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Double Image reviewed by Carol Castellanos

Book Image   Double Image by Jaye Roycraft   Stars Image
Vampire - Romance
ISBN: 1893896668
Publisher: Imajinn Books
Date: July 20, 2001
Distribution: Trade Paperback

This is the beginning to a new vampire series by Jaye Roycraft.

This story is set in Natchez, Mississippi. Tia Martell was a police
officer that had seen way too much of the dark side of crime. Nightmares
of what she has seen on the job had become so terrible that Tia had to
leave the force. After leaving Tia decided to put her photography skills
to work as a free-lance photographer in order to shoot pictures of the live
rather than the dead. 

While in Natchez, Tia meets a very handsome, sexy, yet elusive man, who just
will not consent to having his picture taken. This in itself sets her senses
off, then when she witnesses a man hit by a car, then finds out her is an 
detective digging up information on this man her senses are singing loudly. 
Tia thinks she may just have the bargaining chip she needs to get this elusive
man named Dallas Allgate to allow her to take his picture. Tia has pictures 
of the man's hit and run and of the car that hit him. 

By striking the bargain she did with Dallas, Tia learns much more then she
wants to about Dallas. Dallas Allgate is not what he seems. He is not just
an elusive man, he is a creature of the night, and worse there is another one
out there that wants him dead. This other vampire has no qualms about hurting
anyone else to achieve his goal. Tia gets pulled into this vendetta between
two beings she never even knew existed, and almost loses her life. Some call
them creatures of the night. Some call them vampire, whatever you call them
they are dangerous and one is out to kill the other. Which is forbidden of 
their kind, one of the few rules they have is to never kill another vampire. 
For this reason local vampire authorities send in an enforcer by the name of
Drago to warn both vampires should one kill the other to be ready to face the
consequences. These consequences may very well mean death to the victor.

This leaves Dallas with quite a few problems. Who is this other vampire?
Why does he want him dead? What does is he to he do about his growing feelings
for Tia? Should he have to kill this other vampire in order to save his own
life what happens then? Will this enforcer kill him? Is it even possible for
any of this to end well? Tia too faces a few questions. She too has feelings
for Dallas so what but should she after all he is a vampire. Could a vampire
actually love, and if he can what kind of future could they have?

I liked this book and am very interested in reading the second to the series.
Copyright © 2000 Carol Castellanos All Rights Reserved.