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Gina Wisker

Medusa would have
Nurtured snakes – my hair weaves
Catching me? Or you
Trapped and welded
Into a pattern
Caught, netted and
Mapped, tracked
Both sun and moon gaze on
Day into night
Through these skeletal
Muscular forms
But see?
I see from this mask
These cavernous eyes
Seek you out
Where am I?
Behind the swirl of snaky hair
See now
How I have also caught your eye
Cavernous in mine
You too now
Woven in
Unable to escape and I


painting by deena warner

Painting by Deena Warner


Gina Wisker

Come, my sweet new love
let me
bid you welcome!
To the possibilities of so much
Fine, refined, exquisite –
You should come closer now –
enticed by this lady
in red.
Closer and closer –
how I need you to – you
will find
the delicacy and the desire
Arms around me.
A slow dance perhaps.
A slow and eternal
Closer now.
Your hands.
My back—
My cool skin.
The slightest bite.
My fine web.

Oh my love.

painting 'black widow' by deena warner
'Black Widow' by Deena Warner

website maintained by michelle bernard - contact m.bernard@anglia.ac.uk - last updated December 12, 2006