Sorry that this isn't much better than the "magic directory" listing you'd get if this index.html file weren't here, but if you need any of this stuff, here it is.  If you'd like to download it as a zip file, write me and I'll put the zip files up.

Picture of me in my “lair.”  Actually have my beard and moustache.  2003-06-29, taken by my dad.  (Not all hardware visible.)

Picture of me in my “lair.”  Actually have my beard and moustache.  2003-06-29, taken by my dad.  (Not all hardware visible.)

images  <-----------+- Most of this stuff is my work, except where noted.  Other items may
                    |  have been "webified" by me.
images/banners      |  Banners I've made
images/buttons      |  (Duh)  Buttons I've made.
images/misc         |  Temporary graphics used in creating other art.
images/psp-files <--+  Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop images I use to compile images.
images/source-art      Files in here are NOT my work, but may have been used in creating other items.
images/source-art/triblet01c     Linda's Tribblets © 2000 by Linda.
outside/critique       Work done outside - "Becoming Your Own Critique Partner" banner
pdf/presskit-2003-0310 2003 Press Kit I converted to PDF.
pdf/presskit-2003-0414 2003 Press Kit part two.
temp/awardphotostemp   All the photos I was given from "awardphotos" thumbnailed.
thumbpages/awardphotos     /
thumbpages/historical     /    More
thumbpages/history       /___  pages
thumbpages/worldcon      \     I've
thumbpages/workshopphotos \    thumbnailed.
thumbpages/jlscribbles-hoz \