Help Wanted

Volunteer Positions Available at
(Update: May 23, 2001) and Sime~Gen Inc. do not have employees. We run on volunteer labor, with a revenue sharing plan.

URGENT! We currently have open two important Technical positions: Assistant Systems Administrator and Domain Webmaster. Click here for information on these two very important jobs.

We also have two Managerial positions and several ongoing positions that require a small but steady investment of time.

Assistant System Administrator
General Information about Current Positions
Advertising Manager
Personnel Manager
Assistant Personnel Manager
Review Columnists
Discus Expert
Course Coordinator
Assistant Webmasters
Graphic Artists
How to Volunteer

Current Information

We are delighted to welcome a new Contest Manager--look for new contests to begin soon. With our new Studentshowcase Assistant, the WorldCrafters Guild should now run more smoothly, too. However, despite having had this message up since April, 2000, we are still begging for someone to take over the positions of Advertising Manager. Jean Lorrah is filling the post in her nonexistent spare time. For any Managerial position we would be perfectly happy to have two friends who know one another and work well together share the work.

Among the positions requiring less time, our most urgent need is for more Assistant Webmasters, as we are in constant need of updating various sites across the domain. Jacqueline Lichtenberg, who likewise has no spare time, is constantly doing Assistant Webmaster work--when Jacqueline and Jean have to fill these positions, they don't have time to move forward with plans for the domain. We have filled a number of positions since we began these pages (see below). However, we are still looking for a Programmer, and can use more volunteers for the other positions below, as we get flurries of activity when every hand is needed.

We are always in need of volunteers. If none of the jobs listed here interest you, please contact with an idea of what you would like to do, and what your experience is.

Here are our immediate needs:

Advertising Manager. We sorely need someone with advertising experience to help us to plan and then to implement a method of getting private advertisers to place their ads on We also need help with agency ads--techniques to get visitors to respond to them in ways that make them pay off. We need help with effective choices of advertisers, placement of ads, and the constant upkeep of the ad banner carousels (not difficult in the least--just tedious). If you would like a challenge, and know anything about obtaining advertising revenue, we need you. The Advertising Manager participates in our revenue sharing plan, so the more private (not agency) revenue you bring us, the more you earn.

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Personnel Manager. The Personnel Manager manages this page, the Help Wanted section of In consultation with the owners and staff of, the Personnel Manager decides what positions need to be filled, posts them here, advertises them elsewhere, corresponds with applicants, and proposes people to fill the positions. It is expected that the Personnel Manager will consult with staff directly involved with each position to determine qualifications and final choices. Only e-mail skills are required for this position; HTML ability is not necessary.

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Assistant Personnel Manager. The Assistant Personnel Manager not only assists the Personnel Manager as necessary, but maintains the Staff Page. The first person holding the position will build that page, which should be designed with ease of future maintenance in mind. Only basic HTML skills are necessary, as this is an essential page that simply lists all departments, Gatemasters, Assistants, Reviewers, etc. It is a constantly-changing list of staff with their positions, names, e-mail addresses, and AIM handles, making it possible for any staff member to access that page and easily find out whom to contact and how. This position requires organizational skills and devotion of time at first to gather the information and build the page. Once the page is built, it must be maintained regularly, so this person must be able to give an hour or two at least once each week to update the page as needed.

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Review Columnists. Here's your chance to have your own review column! We currently have whole areas of Romance, Horror, and Fantasy reviews, two Vampire review columns, a Mystery column, a Horror column, and a Rereadable Books column. In the works are columns on Science Fiction and Nonfiction Books for Writers. We would like review columns or areas on any other genre that you have expertise in. You may organize your site on either pattern--please look at the review sites we already have up. You may recruit reviewers and run a site similar to our Romance review site, or you may do all the reviews yourself, and write a monthly column such as the Vampire or Rereadable Books columns. Send us your credentials and tell us what you would like to do. This is a position with the potential for you to participate in our revenue sharing program, if you can get private advertisers for us.

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Discus Expert. As we increase the number of boards (forums) on, we need people who know how to run the Discus system. Ideally, we would like to have a separate person for each of our boards.

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Course Coordinator. At the moment we have only a Startup Coordinator for all the courses taught in the WorldCrafters Guild. We need someone to take over details of courses already begun, to free the Startup Coordinator to help new faculty prepare to start their courses. E-mail, basic HTML, basic IRC, knowledge of how to post to boards (forums). Your job would be to help instructors keep the courses running smoothly once they have gotten started. Technically, you would not be creating boards or pages, but maintaining the ones created by the Startup Coordinator.

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Assistant Webmasters. We can always use more people with basic HTML skills to post book reviews and similar materials, or to aid in setting up sites, using templates we provide. These are permanent positions with the possibility of growing into complete responsibility for some pages, or even an area of the domain. This is a position with the potential for you to participate in our revenue sharing program, if you can get private advertisers for us.

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Graphic Artists. We can always use people to create graphics and banners. People who can make banners for our private advertisers can also participate in our revenue sharing program. While this is an ongoing position, it is sporadic. We may go for weeks needing only the occasional graphic that one of our webmasters can whip up in minutes, and then suddenly be deluged with the need for advertising banners for several customers at once. In the future, we hope to have paying customers building websites with us who may need specific kinds of graphics. Ideally, we would like to have a number of graphic artists we can call on for such projects, so that if one person is busy, another can take the specific job we have in hand.

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Programmer. This position is ideal for the programmer looking for experience on a live Internet server. You will be called upon to create scripts to order, experience that will look good on your resume. Ideally, you will know perl, cgi, and C or C++, as well as having a good grounding in unix/linux. You will mostly be writing scripts on demand. You will also have a chance to learn some basic sysadmin skills, and relieve our Webmaster from time to time in such tasks as setting up user accounts and email addresses, and listservs on the Mailman program. You may have the opportunity to learn to create boards and other tools. For this position only, please contact

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Romance Gatemaster. Filled.

Reviews Gatemaster. Filled.

Fandom Liaison Gatemaster. Filled.

Contest Promoter. Filled.

Newsletter-l Editor. Filled.

Assistant IRC Moderator. Filled.

Contest Manager. Filled.

Studentshowcase Assistant. Filled.

Contact to apply for any of these positions except that of programmer. Tell us your qualifications or, if it is applicable, point us to a website where we can see your work.

Please check back again if none of the jobs listed today interest you. We may soon have something more to your taste. Or if you have an idea for a job you'd like to volunteer for, please contact us.

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