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SYLLABUS for online course
Basic HTML
given by
Marge Robbins,Simegen.com Webmaster

The purpose of this course is to prepare you to design and upload your own web pages. In it you will learn how to use HTML formatting codes to display your words, pictures, and even music to Websurfers. The course will will also cover the mechanics of uploading and linking to other interesting sites on the World Wide Web. As part of the course you will be given the oppertunity to design and upload to Simegen.com some webpages of your very own. Students who sucessfully complete the course will be offered a permanent personal website on our server.

Please read the Student Handbook for instructions on how to register for this class

Click here for  specific instructions for this class. It is very important that you follow the instructions when submitting your assignments.

Take some time during the class to visit some of the  Webmaster Resources available on the internet. You will find the sites listed helpful in completing your assignments


This is an ever morphing outline. Please check frequently for updates.

JAN 15 Class begins. Students may begin work on Lesson 1. You will get a brief introduction to arachnophilia. Then we will cover HTML basic formatting and meta tags.
JAN 30 Lesson 1 is due. Students may begin work on lesson 2. You will learn all about links and anchors
Feb 06 Lesson 2 is due. Students may begin work on lesson 3. You will learn the basics of making a list
FEB 13 Lesson 3 is due. Students may begin work on lesson 4. You will learn how to add images and sound to your web pages
MAR 04 Lesson 4 is due. Students may begin work on lesson 5. You will learn how to do FTP. At this point students will begin to upload their own pages to Simegen.com
APR 16 WE will have our second online chat
APR 17 Lesson 5 is due. Your final exam will be posted at this time. You will have two weeks to complete it. The class will officially end on May 1. Shortly after than all of you who have successfully completed the course by submitting or uploading all the lessons and the final exam, will be offered websites on Simegen.com
MAY 01 The final exam is due and must be posted by 12 midnight central time.