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Ulterior Motive

Jeff Bell

So subtle the ulterior motive,
not at all, but thought to have
been exercised. Peasant
shoes, peasant clothes, with
all their honesty, give away this
child's obvious hiding place.
But with time’s help always at hand,
its removal of surface beauty
reveals decays initial bloom.
Then the spell is broken,
like the lifting of the Big Top from a
clown’s performance, to expose nothing
more than a tragically poor comedian
standing alone in a field. So just be patient,
be patient, and maybe the truth in some
cases, is only a few years away.

And the audacity of the pain and woe,
showed by bombers one way mirrored
mind, while scorched earth, deformed
insect, nature does best to repair.
But always the wailing of shrapnel met child,
will expose easily the sanitised actor’s world,
because it's well known, popcorn still has to
be sold when watching 2D battle zone.

I Must Have Been Seen?

Jeff Bell

The room’s darkness seemed a good place to be,
it was also damp in here.....absolutely perfect,
I heard noise?.....Voices were approaching!
I squeezed behind a nearby loose edge of wallpaper,
just in time, before the light was switched on!
I could hear them now......real close,
the light hurt my eyes, but I remained as still as death.

All of a sudden the wallpaper was peeled back,
I must have been seen?
A finger brushed against me....I heard a scream,
instantly I dropped to the floor, there was stamping all around me!
But I made it just in time, under the gap beneath the skirting.
I could hear laughter now, people talking real close again,
luckily I'd climbed up off the floor,
as the flash of a knife was run quickly along the gap.

The voices eventually moved away.
Around two hours later, it became quiet again,
They seemed to be leaving? Then the light finally went out.
I could relax now.....it was quite comfortable in here.
I stretched my legs......the heat and the damp felt so good,
I decided to lay my eggs right here......one by one, I gently placed
them together,
seemed like a nice place to raise a family.

In the quiet darkness of the night, now hungry,
I crawled out.....and decided to head for the kitchen,
the cat bowl was full.

Dead Things

Jeff Bell

Being told that you are loved and given all the
words in the world, these words can only be as
beautiful, as a house, a car, or holiday. Because
no matter how heartfelt their delivery, they're
meaningless, once known to be spoken by
someone....who's more in love with dead things.

website maintained by michelle bernard - contact michelle.bernard64@gmail.com - last updated February 9, 2017