NorEasCon4 - Boston, MA - 1-7 Sept 2004

Jean Lorrah's Reports

From: "Jean Lorrah" <>
Subject: [Sgstaff-l] WorldCon Report
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2004 11:08:53 -0400

Hi, Everyone!

The so-called free Internet access at WorldCon is worth exactly what you pay for it. The network allows you on-line, but then you are stuck with the slowest connection since the days of 2400 baud, because hundreds of people are trying to use the same network at the same time. That's why you haven't heard from Jacqueline or me before now.

I'm writing this Saturday, having borrowed Karen's computer, and if I can get on-line with Juno from our room, I'll send it. If not, I'll have to wait and send it after I get home early in the week.

As usual, we are having a whirlwind convention. Thursday we worked the SFWA table and had an autograph session at the BenBella table, as well as doing business all day long.

And that day neither of us was on the official programming!

Friday we each had a panel, Jean's "Which Comes First: Character or Setting," and Jacqueline's "Mental Floss," about clearing the mind of other stuff so one can write. We then had an autographing at the SFWA table, and in the afternoon a kaffeeklatsch, where several old friends showed up as well as some new people.

Last night was the Sime~Gen party. Kaires did a marvelous job despite difficult circumstances because the "suite" turned out not to have connecting rooms to allow traffic flow, but was two separate rooms with a tiny entryway that kept being bottlenecked as people tried to decide which room to go into. Nevertheless, the party went well, we gave away some door prizes, and the auction continued to after midnight.

During the height of partying time, about 9pm to midnight, we were constantly crowded, the sign of a successful party! Thank you Kaires, for yeoman work! And thank you to Seannara and the other fans who brought along goodies to share--I'm particularly grateful for the homemade low-carb cookies.

During the course of the evening, several people arrived with the same story: "Sime~Gen? Is this really about that series I loved and lost track of years ago?" They were very excited and happy to learn about the reprints and new books. Stephe Pagel, our publisher, arrived about the middle of the party, to cheers from all sides. We were happy to have him see both how successful the party was, and how excited the fans are to have Sime~Gen books again.

Today is an easier day--Jacqueline has no programming, and I have one panel mid-afternoon, on the Perils of Promotion. Then tomorrow we're hot and heavy all over the program again, finishing with a reading from "Companions" in the early evening.

We're wearing the Zeor and Keon buttons Susan made, which cause many comments. The Zeor button says "You can't kill an idea by killing the people who hold it.--Muryin Farris, Sectuib in Zeor," and the Keon button says, "The best protection of my prosperity is your prosperity.--Risa Tigue, Sectuib in Keon." It's fascinating to watch people's reactions as they read them. A few love both of them, but most of them pounce on one of them as a profound truth and are indifferent to the other button--but each saying seems to reach about the same number of people.

At this point, I'm going to see if I can get a phone connection that will allow me to send this and perhaps clear some of the 1500 or more spams in my mailbox (yesterday it was such frustration to SEE 1300 spams, but not have a strong enough connection to clear any of them because the connection would time out over and over).

Thank you guys for holding down the fort while we're off conning and promoting!


From: "Jean Lorrah" <>
Subject: [Sgstaff-l] I'm home--Jean's schedule this week
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 20:18:16 -0400

After all sorts of frustrating delays during WorldCon, causing Jacqueline and me to spend at least three times as long as we should have on trivial things, today went smooth as silk. My plane from Boston to Cincinnati was actually early, giving me plenty of time to shuttle from one terminal to another for my connecting flight. Into Nashville I was on time, and the shuttle to the parking lot pulled up as I exited the terminal. The weather was perfect and I drove home in record time.

As a consequence, I've already done my con laundry and gotten in groceries.

Tomorrow it's back to teaching, with a vengeance. Drop and Add is over, so we get down to serious business. Tomorrow I have to prepare a History of the English Language quiz, and Wednesday my Freshmen write Theme I, so I will be doing lots of grading through the weekend.

However, I'll be on line, checking mail and handling whatever is necessary. Watch for me on AIM as usual.

Despite various problems for us, WorldCon went very well in general--one of the best-run WorldCons in years. I'm sure all the attendees would like to thank our own Anne Pinzow for all her hard work in the Con Suite!

Now I'm about to clear out spam, hoping there's nothing I have to think seriously about in the mail this evening. I've been up since 5am, and want to go to bed early.


               is the trademark of a fictional universe copyright © by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Jean Lorrah, 
               and Sime~Gen Inc., 1969, 1974, 1976-1982, 1984-1988, 1992-2004 and owned by Sime~Gen Inc.
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