How to Submit Assignments

Hi... Patric here.

All assignments submitted to the Course must be in HTML format, and must be "attached" to an e-mail message addressed to

In the body of your message, please be sure to include your name, the e-mail address you used to join the WORLDCRAFT-L writers list, and your 'by-line'.

In the Subject of your message, please include 'WORLDCRAFTERS ASSIGNMENT' without the quotes. Be sure to indicate the assignment number!
This is to ensure that your submission is properly time stamped and routed to its destination.

Remember that the 'hard deadline' will be strictly observed. Promptly at 6:01 pm Pacific Time, the router will be disabled. This is automatic and requires no intervention from me.
Although its not a requirement of the Course (yet?), it's a good idea to get into the habit of including the title of your piece, the approximate word count, and your by-line which includes your e-mail address.
(If it doesn't have a title, use 'Untitled' instead.)

Some assignments will require additional information, such as whether it has a beginning and ending, etc. Include that information below your by-line.

A sample message is included below:

Approximately 3500 words

By Patric Michael

This work should not be considered complete with beginning, middle and ending.

When your submission is successfully received, an automated reply will be generated.
This reply will be sent to the address from which your message originated.

Please keep in mind that although I do not maintain a 24/7 connection to the Net, this process is largely automated so you should receive a reply within the day.

Please be sure to save your document in HTML format.

When creating the HTML version of your submission, use the "Ordered List" tags to number your paragraphs. This will help facilitate commentary.
If you are unfamiliar with these tags, please read the tutorial at the bottom of the HTML help file.

NOTE: If you are familiar with HTML and intend on adding anything fancy, remember these points. Background colors are fine, but if you use a background image, it must be linked off-site ONLY. Do not point to any image file larger than 50k. Anything that would require the use of a plugin, or any browser higher than Netscape 3.0/IE4.0 should not be used at all.
Also, try to use a common font. Not everyone has them all, and the result may reduce your work to a garble.

Remember to send your final version only. Once your assignment is posted, it cannot be overwritten.
Just as you would not send draft after draft to a publisher (unless requested!) you are expected to submit final revisions only.

Follow these simple steps to ensure your project arrives intact, and that you are properly credited.
We all look forward to hearing from you!


Comments: StudentShowcase@SimeGen.Com
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