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Come The Night reviewed by Carol Castellanos

  Come The Night by Angelique Armae   Stars Image
Vampire - Romance
ISBN: 158697369X
Publisher: RFI West
Date: 2001
Pages: 114
Distribution: E-Download Only

This is the story of the descendents of the Grigori, the angels cast out of
Eden for having relations with humans.  It is also the story of the Dark Breed
the offspring of those Grigori that did not repent their sins.  The same 
offspring the beast of the Nephillim brought across into the life of a vampyre.

Though there is a tribe called the New Breed, these are vampires that do
not drink blood and strive to redeem their soul.  The head of the tribe is
married to a tracker, those humans that hunt and kill the Dark Breed and the
Vampyre alike.  Though they don't much like the New Breed they do live in
peace with them as long as they do not drink human blood.

The strongest among the New Breed are able to walk in the daylight.  Lazarus
their leader is one of these beings.  All his life Lazarus has been watched
over by his uncle an angel and his mother one of the New Breed like himself.
During this story we see the trials and tribulations that Lazarus as one of
the New Breed and Neomina a tracker must go through.  As if their life isn't
hard enough there is a killer out there that wishes Lazarus dead and
no one knows who or why.  The twists and turns will keep you reading to the end.

Personally I liked this story and hope to see more by this author.  Though
I have seen the Grigori used before this is a new take on the Grigori and
the Vampire.
Copyright © 2001 Carol Castellanos All Rights Reserved.