First Channel, 

Jacqueline Lichtenberg
a Sime~Gen Novel 

 The Fort Freedom Saga


Chapter One  Rimon Farris is in Need again - early.  His father has a theory about why Need keeps striking Rimon early.  It is a serious problem.  People who have this problem tend to die young.  

His father has a solution though, a higher quality Kill - a Gen who's aware of what's happening.  

Chapter Two Rimon returns from a business trip to find Kadi, his sweetheart, has Established as a Gen and been sold to traders taking her to the Reloc Bazaar to be auctioned, possibly as a Choice Kill.  

Rimon saddles up and heads for Reloc without thinking twice.  He takes all the money he can lay hands on.  

Chapter Three In Need and in legal possession of a Gen - who happens to be Kadi - Rimon Farris has the decision about the rest of his life snatched away from him - by Sime reflex and a willful young woman who is the love of his life.  

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