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Dissections logo scissors body by Deena Warner


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner





Loving Your Artificial Head artwork by Will Jacques

Artwork: Loving Your Artificial Head by Will Jacques

The Frankenstein Limericks: Two Brides
David Sandner

The monster demanded a bride.
Victor said, ‘yes,’ but he lied.
The Creature got mad,
said, ‘I'll get you, Dad,’
which he did, so everyone died.

Elizabeth Lavenza Frankenstein
lifted a glass of fine wine,
said, ‘I’m happily wed!
But soon to be dead!’
– a thought she blamed on rot in the vine.


What You Need to Know about Monsters, a List
David Sandner

1. There’s nowhere to hide.
2. It’s already too late.
3. Don’t look in a mirror.
4. The teeth stack in rows behind one another, front to back, and they are all sharp beyond measure.
5. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was doing.
6. If you open the door to the room I told you not to open, whatever you find inside is now yours.
7. Never look back. It’s gaining.
8. You can wash your hands as much as you like, but the blood will not come off.
9. Everything only seems to be okay.
10. What was that noise?
11. Did you think I had forgiven you?
12. No. Please. No. Please. No. Please.
13. Is that the last thing you remember?
14. It’s just not right. It will never, ever be right.
15. The mask does not come off anymore. It is your face now.
16. Why do you say that I am mad?
17. If you cry, they lick the tears from your cheek first with a fetid tongue before they devour you, leaving you time to dream you are somewhere else than here.
18. There is no bottom to the hole.
19. They have eyes that see in the dark. Eyes in the back of their head. Eyes in their nipples and the palms of their hands. I see eyes that lie behind your eyes.
20. I am dead.
21. Did you see yourself crawling out there in the shadows in the woods? Where do you think you were going?
22. If you stay very quiet, they will still find you.
23. Do not kill those you love because you think it will appease them. You do not get to know why you do it.
24. When the dull, yellow eye opens, you must laugh manically at your success. It will be the last time you ever laugh.
25. They claw out of graves to come knock at your door. You can pretend you’re not at home. But how long can the door take the pounding?
26. They smell you.
27. They can steal your shadow and replace it with themselves. Look sideways when you look at your shadow, then you will know what I tell you is true.
28. Do not think. It draws them to you. Stillness and silence!
29. What you need to know is, there’s nothing you can know that will make any difference.
30. Run!
31. Your breathing is the sweet promise of the steaming blood below your sheath of skin, the rich meat of your heart behind your ribs, the delicacy that is your brain beneath your skull.
32. It is inevitable. It is a trap, a dead end you created for yourself. You know this. You will leave a note telling yourself so. You will stain the note with tears.
33. A knife in your hand is a part of your hand now, like an extension of the mind’s desires.
34. The dripping from the ceiling is not water.
35. Oh, god!
36. The wailing in the woods is a baby.
37. Is that what you were crawling towards? Out there?
38. To save it or…?
39. You opened the door! The room was not dark but full of light. Everything could be seen. Every terrible thing you never wanted to see.
40. Hush, now, hush. Everything is going to be all right. Close your eyes and dream of somewhere that is not here. Don’t cry any more.
41. Dream while I lick your cheek clean.
42. Soon, soon, you will sleep and this will all be over.
43. The silence of the grave is your reward. The coldness of your heart, the nothing of your thoughts.


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner
Website maintained by Michelle Bernard - Contact michelle.bernard64@gmail.com - last updated March 7, 2019