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The Book Of The Dark reviewed by Carol Castellanos

Book Image   The Book Of The Dark by WILLIAM MEIKLE   Stars Image
Vampire - Horror
ISBN: 158898172X
Publisher: GreatUNpublished.com
Date: 2001
Distribution: Mass Market Paperback

This is a new and unique look at how vampires were created 
and what they really are.

We begin our tale in Glasgow, Scotland with a pregnant woman and husband
on a get away.  They encounter a being unknown to them. He is something 
they've never seen before.  This is a being of pointed teeth and death in his
eyes. He has a lust for the woman that won't be denied.  Lust driven the 
thing attacks the woman and infects her with his evil.  Though he husband
is able to kill this thing it is too late. His wife has gone into labor and is giving
birth to their child.  A child that too has been infected as a matter of fact the
minute the morning sun strikes the child he burns up to nothing. There is
where we are left as the man passes out.

This is when we are to see The Book: First Book Of The Dark. This is a book 
similar to the bible, only it has a story of those children that god created prior
to Adam and Eve. These children though before Adam and Eve were damned
by their own actions. Though God gave them a command not to eat meat a 
serpent spoke to the female and convinced her that the blood of a living being
is not meat.  Not only did the female tear flesh with her teeth and drink of blood
she went into a wild frenzy and attacked her mate. The blood of Yoriah and 
Eriah fell upon the clay of earth. Wherever this blood mingled a new race 
called the Eldren sprang up. 

These Eldren slaughtered many of God's creatures. For this reason they
were condemned by God to the darkness and an eternal thirst for blood
until the day of Judgement. 

Strange things have begun to happen lately. First Billy and Tony got to 
an abandoned house to look around.  This is a house rumored to have a
very strange past.  Some of these strange stories was told to Billy by his
crazy grand-father. When Billy and Tony go into the house they find an 
entrance to the cellar. Once there they find another entrance and find 
much more then what they expect. A strange being attacks and kills 
Tony. Billy is able to get away but no on believes their story. Tony's
father just considers him a run away.

Months later a boy is killed at school in front of Billy by this same
being. Something evil has infected their town and no one is safe. 
Something has begun to convert many people in the town to vampires 
or something similar. There is much more in town happening then just
deaths and those returning from the dead.  There is astruggle of good 
and evil. There is a struggle even amongst the vampires. Those who 
wish to follow the way of good and those who believe they should 
rule humans the way they were meant to.  After all these beings were
created before humans. 

The Book Of The Dark is actually the bible for the vampires/Eldren
the first children of god.  Not only are those that wish to follow the 
book in danger but so are humans. 

What will happen if the evil Eldren conquer and rule? Who will be left? 
Will anyone be able to stop them? If so what does this mean for the human race?

This is a story that puts vampires in a whole new light. 
You will want to add this book to your vampire collection. 

Copyright © 2001 Carol Castellanos All Rights Reserved.