
Jean Lorrah

In "Son of First Channel," I told you how one book turned into two. The Sime/Gen universe is growing geometrically: there are now four books in progress!

First Channel has officially been accepted by Doubleday in final manuscript. Except for "minor trimming" (cross your tentacles!), Jacqueline and I will have no more rewriting to do on that one. Meanwhile, we have submitted the sequel, Channel's Destiny, and work on that is proceeding apace, (This is the state of things as of March 26, 1979.)

However, out of our constant discussions have come plans for two more books, one to go on either side of House of Zeor, to form a trilogy. I will write the first book, Ambrov Keon, which will incorporate and expand on the two Keon stories, "Donation" and "Commitment", that appeared in Ambrov Zeor. It is the story of Householding Keon and Risa Tigue, the junct who stumbles into Keon by accident, stays to disjunct, and ultimately becomes Sectuib in Keon. An exact outline has not been made yet, but the end of this book comes when Keon meets Zeor, or, more specifically, Risa Tigue meets Klyd Farris. Remember orhuen static? Increase it a thousandfold and you've got the idea!

Ambrov Keon, then, is the story of Householding Keon, and should end with the reader's sympathies lying with Keon, just as HoZ ends with the reader wanting to pledge unto Zeor.

Both books end with foreshadowing of disaster to come. If that statement confuses you, as you recall that HoZ has a happy ending, re-read "Channel's Exemption" and Unto Zeor, Forever and then re-read the last chapter of HoZ.

Two oppositions are set up in the first two novels, Keon vs. Zeor and Tecton vs. Distect. In the third novel, written by Jacqueline and me, the differences come to a head. For humanity, it is a triumphant story of the final rout of the Freeband Raiders and the beginning of Sime/Gen unity. But on the individual level it is a tragedy. Hugh Valleroy and Klyd Farris come to a final parting of the ways. Keon almost goes Distect, ultimately opting for the Tecton not because it is the best choice possible, but because it is the least of available evils. And through all of this, Oliver Tigue goes his own Machiavellian way, almost single-handedly destroying the fragile Sime/Gen unity, and causing many of the strictures that make the Tecton so oppressive. If you don't believe a Gen can be junct, wait 'til you meet Oliver Tigue!

These books are years in the future, of course, but if you were worried about the series coming to an end--don't!

© 1979 by Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg. Copyright 1979 by Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg.

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