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tara brooch

Saints and the Monster

midgard serpent from tara brooch Two saints are credited with bringing Christianity to Scotland. Saint Ninian, who came about 1600 years ago, and Saint Columba, who came about 1500 years ago, the same time as the first recorded sighting of Nessie. This is also the same time Merlin came to Scotland. While no record exists that Saint Ninian met the Lochness monster, the Tara Brooch (pictured above) is associated with him and it features the carving at left which is definitely a serpent.  Most people think this is the Midgard Serpent from Norse mythology, but nobody knows for sure.

The story about Saint Columba is more exciting.  Saint Columba is recorded as restoring a man to life after Nessie killed him.

A third Christian Saint , Saint Fillan, is also associated with Loch Ness. One story says that the monster was threatening his congregation.  Saint Fillan held up his cross and told the monster to return to the deep.  Nessie obeyed.

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Tara Brooch copy from:

midgard serpent brooch

For more information about Saints Ninian and Columba:

Saint Columba

How an Aquatic Monster was driven off by virtue of the blessed man's prayer.

More on St. Fillan: