03/11/99 I really must come in here and update this page more often. Lots of things have happened. Chanel is still maintaining Rimon's Library, which has been moved to Simegen.com. we have also opened and are maintaining the Tecton Archives site. This is the home of a History of the Ancient Tecton project. We are also going responsible for the SMOF site for simegen.com webmasters. Coming, also under Chanel sponsership is the Post Card site. Simgen.com will soon be offering free electronic post cards. And as if that wasn't enough I've been given the position of Webmaster for Simegen.com. So my days are pretty full. Karen MacLeod, Second in Chanel has been busily editing the books for web publication and reprinting. She also conducted the Faithday Ceremony at Darkover Grand Council 1998. Cheryl, meanwhile is busily developing the Romance Writers of Simegen site. 11/28/98 So much has happened since last this page was updated. First and most important Chanel has 2 new members Cheryl Wolverton and Jayelithe. Chanel has acquired webmastership of the Rimon library website, so I will be working on that as time allows. The week of Nov 16, Cheryl Wolverton, Cherri Munoz and I spent a week together at Cheryl's house. We held a Faith Day and Pledge Ceremony. And last, but not least, Karen MacLeod, Second Companion in Chanel is conducting the Faith Day Ceremonies at Darkover Grand Council this year, since I was unable to attend. 7/13/98 A lot has happened since the last time I updated this file. Light of Zeor has been posted. This story is co-authored by Jacqueline Lichtenberg herself. It deals with Kareen's rather reluctant decision to leave Zeor and found Householding Chanel. Cheryl Wolvertion has graciously consented to pledge Chanel and will be doing so in person at DarkOver this year. The Chanel Reference Library has been added to the site. The Library is an archive of questions posed to Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah. Plans for Darkover go forward. At this point it looks like we will be having a rather long ceremony We are planning the standard Faith Day Ceremony, Karen's formal returning of the House to me (as most of you know she ran it for years in my absence), Cheryl's pledge and whatever else you folks want to do. ************************************** First some general information. I'm Marge Robbins, a long time fan of the sime~gen universe, absent for many years. I'm above medium age, happily married with one grown son. In the mundaine world I pay the bills by working as a Computer Operator. Chanel is a House that I created about 15 years ago, primarily to use as a background for my fan fiction. On another page you will find some of my stories. Others are in progress and will be posted here when finished. At Jacqueline's request I am also reviving Householding Chanel Inquirer, a Q&A zine that I used to edit. Issues ONE and TWO are online. Current activities: I am in the process of setting up some new departments. Two new departments will be The Chanel Technical Reference Department consisting of current questions from fans, and The Chanel Technical Reference Library, where questions will go when they are ready for archving. Eventually bunches of them will end up in a future issue of HCI. Chanel is open to new members on a limited basis. I'm looking for writers to help me develop the Chanel corner of the S~G universe. IF you are interested please contact me in e-mail.
UNTO CHANEL FOREVER Marge Robbins, Sectuib in Chanel |