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Mrs. Covert's Spying Lessons

Take Mrs. Covert's Spying Lessons:

Listening   --  Your most important skill as a spy

Hiding Things -- Avoid the amateur's mistakes

Detecting Lies  --  Use the latest scientific research

Following a Suspect  --  Know what clues to collect

Secret Writing  --  There's a lot more to it than invisible ink

Magician's Tricks -- Misdirection, natural body movements, trickery

Creating self-destructing email messages (this link goes off this site to WonderHowTo.com)


Ask Mrs. Covert Write Mrs. Covert. Click here:

Spy Links

Teen Girls Spy Site http://www.geocities.com/spygirls575/index.html
Spy Lingo http://www.spymuseum.org/educate/loe.asp
Interrogation Techniques http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/12/science/12lying.html
Revolutionary War Spies http://www.si.umich.edu/spies/
Spy Museum http://www.spymuseum.org
Women Spies http://www.aboutfamouspeople.com/article1139.html
What is Spying? http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/392/spy/espionage.htm
Spylopedia http://members.tripod.com/spylopedia/master.htm
History of Espionage http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/society/A0858032.html
Female Civil War Spies http://www.plainfield.k12.in.us/hschool/webq/webq56/ctsp1.htm
Men and Women Spies Civil War http://www.dod.mil/news/Feb2001/n02272001_200102274.html


Practice Finding Clues in Photos  http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/inaug/section1.html

This website has photos of presidential inaugurations -- figure out when and where.

Spy School Game http://www.cbc.ca/spynet/spyschool/

you'll need to surf the web to learn many answers to the lessons

Famous Spies http://www.crimelibrary.com/terrorists_spies/spies/index.html
Revolutionary War spies  http://www.surveillance-video. com/revolution-march-2009.html


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