Jacqueline Lichtenberg's Starred-Cross

Sime~Gen Universe logo by Robyn King-Nitschke


Guidelines for Registering New Householdings

Choose a House Name in Simelan and an English meaning. If you only have an English meaning, list that and you will receive assistance with the Simelan.

List Eddress (E-mail address) and/or Web site(s) where you can be reached.

Chose a channel (or Gen Head of Household) color and one (or two) other colors for the House colors.

Choose a virtue derived from your personal philosophy.

Choose a motto adopted as a principle of behavior.

Choose a fictional, Sime-Gen volunteer function, or actual skill/work/hobby for your Business or Specialty.

List your Head of Household; if appropriate whether Head is Sime (Sectuib) or Gen (Sosectu) if fictional or if the Head relates more closely with the Sime or Gen characters.

List the appropriate Classifications as described below. They are not mutually exclusive and may be combined as necessary.

Provide the date this information was last updated.

Send all information to Registrar of Householdings. Do not include any physical location or address via the internet or on any ListServes. A proposed Household, with physical location/address may also be sent to our Keeper of the Mailing List. Your registration will be acknowledged via e-mail and your household added to the Register.


1. fiction use only - Some registered Householdings like Zeor and Keon have no Ancient membership and exist only in the novels.

2. can be "written" only with permission.

3. local fans - Houses with members and are like small clubs.

4. non local fans - For those who communicate/correspond frequently but do not often meet in person.

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