Seascape by Stephanie Burke

Stephanie was born and reared in Baltimore, MD. At the age of six she wrote her first poem and has yet to stop. Since then Stephanie has won several writing competitions, including a local NAACP youth group award.

Stephanie, attended college at Seton Hill. She is currently not only an author, but a wife and mother as well. Stephanie juggles a very busy schedule between her family, writing and keeping in contact with her numerous fans.

Stephanie has written and been published in various genres of work, and when she happens to find a free minute is also a very voracious reader.

Goldie's Favorites @ Sime~Gen is proud to welcome Stephanie Burke, whose e-books can be found at Ms. Burke is known for her wonderful sense of humor, which is very apparent, when reading her stories



Welcome Stephanie, please tell us alittle bit about yourself.

A: Well, I'm on my sixth soul now, so that makes me about 4,300! LOL Actually, there is not much to say. I am the wife of a big old Viking and the mother of two giggly kittens. My son looks a lot like me, I always thought I would look good as a boy, and my daughter looks like her father, and I always knew that man had a few good feminine features! I am also the possessor of Flasheese, the language that infects people who read my unedited works! More and more people are becoming fluent in this language, and I am thinking about holding classes in it! LOL Oh, and I write a little. *g*

Q: You have such a talent for being able to make any type of subject funny and enjoyable to read. Of all of the books you have written so far, which one is your favorite and why?

A: Oh Boy! That is a hard one. My favorite so far.... Hmm, in completed works, there is a toss up between four. Keeper of the Flame, because Flame is my baby and the first book that I ever finished. Then there's Dangerous Heat,because I just plain love Spark! Spark is a lot like me in some ways. He stands up for what he believes in and has a very kewl dragon tattoo. Number three would have to be Lucavarious! LUCA! Sigh! He is my first short haired hero and he makes it work for him. He also has body piercings in odd places, a master complex, and only shows his vulnerability to his mate or in his sleep. He sucks his thumb when troubled and manages not to prick himself with his fangs! That takes talent! I think Luca is my first true Alpha male, and Dark is easily his match in everything they do.  And last, I would have to say is The Slayer. The Slayer is dark, and is unapologetic about it. Den, my hubby, calls it my murder men book! *G* The Slayer explores several dark themes. Kye is an insane revenant, but insane with a purpose. Tali is one alpha female and is determined to go up against monsters that no one believes in, all by her human self! Plus, Kye's wardrobe is to die for! LEATHER! Woo Hoo!  Actually, the opening sentence won a small impromptu contest by Linda Hurst to be used in her speech at CR, Celebrate Romance 2003 in Sacramento, CA. My proudest moment was having her deliver that line...with a straight face and listen to the crowd roar!

Q: I've just read one of your most recent releases, Seascape, so tell us about Elanna & Storm, the main characters in the novel.

A: Elanna and Storm are fun people! *g* Elanna is a slightly conceited, straight laced doctor,and general know it all. Storm is your holding on to sanity by a thread merman, on vacation from his demanding queen and his complicated life. Then, Elanna lands on him, literally! It was fun writing about their interactions, what would a know it all do when she discovers that she doesn't know it all, and what happens when a merman who has no love of humans, discovers that he is in major lust with one? In short, they fight, they argue, they have steamy sex, and they fight some more.  You could call it the ultimate interracial or a major case of opposites attract, because Storm never grows legs and Elanna can't breath uderwater, or can she? LOL.

Q: I know that sometimes the characters just don't want to cooperate, did Elanna & Storm give you any problems?

A: Storm and Elanna, no. Sting and Amadala, yes! They were supposed to get together and live happily ever after. But instead, they alternately hated each other and lusted after each other. They are two of the most stubborn characters I have ever written. Sting is all about duty and propriety while Amadala is all about herself! Several times I was writing and saying something that my beta readers echoed, "What a B*&@%!" *g*

Q: Midnight Reviews has heard that Elloras Cave also offers books in trade paperback, will any of your books be available in trade and if so, when?

A: I have signed contracts for just about all of my books to go to print, starting with Lucavarious. Ellora's is revamping, putting in a new web site and adding to the stable of writers (and I do mean stable,complete with whip wielding editors) but as soon as they get some order, I will know! Yeah! And then I can let everyone who is interested know as well.

A: Well, there have been requests for book signings by the managers at the Walden's Books, near my home, but I have to wait until my books are in print! I believe the next appearance of Flash in a dress, or some form of garment other than old sweats, will be at the Romantic Times Convention,in Kansas City, in October. Ellora's Cave will be giving a "What's Your Fantasy?" party the opening day of the convention,and there will be reports of Flash in costumes during several of the events. Can you say shoe shopping time?

Q: So what can we expect from you in the future, any new books in the works?

A: Woah Boy! *g* I have a list of books in all stages of completion totaling almost seventy and have many more stories waiting to be outlined and put to paper. But, in the near future, there is an interracial anthology entitled, More Than Skin Deep, and the upcoming Miznari, the blue fairy tale.

Q: It has been such a pleasure to speak with you today Stephanie, Midnight Reviews would like to thank you for talking with us,any final words or thoughts for your readers? 

A: Thank you so much, Goldie. This has been an honor. I don't often get offered the opportunity to give an interview and this one has been great. Last words or thoughts....Try something new everyday! Buy an E-book, read an author, any format, that you haven't yet tried. Pick up a pen or sit at your computer and start creating a world of your own! 

Thank you so much Goldie! This has been wonderful! Thank you Sime~Gen for allowing Goldie to give me this moment!

Recent Or Upcoming Author titles:

Merlin's Kis

Merlin's Kiss
Things That Go Bump In The Night 3
Hidden Passions Volume 1
Hidden Passions Volume 2
Threshold Volume 2
The Slayer
Testrios 1 - Keeper of the Flame
Testrios 2 - Dangerous Heat
Wicked Wishes

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Last updated: March 5, 2004

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