Pamela Johnson

Pamela Johnson is a fiction writer, former reviewer and columnist.

Her writing career started over five years ago when she entered a writing contest. Though the story was rejected it challenged her to learn more about writing. Pamela took online classes, found a great teacher and a couple of reputable writing groups.

Pamela views her writing as a journey of self discovery. She feels writing is a passion.
A part of the air you breathe. It is who you are.

A Time To Shine @ Sime~Gen would like to welcome Pamela Johnson and thank her for interviewing with us.



What genres do you write? I primarily write romance fiction in various sub-genres-contemporary, historical, paranormal, ultra-sensual, and mainstream. I have also written several short stories and novellas, as well as articles. I founded and co-edited a non-fiction eighty author anthology, and co-wrote a non-fiction book based on an original creative writing workshop.

Where do you get your ideas?

For my stories? They come from all aspects of life, when I least expect
them,generally. I may hear a snippet of a song, or see a picture, meet
someone--pretty much whenever the muse chooses to smack me with her 2x4 wand<g>

How do you come up with your characters?

In pretty much the same way as above. I dont really have a written in stone "formula' but one thing I ALWAYS check myself on with my characters is *I* must fall in love with my hero by the end of the story. If I haven't , I didn't do my job.

Are they based on real people or pure imagination?

Mostly imagination I would guess, but who knows, what attributes or
idiosyncrasies stick in your mind with all the people you meet or speak to

What books do you have planned for the near future?

Right now I am working on a vampire anthology (Night of Surrender) with two fabulous writers-this is a new romance genre for me, but its been fun to stretch my writing parameters. I also just released my first "ultra-sensual" (Wild & Unruly) novella at Echelon Press. I hope that this novella is the forerunner to a new line for Echelon. I cannot reveal yet all the
specifics, as details are still being worked out, but it promises to be VERY exciting!

When is your next book due out?

Coming in February 2005 will be the long-awaited second book in the Shores of Mackinac series "Winds Of Providence." Tides of Autumn, released in August 2003 was the first. Forever My Love will appear in a Dark Vampire Anthology Night of Surrender and I have another Men of Entice novella, SHAKE MY TREE, coming out in December 2004.

Can we have a sneak summary?

Instead how about a link to a wonderful world where men cater to a woman's
every need?

Do you have any book signings/appearances in the future?

I just completed a two day signing in my hometown and as of now am busy
writing. I am already busy planning for my involvement with the 2005
Romantic Times conference in St Louis in March of next year.

What do you feel makes your books unique or stand out from others in your genre?

I'd like to think that its my "voice" or style. I've been told that my writing is "sensual" SENSUAL now there are alot of incredible sesual writers out there. But I think for those who have read my work alot, there is something there that says its a Pamela Johnson novel.

Do you have a special subgenre and if so what is it?

I'm at a stage where I'm enjoying the craft, as long as its a character-driven romance, with a good story and a happily ever after, I think that makes it special in todays readers market.

Do you have a favorite place that you like to write?

In solitude.

In what order do you write, (Beginning to End; combining parts; in random order; development cycle)?

I think I've done it all. Seat-of-the pants, plotting, gathering , researching, by scenes. The only one I have not tried in earnest , is writing the end
and working backwards, but I know a longtime Harelquin author who writes just like that. Its amazing to me.

Do you feel that the ebook industry affords authors a bit more freedom of expression in their books?

I think that depends on the publisher, not so much whether they publish print or ebook. Though I do believe that **some** small press and **some** ebook pubs do allow their authors to "color outside the box" a bit more than the larger publishers who need to try to keep a tight grip on their place in the reader market.

What do you like about what is/isn't being done to promote authors?

I'm not sure I understand the question, but I will say this. There seems to be a popular misconception that its the publishers responsibility to promote their authors and this simply is not true. Whether small press, ebook, or big publisher, the author STILL has to take an active participating role in the promotional efforts of their books. There are simply too many authors peddling their "wares" out there for a publisher (of any size) to focus on one and put all their advertising dollars into one author.

Do you think that marketing departments have their "fingers on the pulse of readers?"

**Boy that is a hard question and one I am not sure I feel qualified to answer. This industry changes almost on a day-to-day basis. What is "hot" one day can be passe' the next. I think that is why you often hear the more seasoned authors advising new authors to "write from your heart" and not toward the trends.

How do you feel about the review rating system and its affects on public

**If you mean, do readers buy books based on reviews? Then I would say
there are those readers who do buy based on reviews--good or not-so-glowing.

For as many that would buy a book based on a five star review, there is
probably as many that would buy a book based on a system that called it a
"horrid read." If nothing other than out of pure curiosity. There are a
lot of opinions out there.

In what kind of venues can we find your books?

My works are available at,,,( and their international subsidiaries),,, and through Ingrams and Baker & Taylor distributors. (Meaning they can be ordered through any bookseller who uses Ingrams distribution )

What do you feel is the best aspect of the Publishing Industry?

** The diversity. The big , the small, ebook, the enormous talent in all genres. The incredible gift of being able to tell a story and share it with others.

What do you feel could stand to be "tweaked" so to speak?

Much to much to if I could have an ideal world. So I leave the tweaking to those that have that know-how. I concentrate on telling my stories and giving the reader a few moments of pleasure.

With the rise of the E-book publishers and small press, do you think they will be the wave of the future?

** I think/hope that there is room for all. There are so many avenues for
all aspects of publishing in both the fiction and non-fiction realms of
publishing. Certainly to try to pigeon-hole any of them is doing
everyone --readers, writers, and publishers alike--a great disservice, IMO.

How do you think the E-book industry has affected the Publishing industry?

** As in all good things, healthy competiton serves a purpose. Ebooks
provide yet another venue to share the gift of storytelling. Not only that, but it creates a need for better technology, more streamlined publishing, more awareness of our enviroment, being able to reach out across the globe to readers at a much less expense. To not waste tons and tons or paper in an age when recyling everything it seems, has become our country's "mantra."

Is there anything else you would like to add that we haven't covered?

Just that I love to hear from my readers and they can visit me at

Thank you Carol, for inviting me to have this interview!

Recent Or Upcoming Author titles:

Cursed Comes Christmas

Cursed Comes Christmas
Crumbs in Keyboard
The Men of Entice
So Your Muse Has Gone AWOL?
Tides of Autumn
Seasons of Romance
White Eagles Lady

Short Stories

Garden of Dreams
Stranded With Children
Her Captain's Return
Love is Patient
Collin McCarthy's Kiss
I'll Take Mine in a Kilt
A Touch of Heather
Internet Connection

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Last updated: March 9, 2004

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