First Lifewave L.A.R.P 


LifeWave Influences a Live Action Role Play Game

History is Made

By Cheryl Ann Costa

The origin of Washington Press Conference, started innocently enough.

I was attending Mid-Atlantic Intercon 2004 the weekend 8-10 October at the Days Inn in Timonium, Maryland just outside of Baltimore just one exit north from the hotel where Darkover Grand Council is usually hosted.

When I arrived at the convention and checked in on Friday, I was told that the game I was signed up to play on Saturday evening was cancelled at the last minute due to circumstances beyond their control. The convention hosts felt terrible about it but with such a last minute cancellation there was no time to get a replacement game.

I spoke to the Con Chair person and asked if I could write an impromptu guerilla substitute for the eight to ten players left without a game. They told me to have at it. My friend Linda Poore and I, brain stormed the idea of a Washington Press Conference that night. The next morning over breakfast we wrote out the character definitions for the Press Corps on 3x5 cards. The VIP to be interviewed would be me. Since I have written short stories and novellas in the "Life Wave Universe," I was very familiar with themes and culture. Using cultural aspects of "Molt Brother" as my guide, I decided to build my improv role-play character around someone familiar with that universe.

That afternoon I barrowed some sci-fi style costuming suggested by the Molt Brother story. That evening, Linda dressed very conservatively acted as a State Department press secretary, both hosted and moderated the interview with the LifeWave inspired character. I’m told I gave an interview that blew the eight role player’s socks off.

As a result, the next morning the players were generating a buzz that led to in invitation from the Boston Intercon-E folks for Linda and I to host several instances of Washington Press Conference at the Intercon-E near Boston on 5 March 2005.



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This Page Was Last Updated by JL  07/26/15 02:24 PM EST (USA)



First Lifewave novels copyright © 1980, 1982, 1985, 2000 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg.  All rights reserved. 

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