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Free Reiki Attunement

What is reiki?  That's not an easy question to answer. The standard answer is "healing energy."  But what's that?  I don't really know.  But I do know that most people can feel a reiki attunement, and they describe the feeling as healing or soothing energy.  I don't expect you to believe me. If you've never felt anything like this, it probably sounds like nonsense.

I don't charge money for reiki attunements.  If you find them valuable and you want to send money, then make a donation to the simecenter.


The system of reiki that I use is from John Hicks.  It consists of 9 regular attunements, 3 gold attunements and 1 purple attunement. The regular attunements are for healing and general energy. You can use this energy for yourself or for others. You can use it in person or over distance.

The gold reiki is to relieve depression and worry, and replace these thoughts with optimism and serenity.

The purple reiki seems to be different for each person.

You can request these reiki attunements by clicking the button below.  These attunements must be scheduled at least 10 days apart. And you must keep track of your own attunements. I do not keep records. Each attunement takes about 25 minutes.  They are most enjoyable if you can schedule them for a time when you can be alone and undisturbed. They will work even if you are busy and distracted. The button will pop up an email box. Let me know the dates and times in your time zone that you want these attunements.

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