. maintains a snail mail address at P. O. Box 1244, Murray, KY 42071, that is the slowest, least reliable way to reach us. PLEASE use e-mail, even to order older paper fanzine issues (while they last). If you must have a postal reply, include a self-addressed stamped envelope or you will not receive a response. Submissions for fanzines can no longer be accepted by snail mail.
Read the copyright agreement for fanzine work. Sime~GenĀ® is now wholly owned by Sime~Gen Inc.
Karen L. MacLeod , Editor