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Dissections logo scissors body by Deena Warner


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner





Artwork: Taking the Kids to the Tower of Fun by Will Jacques

Artwork: Taking the Kids to the Tower of Fun by Will Jacques

The Devil and the Fair
Richard Hughes


Darkness weighs on the town.
No stars.
They can’t bear to look
as the fairground glowers
like a dirty sunrise
or lights of massed torches lifted
to hail me, Lord of the lords of misrule.

My pockets are full of pennies.
I’ll spend them all.
None will be spared
but you are the only prize I'll claim.

Heat is my element.
On your trail my snout sniffs
its swirls and savoury gusts,
sifts the mix of sulphur, grease
and cordite for your perfume,
your secretions of excitement.

In my element,
I anticipate the soft warmth
of your body, its sweet core
sticky as a bitten toffee apple.

Six quick muted shots eliminate
all rivals. The reward is an effigy
of you I hug under my greatcoat.
When I find you I’ll bury my face
in the candy floss of your hair.
Other burials will follow.

You distract me with circles
of coloured lights chasing, chasing.
They stop at the accordion’s final phrase
but the throb of silenced generators
pulses on in my blood.

My lair is ready.
Before the night sets
the shadow of your body
will disturb the straw bedding
of my dreams.


Dissections logo pterodactyl by Deena Warner
Website maintained by Michelle Bernard - Contact michelle.bernard2@ntlworld.com - last updated March 12, 2015