Nessie and the Viking Gold reviewed by Marge Robbins

Book Image   Nessie and the Viking Gold by Lois Jean Wickstrom and Jean Lorrah   Stars Image
Genre: Fantasy Children's fiction
Publisher: Gripper Products
Publisher's Web Site:
Publishing Format: HTML, PDF,
ISBN 0-916176-21-5
Price: $2.95
Author's E-mail: Lois Wickstom
Author's E-mail: Jean Lorrah

Nessie and the Viking Gold is a wonderful tale of the loch Ness monster. Only she's not really a monster but a very delightful sea serpent with a fondness for children. The story opens as Linda and her older brother Craig arrive with their parents at Mrs. Carmichael's Bed and Breakfast on the shore of the Loch.

Almost immediately they meet Ann, whose father is determined to find Nessie by scientific methodology. Ann and Linda become instant friends. Through Ann, Linda soon learns that her favorite singer Portia is giving a concert at Urquhart Castle on the shore of Loch Ness. Linda is delighted and immediately sets about trying to get her mother to agree to let her go to the concert. But her mother refuses.

Things get complicated when the girls learn that vibrations from the concert will probably destroy Nessie's grotto deep in the loch under the castle. Not only do the girls have to figure out how to get to the concert, they have to find a way to stop Portia's music from destroying the grotto.

This is an excellent tale for children of all ages. The writing is top notch, the illos adorable. I recommend this one highly.

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