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Dissections logo scissors body by Deena Warner


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner





Fish Portrait by Alex Nodopaka

Artwork: Fish Portrait by
Alex Nodopaka

If Wishes Were Camels
Robert Beveridge

Good morning, you angels, you bearers
of bonds. Today's lesson: phlebotomy,
prestidigitation, and the merging of them
into a delicate cranial souffle,
to be eaten only with a brain hook.
They say the Lord cooks in mysterious
ways, can find dozens of uses
for brine shrimp, durian, pigs' fins

Robert Beveridge

The painting
consists of men, shackled
to one another only
with hands. Knuckles white,
fingers clenched
against shoulders, sides,
belts, a procession that stumbles
and trips its way
to the canvas edge,
the rough suggestion of quicksand.

At the top of the painting,
in the distance, a leg
and the bottom quarter
of a red-gold throne.
A hand dangles, eyepatch
just above the ground.
Rare is the picture that laughs


The Thing with Feathers
Robert Beveridge

It's outside your little hut
moves around, peers
in the windows
almost taunts

behind it a ring
of old friends, jilted lovers
a few fraternity brothers
from your college days

you greased the door handle
and stocked up on dry goods
before you moved in

now you and the beast
fight a war of attrition
with the spectators
forever in attendance


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner
Website maintained by Michelle Bernard - Contact michelle.bernard64@gmail.com - last updated March 7, 2019