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Dissections logo scissors body by Deena Warner


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner





Beginning at the End artwork by Will Jacques

Artwork: Beginning at the End by Will Jacques

Hot Sauce
Cindy Kovacik

Steve ate the burger slowly, savoring each bite.
She stood there in the doorway watching in delight.
She knew he didn’t understand. He didn’t have a clue.
He never would have thought that she could do what she did do.
She had smothered it in ketchup because he liked the taste.
Steve licked his fingers as he ate. It wouldn’t go to waste.
The hot sauce she had added last and was careful with her pour.
One drop, two, then three and four, more, it needed more.
The bun was placed perfectly on top. Her creation was complete.
And now she watched him set the empty plate beside his feet.
He looked back at his loving wife and flashed a great big smile.
She hardly ever cooked for him. He knew it had been a while.
As he flipped through all the channels his insides began to burn.
He had a sudden scary thought that made him stand and turn.
As soon as his eyes locked on her, his hands flew to his throat.
He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t scream. Steve began to choke.
His body hit the floor real hard rattling the plate.
She still stood in the doorway. She knew she had to wait.
Finally she knelt beside her husband, placing her hand upon his head.
She knew that she would be happier now that he was dead.
He should have known she would find out. He should have known the cost.
But instead he gobbled up that burger made with lots and lots of sauce.


The Cliff
Cindy Kovacik

She took a step towards the edge of the cliff, her legs controlled her, her arms were stiff.

The air was hot, it was hard to breathe, but her fate was decided, she would not leave.

Her bare feet burned with each new step, tears stung her face and she began to sweat.

The fire rose up, she could see the edge now, the heat singed the hair on her arms and her brow.

But she forced two more steps, as her face winced in pain, and she looked down below towards the mad and insane.

And the demons and devils and monsters in the night, all were below her, all in plain sight.

They danced and they sang and they licked their parched lips, they looked at her longingly, gyrating their hips.

There was blood and guts and the hounds of Hell, ripping though flesh, the air pungent with smell.

They looked up and chanted her name in a rhyme, begging her to step forward just one more time.

Her toes felt the flames as the fire burned bright, she was suddenly blinded by a shining white light.

Her vision became clear as she looked up above, the light, it grew bigger, she felt nothing but love.

There were shrieks from below all in anger and despair, demons scratched out their eyes, mad men ripped out their hair.

Then they all pointed towards her, she took a step back, they raced towards the cliff, they meant to attack.

She could not escape them so she lingered in fear, she looked at the ground and she shed some more tears.

As they reached her, their bloody burnt skin made her freeze, her face sought the light and she whispered a “Please”.

Then a rumble so loud her hands flew to her ears, and a massive tidal wave from the sky did appear.

It rained down on the demons and devils and dogs, it washed everything away, steam created a fog.

She stood tall when it cleared and then looked down below, no fire, no blood, just a beautiful white glow.

Her head shot back up to the hole in the sky, she no longer wondered, she didn’t ask why.

She dropped the gun down on the ground as she turned, “Thank you,” she said, “No, I don’t want to burn.”


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner
Website maintained by Michelle Bernard - Contact michelle.bernard64@gmail.com - last updated March 7, 2019