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Making Scenes reviewed by Carol Castellanos

Book Image   Making Scenes by Adrienne Eisen   Stars Image
Humorous Erotica
ISBN: 0970351704
Publisher: Alt-Xpress
Date: April 2002
Pages: 200
Distribution: Trade Paperback

This is a book told from one young woman's view of life as she sees it.
Mostly it is the woman's view of her life. She describes everything
from her boyfriends and her sex life to her eating disorders.

This book is told directly by the person. It is told in bits and
pieces from her life. From the beginning it is not your typical read.
Some may find it sexually explicit others may find it funny, but all 
will find it different.

Some parts tended to confuse me while others seemed confusing to the
person telling the story. Some people may find parts of the book 
objectionable and others well they may just love it. 

The woman in the book describes how she sees her relationships with
her family to her friendships, which by the way are almost nill. 
This person even describes her confusion over whether she is lesbian
or straight. At times I found the lady quite self-absorbed and selfish.

I personally found that it became very hard to keep up with the ever
changing opinions and relationship issues this woman went through.

I found this book not quite what I expected.

Copyright © 2002 Carol Castellanos All Rights Reserved.