Channel's Destiny 

Jean Lorrah & Jacqueline Lichtenberg
a Sime~Gen Novel 
The Fort Freedom Saga


Chapter One  Zeth Farris, still a child, secure in his world and his future, vows before his two friends Jana and Owen Lodge that he's never going to Kill and sets his life in motion toward his Destiny.  

Hardly are the words out of his mouth than his home is attacked by Raiders.  During the fighting, Zeth is unable to protect his friend Owen, he has to watch while a Raider cuts off Owen's arm so he'll die in Changeover.  

In the midst of intense prayer, Owen Establishes as a Gen, and the Channels are able to save his life -- leaving him a one-armed Gen, and thus unable to become a Companion.  

Chapter Two Zeth must grow up fast and help Owen face his debility, learn to cope with doing things one-handed, learn to get through the grieving, the anger, the frustration.  

Their friendship is strained to the breaking point.  Owen's behavior earns him an invitation to be escorted across the border into Gen Territory where he could presumably build a normal life as a Gen.  

Chapter Three  Zeth's 11th birthday sees him completing his changeover training, learning the secrets of adulthood - and the way to the Gen town just across the border where the Gen children of Fort Freedom can seek refuge among Gens.  Or conversely, the child of the Gen town who Changed Over could seek refuge among the Simes of Fort Freedom.  

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