Sime~Gen Novels From Meisha Merlin Publishing

Well, the first S/G book I saw was the pb of _House Of Zeor_. The cover was very disturbing and made me think of a rape scene. I thought:"How could a *woman* write such stuff!?" so I put the book back.

Several years later, I was browsing the SF section of a local library.
I had a stack of about six books and saw the hb_First Channel_
The cover was not offensive and the blurb was, quite frankly,compelling.

So I took them home and tried to decide which book to read first. .FC kept
rising to the top of the stack....I was up till 2 AM reading it!
It was fantastic! Once done, I wrote Kerry (now Kerwin) and Karen and
started submitting cartoons.

We met at Darkover and a long friendship ensued. I eventually moved to NC and Kerry is my landlord.  My favorites in the series are the early books, House Of Zeor, First Channel and Unto Zeor Forever and Ambrov Keon.
Mahogany Trinrose I liked the least due to the magic/mystical/esp like
elements. For me, these elements belong in fantasy, not SF and are a major turn off.

JL had cast her lot in with the esoteric community and in the process,
alienated a lot of her more mainstream readers by doing this, in my humble opinion.

My other problem was JL took all the suspense out of the relationships once all Simes accepted transfer.

With the threat of the kill removed, the series became far less compelling
cause there was no suspense, no threat, no danger, no thrill. Simes became too ordinary and Gens as well. It was no different than removing the fangs from a vampire, and for me, doing so, make the series far too mundane.

With politics and magic being emphasized, I became less interested in the

My favorite S/G writers,aside from JL and Jean were Kerry Lindemann
Schaefer, author of The Only Good Sime and Andrea Alton's Icy Nager.
Mary Lou is good as well.

As to the covers, "pretty bad" suites them well. The Rensime cover was
nice, if the tentacles were not coming off the Sime's elbows! Gees,don't the artists *read* these things!?

I think this series has a lot to offer and would enjoy reading more,
especially of stories before the Tecton.

Just my two cents.


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