The Mighty Pen!
Take A Stretch Break

  Mighty Pen Logo, © Ben Caldwell, 2003

"Feel a Stretch Coming On?"


Feel a Pinch Between Your
  • Shoulders?
  • Eyes?
  • Hands?
  • Legs?

It's Stretch Time!

>Stretching--------->The-------------->Possibilities, a community-base group that teaches people how to stretch at work, at play or in between those times when you need a break from whatever pain is annoying you.  It's good for people with whatever type of chronic illness that ails you.

S.T.P. guarentees that you'll feel good with these stretches.

Before doing any New Exercising, please check with your doctor first.

  1. Lift both shoulders up to your ears slowly, count to five, then push shoulders down.  Do it twice on both sides.
  2. Turn head to one side & look over your right (left) shoulder.  Hold for 5 seconds, then return to center and turn head to the left (right) shoulder and hold for 5 seconds.  Do it twice.
  3. Bring hands together in front of chest.  Slowly push your hands out in front of you and hold for a count of 8, then bring back towards chest.  Do it twice.
  4. Bring hands out in front of chest and slowly raise them till your hands are held overhead. Feel the stretch.  Do it slowly.  Do it twice.  Feel the pull.  Hold it for a count of 8.
  5. Clasp hands in back and slowly stretch both arms in back out slowly.  Hold for a count of 8.  Do it twice.
  6. Stretch arms up from behind your head and hold for a count of 10 seconds.  Do it twice.
  7. Stretch arms out in front of your chest and hold for a count of 10 seconds.  Do it twice.
  8. Stretch your right arm up by your side and stretch your left arm down beside your side and hold it for a count of 10 seconds.  Reverse arms.  Do it twice.
  9. Hold your left with your right arm in front of your stomach and pull gently.  Reverse.  Do it twice.  Hold it for a count of 10 seconds.
  10. Behind your back repeat the same stretch (waist level) and do it twice.  Hold it for a count of 10 seconds.
  11. Place both arms behind head with hands clasping and rest in back of head.  Hold for 10 seconds and do it twice.
  12. Lift shoulders up one at a time.  Do twice and hold for 10 seconds.
  13. Repeat stretch with lifting both shoulders up.  Hold for 10 weconds and do it twice.
  14. Turn head first to left, then slowly to turn head to right.  Do 5 times.
  15. Stretch neck off to one side.  Hold for 5 seconds.  Do it twice.
  16. Roll eyes, contort mouth, and flex fingers.
  17. Put bent left arm on left shoulder straight up.  Take right hand and clasp elbow.  Slowly bend to the left side, then to the right side.  Hold for count of 10 seconds.  Do it twice.
    Repeat stretch on right side.  Hold for count of 10 seconds.  Do it twice.
  18. Sitting in chair with left hand on right knee.  Twist to the left side.  Repeat using right hand on left knee.  Twist to the right side.  Do twice.  Hold for 10 seconds.
  19. Lift your left leg and hold for 10 seconds.  Lift your right leg and hold for 10 seconds.  Do it it 5 times.
  20. Press palms of hand together. With palms turn down slowly and hold for count of 5 seconds.  Repeat stretch with palms turn inward with your elbows extended.  Hold the stretch for 5 seconds.  Repeat 5 times.
  21. Push both arms behind your back with hands held together and hold for 10 seconds.  Do it twice.
  22. Stand with palms flat against a wall.  Slowly relax against your arms and rest on a diagonal against the wall and hold for ten seconds.  Then, push against the wall slowly.  Repeat 5 times.

Practice those stretches when sitting long stretches in front of the computer, standing in line at the post office or grocery store, or when you just need a stretching break.