Unraveled by C.J. Barry

C. J. Barry, an earthbound wife and mother of two, lives with her family and cat in a small town in Upstate New York. While her imagination ranges far into the universe to conjure wondrous worlds and miraculous gadgets, she is foremost a storyteller whose tales chart the infinitely fascinating workings of very human emotions and relationships.

She works as an Information Technology Manager and is an active member of the Romance Writers of America, the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter, and Vice President of the Central New York Romance Writers.

Goldie's Favorites @ Sime~Gen would like to welcome C.J. Barry.




Hi C.J! Thanks for taking the time to talk with us today about your upcoming release, Unraveled. I just to have say that I loved the first book in the series, Unearthed, and this newest release was so much fun to read!

Q: C.J. could you tell us about yourself, why did you decide to become a writer?

A:  Thanks Goldie and Hi everyone!  It’s great to be here.

By day, I work as an Information Technology Manager for a plastics manufacturer. By night, I write futuristics.  In between, I am a wife and mother of two great kids.  When I’m not doing all that, you can find me puttering around in  my garden or throwing a party for some of our friends.

My love of writing started from a love of reading.  I grew up reading science fiction and that passion has stayed with me since.  About six years ago, I picked up my first romance:  Sweet Starfire by Jayne Ann Krentz.  I couldn’t believe that someone had combined SF and romance into one wonderful package.  After devouring every futuristic I could get my hands on, I decided to try to write my own.  Much to my amazement and delight, I found that people who weren’t even related to me liked them!  So I decided to pursue it seriously.  That was five years ago and now I’m having the time of my life.

Q: Tell us about Unraveled.  So did anyone help you come up with the wonderful storyline? Specifically, the wild adventures Rayce and Tru have during the story.

A:  I generally plot my storylines solo.  Not because I don’t want the help but I usually have a very definite kind of story in mind when I start.  With this book, I wanted to include the pyramids on Earth, specifically Cheops which I’ve always been fascinated with.  Tons of research followed.  When I realized I could create a pyramid in the stars, the rest of the story evolved from there.  Plus the idea of crafting six individual and distinct worlds was too good to pass up!  <g>  I wanted them to be very different from each other and played off the Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and Fifth Element theme.  It was one of those stories that took a long time to come together but I was very pleased with it when it was finished.

Q:  We know that Tru's father discovered the artifact, but where exactly did he find it?

A:  Good question!  I left it ambiguous so the reader could decide.  <g>  Tru did not know how her father ended up with the artifact herself and there’s a very good reason for that.  I will say that it was given to him from someone on the outside.  He recognized it as part of the legend and planned to hire Rayce to help him acquire it.  (That’s how Tru found Rayce’s contact information.)  But her father died before he had the chance and that’s when Tru stumbled upon the artifact and developed her own theory.  I don’t want to spoil the story but her father was not what he appeared to be.

Q: You have just contracted for another futuristic, Unleashed, scheduled to be released in May 2004.  Will we be seeing Rayce and Tru in this next installment?  What is the story about?

A: Yes, you’ll hear from Rayce briefly in the next book.  Unleashed is Zain’s story.  He is a stellar cartographer who gets shot down and stranded on a desert planet with a lethal secret.  In order to solve it, he temporarily beams Lacey Garrett, an Earth computer programmer into his ship.  Despite his best efforts, she gets trapped there with her cat.  What they discover together could change Earth, the galaxy, and each other forever.  The mystery of Stonehenge and its origin is a key part of the story. 

There will also be a fourth book in this series featuring Zain’s sister, Torrie titled Unmasked.  I expect that book to be released in 2005. 

Q: So when will Unraveled hit the bookstores? Any upcoming appearances scheduled?

A:  Unraveled will hit the stands September 30th and be available everywhere.

I will be scheduling some signings next month so check my website for updates.  I will definitely participate in a double signing in Massena, NY with my sister Cheri Revai who is also a published author.  She writes ghost stories of Northern New York and has two books coming out this fall. 

Other than signings, I’m giving a workshop on October 25th sponsored by the Southern Tier Authors of Romance chapter entitled “Help I’m Published and I Can’t Get Up.”  I will be posting more information on my website shortly.

Q: It has been such a pleasure to have you with us today C.J.  Any final thoughts for your readers?

A: My pleasure, Goldie.  Thanks for having me. 

To my readers, keep reading!  Your loyal support of the futuristic genre has allowed me and other new authors a chance to tell our stories.  I can’t thank you enough.

And as always, shoot for the stars!

Recent Or Upcoming Author titles:

Unleashed by CJ Barry

Now Available:


Future Releases:

Unleased 5/2004
Unmasked 2005

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Last updated: March 5, 2004

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