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The Moon Runners reviewed by Martha von Redlich

Book Image   Moonrunners by Mary Lennox   Stars Image
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publisher: RFI WEST
Publisher's Web Site: www.rfiwest.com
Publishing Format: HTML, PDF, MS READER
Price: $4.95 Author's E-mail: 103103.1751@compuserve.com

Macedonia in the year 1350 B.C. was the 24th year of King Kryton's reign. His only son Melanion was home finally, but he wasn't happy at all to find his father rubbing his hands in happy anticipation of their invasion and subjugation of neighboring Thessaly. On her deathbed, Melanion's Thessalian mother had begged him to take care of her country.

Finding his father enthralled by the wicked general Polymus, Melanion argued in vain against the invasion of Thessaly. Finally, he slipped off to the mountains to mentally come to grips with his problems. His vow to his mother was paramount, but how could he oppose his father?

He begged the Gods to show him the way, give him a sign. As he sought guidance, he saw a beautiful stag standing before him. This was his sign! Imagine his horror when the stag leaped away when an arrow flew towards him.

In Thessaly, the Princess Atalante struggled with her own demons. Her royal parents urged her to marry one of her many suitors, but she refused. Her frail younger brother Hyperion would be unable to rule when the time came because it was doubtful that he would even live to his majority, so she trained rigorously to be the warrior her father needed. She had dismissed the idea of marriage and children because she felt herself too scarred to attract the kind of man who could successfully court her. At a very young age, she had been chosen by the Goddess and had been marked as a result. So she didn't have to look at her disfigurement, she had banned all mirrors from her presence.

Feeling the pressures building, she escaped to the mountains to train hard for the games coming up. She had to win. Headed for her secret cave, she came upon a handsome stag at a pool in the forest, so she nocked an arrow and let fly, but when she rushed to her fallen prey, it was a handsome young man who had been pierced by her arrow. She got the arrow out and then took him in search of help, riding double on his horse who had been tethered nearby.

Taking refuge at a small farm over the line in Macedonia, she gratefully welcomed the help of the healer. She accidentally overheard them talking about the young man she had wounded and discovered he was the Prince of Macedonia, Melanion, and also realized they knew she was the Princess of Thessaly. They prevailed upon her to stay until the prince was able to travel and after some weeks, they went back to the cave which each had thought was a special place, unknown to anyone else. Melanion told her that he had been dedicated to the goddess Artemis as a baby and she told him that she had been, too. They went together to the altar in the woods and prayed to the Goddess for guidance. The king stag came out of the woods and his breath swirled the two cut locks of their hair into one permanent blend of the reddish gold and dark. Melanion knew that the Goddess meant for them to be as one and he led Atalante to a bower and they became one in body as well as spirit.

Wanting to learn about Thessaly and its people, Melanion went home with Atalante and was enchanted by the happiness and prosperity of the kingdom. Her parents and younger brother greeted her return with hugs and affection and Melanion was warmed by the affection. There was nothing like this in the royal family of Macedonia. He stayed on and his regard for this country grew. He was horrified at the thought that his father and his cruel general Polymus would pillage, rape, and murder their way to this pleasant city and destroy everything. What could he do to save them, but without committing treason against his father?

Ms Lennox has created fully dimensional characters about whom we care and we suffer with them through their sorrows and doubts. She has drawn for us the ancient world in which they live and made it real. You'll read fast as the plot twists and darts into seemingly blind alleys until you are sure there is no solution for Melanion and Atalante. Ms Lennox is a superb storyteller and the ending is a masterpiece of resolution. I really liked this book.

Copyright © 2001 Martha von Redlich All Rights Reserved.