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Where Sime and Gen Meet, Creativity Happens

WorldCrafters Guild


A Comment not a Question

M. Kathleen Crouch

(this comment was the core of a Workshop post by Jacqueline Lichtenberg)


I've just finished reading parts 1-4 of "Sime Surgeon".  As I was
reading the introduction to Part 5, Jacqueline's comments "Drama,
story, is Art, and the substance of that art isn't paint-and-canvass
or sound, or color, or clay or marble. The substance of this art is
emotion.", I realized that for the first time, there was a connection
between the way I perceive the world as an artist and the way I
describe the world in my writing.

 Her next comment, "The way I found of gaining control of this
material is somewhat the way that graphic artists control and trick
the eye by using perspective lines. Perspective is the secret to
"composition" - to guiding the eye around a graphic in a sequence that
allows the brain to gain an interpretation of the whole thing as the
sum of its parts, not as a jumbled pile of randomly assembled parts."
suddenly showed me why I was getting bogged down in my writing.  I've
been striving to create a new algorithm for fiction based upon what
others have used and it wasn't working for me.

 I need to create my own algorithm - a blending of my skills in both
art and language.  I've been able to do this with my poetry, but
haven't succeeded in my work in progress; mostly because I've been
afraid to pour too much description in to the stories.  But not giving
enough description to tie the characters to their setting/world has
prevented me from being able to get beyond a major stumbling block.

 I 'see' and 'feel' what my characters are doing and feeling in my
mind's eye and I should be writing what I 'see' and 'feel' so that
others can visualize the setting/world and how it affects my
characters; how they respond to it and each other is a basic part of
the story.

 For the first time, someone has spoken to me on a level that I
understand using parallels that make sense to me.  For that, I would
like you to pass on to Jacqueline Lichtenberg my sincere and heartfelt

M. Kathleen Crouch




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